How did you gain the weight?



  • I finished college and I was no longer so busy that all I had time to do was study and sleep. I started working and was happy and allowed my self to become the nurse who eats when she is bored as well as fall victim to the easy greasy food you can get from either the cafeteria or takeout. I also keep telling myself when I get on the scale "thats not bad. I can loose that quick" I was in denial. I am trying to break that mentality. I work as an oncology nurse and see sad cases all the time. I want to live a long happy healthy life for myself and my family. I can not preach health If I am not healthy myself.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    had a child, eventually lost the weight (3 years later) and then just ate too much and was lazy. Never really had a reason to get into super good shape but now I do.
  • I ate too much.
  • lfrazza
    lfrazza Posts: 14 Member
    I had been so on track, not really loosing many pounds but working out so I was finally seeing a difference in my stomach (my problem area) tore my meniscus (in my knee) had surgery that did not help much and couldn't do my usual work routine and threw in the towel and drowned my sorrows in bagels and butter!
  • soulsnette
    soulsnette Posts: 35 Member
    Depression, stress, and overeating post graduation
  • notoriousjess
    notoriousjess Posts: 4 Member
    Baby weight! No matter what I did this pregnancy I just gained and gained for total of 70lbs. Now I have a beautiful new baby but 50lbs to loose.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I have a trifecta of reasons:

    1. I got married and went from a situation where I walked everywhere I went (miles and miles a day) to being in the suburbs and driving everywhere. I always had a tendency to gain, but the walking kept me in the normal range.

    2. Baby. I had gained 30 or so pounds before I got pregnant and then gained another 30 while I was pregnant.

    3. Depression/emotional issues. I gained the last 35 or so pounds when I stayed home for a year after my son was born. I was frustrated and bored and ate and ate and ate. I stopped gaining when I went back to work.

    Then I had about 20 years of inertia before realizing that I'm middle aged and if I want to see grandchildren I need to be healthier.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    3 babys in 4 years. i wasnt exactly watching my sweets intake either.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I ate a surplus of 30-50 calories every day over the course of about 18 years and gained about 3 pounds per year.
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Junk , Junk, and more Junk food..........So, yeah,too much food.....and I stopped running.
    Pints, half gallons, of icecream in one sitting probably 2-3 x's a week. Bags and bags of
    M&M peanuts. No "real" food for days.
    I think it was stress.
  • At first I gained when I quit smoking g. I started eating more. Then I lost a lot of that weight in Weight Watchers. Then I got sick and had to go on medication. The medication causes increased appetite (I am always hungry) and weight gain.
  • sschwartz13
    sschwartz13 Posts: 2 Member
    I gained weight by eating whatever I liked, while ignoring the consequences. If I wanted starbucks, mcdonald's, red robin... I'd eat it. Multiple times a week. I guess, I hoped it wouldn't count, but was only kidding myself!
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    being greedy and just eating whatever tasted good
  • got dumped by my boyfriend so started drinking. all day everyday for 6 freakin months.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Comfort in my relationship helped me put back on almost half of what I lost.. along with a series of "I'm-gonna-start-eating-healthy-soon-so-I-gotta-stuff-my face-with-everything-every-day-until-then" days. Doing better now, though. I think not having a scale is a big downfall for me. I'm on the weigh often side of the fence, I know a lot of people say to only weigh here and there, but weighing daily keeps my focus. I start my day on the scale and work the rest of the day to make the number change.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i gained weight by bad eatting habits and med for anixiety and depreshion. i got type 2 diabeties because it all
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    I've been big all my life, but I gained the last 40 lbs by working at McDonald's full-time and them giving me free lunch (but not allowing the lunch to be any of the salads...:angry: )
  • I was small as a kid and ate what ever I wanted. At 12 years old I stopped growing tall (5'9" at 12 years old) and started growing out. I went from 150lbs to 250 over summer holidays. Spent my life loosing and gaining and never really understanding how to keep it off. Had my son when I was 19 and kind of gave up on myself. My son is now raised and moved on and after recieving a hip replacement 3 months ago I now have a new lease on life!!! Finally gonna get this right :)
  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,507 Member
    My default diet is the "See-Food" Diet... I see food and eat it. :smile: That's how. But now I'm MFP for life AND try to eat healthy.
  • Part of it was going from an active lifestyle to a desk job. Being a bouncer sucked financially, but I was a lot more active. I was right about where I needed to be. 300-320lbs on my 6'8" frame. Then I got lazy, and stopped working out, and ate more, lather, rinse, repeat. By 2006 I was about 490lbs and was miserable. Then after losing our 2nd daughter to SIDS, I pretty much tried to eat myself to death. I ballooned up to over 600lbs, my health was failing me, my marriage fell apart and I was sick, miserable and alone. The thing that saved me was my first daughter, at 5 years old, climbing into my lap and asking me if I was going to die from being fat and that she didn't want me to die.
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