Have you always been overweight?



  • nlespier
    nlespier Posts: 47 Member
    Growing up I was always the thin one if my family. I watched my mom and sister battle with their weight and honestly never thought anything of it. When I was in high school I gained like 30lbs while I was dating my "first love" because he always ate (he was a football player) so I felt like I needed to eat too. But after we broke up I lost that weight plus more pretty fast. It wasn't until I hit my 20's that I started packing on the pounds. I went from 150 to 250 in about 18month to 2 years. Honestly it wasn't until after I had my first baby (at 28) that I realized that I had gotten SO heavy. I've been struggling ever since to get the wight off. The smallest I've gotten is 205. But I seem to gain REALLY easy. I just had my 2nd baby (she's 7 months today) and I'm back up into the 250's and I can't seem to lose anything even with healthy eating and exercise.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    I was skinny until 30 ... in my late teens I made efforts to put weight on !! When I got to 35 , with lack of exercise the weight started to pile on. Top weight was about 195 , but for a naturally tall and thin person suddenly having a 39" waist it was a bit of a suprise

    Nowadays I am working on my fitness , belly is down to 33 and fitness is improving

    but I think as we age, if we're not careful it can sneak up on you.

    So no, bulk of my life has probably been nearer underweight than over. 2 years of being an overweight big belly was enough and steps were taken. Now it's more aiming at maintenance as soon as I work out my bf% and see how close I can get to a healthy range
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I was practically underweight at 5'6 110 pounds until 18 months ago. Now I'm 165. I think it can be hard to lose for both lifelong strugglers and we shocked ex-skinnies!
    Wow. That's quite a bit in such a short time.

    I'm also 5'6". I graduated high school at 95. Finished college at 125 and then gained another 25 over about 10 years.

    Did you have a baby? College? Medication? wow. sorry to ask so many questions, but it seems like such a lot in such a short time.
    It sure is a lot in such a short time....I'm still in shock!:sad: And it's almost all belly fat....from a 24 inch waist to a 37 inch one. No baby, college was 9 years ago, no medication. As far as I can tell, I turned 30, started a sedentary job, and started really enjoying snacks! My thyroid checks normal.....I've just really hit the food lately!
    30...ahh... yeah, it seems for some of us women we see these metabolism drops every ten years or so. I had one around 30 too.
    Bummer! What's your goal weight? I ultimately got up to 156, and then said enough was enough and got to 132 and have stayed basically there for the last decade or so. (But at 45 it got harder again lol).
    You can do this! Walk more, move more, cut back on the snacks. You can do it!:drinker:
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Also it doesn't help with the fact that when I go to the doctor they always tell me that I'm healthy (LDL, Blood pressure, etc etc). Thus the second reason it is hard to get motivated.

    I have this exact same issue with the doctor. I'm perfectly normal for blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels, etc. So when people are like "Just be motivated to lose weight for your health" I always want to mention that I AM healthy. I'm just also fat, which comes with a whole host of other mental concerns and embarrassments.
  • plsgtfit
    I was extremely scrawny until I was about 17...mostly because my Mum didn't feed me very well and I was malnourished. When I left home for Uni when I was 18 I slowly gained weight as was drinking a lot and eating take aways all the time I had no idea about nutrition!!! When I got to graduation year when I was 21 I had reached 180lbs but I didn't care too much as I had a partner (who I'm still with) who loved me for who I was. Since having my Son when I was 24 I went up to 223lbs :( I have now though lost 36 pounds (22lbs on my own and another 14lbs thanks to MFP) I don't want to be obese let alone overweight anymore!!! I have another 8lbs until "overweight" and then it's a long road to ahead to "normal" BMI.....another 39lbs to go eeeek
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I was practically underweight at 5'6 110 pounds until 18 months ago. Now I'm 165. I think it can be hard to lose for both lifelong strugglers and we shocked ex-skinnies!
    Wow. That's quite a bit in such a short time.

    I'm also 5'6". I graduated high school at 95. Finished college at 125 and then gained another 25 over about 10 years.

    Did you have a baby? College? Medication? wow. sorry to ask so many questions, but it seems like such a lot in such a short time.
    It sure is a lot in such a short time....I'm still in shock!:sad: And it's almost all belly fat....from a 24 inch waist to a 37 inch one. No baby, college was 9 years ago, no medication. As far as I can tell, I turned 30, started a sedentary job, and started really enjoying snacks! My thyroid checks normal.....I've just really hit the food lately!
    30...ahh... yeah, it seems for some of us women we see these metabolism drops every ten years or so. I had one around 30 too.
    Bummer! What's your goal weight? I ultimately got up to 156, and then said enough was enough and got to 132 and have stayed basically there for the last decade or so. (But at 45 it got harder again lol).
    You can do this! Walk more, move more, cut back on the snacks. You can do it!:drinker:
    When I first started, my goal weight was 110, where I started. However, I'm getting older, I think my metabolism really dropped, and I just like food too much! I've switched my goal to 140-145, which seems more reasonable for a 31 year old.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Not yet, but getting close to my goal! I think it is hard going from being overweight to healthy, but the way I started to view it is that each lifestyle change and day that goes by is a surprise - you don't have any idea how you're going to look at your goal weight, and that is exciting! The day I bought a size 8 skirt at Express, I cried... never thought I'd get there.

    You'll see small victories every day - being able to cross your legs, seeing your collarbone for the first time, wearing a size 7 ring (instead of a 10), buying a size 18 instead of a 20, not being plus-sized anymore, even wearing a smaller shoe size. I jumped for joy the day I unsubscribed from the Lane Bryant email list - clothes were too big! I never thought I'd take for granted buying size M/L clothes, but it's a way of life now (I even bought a XS dress at Gap last year - it was a little small and the dress ran big, but I couldn't resist it!).

    So take it day by day. You'll have good days and bad days, days when you splurge, and days you don't exercise. But if most of them are solid, you're in good shape and you'll feel a million times better. Good luck! :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    When I first started, my goal weight was 110, where I started. However, I'm getting older, I think my metabolism really dropped, and I just like food too much! I've switched my goal to 140-145, which seems more reasonable for a 31 year old.
    Yeah 110 might be tough. I settled at 130-135. 140ish seems totally do-able.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I was overweight or obese from the age of 17-18 to 28. I was in the 200s and obese for most of that time. Almost every one in my family is obese and I honestly had gotten to the point where I thought I was just always going to be obese and that I should just accept it. But then I changed my mind and committed to losing weight so I'd feel better physically and mentally. Good luck :flowerforyou:

    ETA I've been at my goal weight (130s) for 11 months.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I'm not quite at my goal weight (10-15 pounds to go) but I have been overweight all of my life and am currently smaller than I've ever been at my adult height. It hasn't been too terribly hard for me. I had to make some adjustments to my lifestyle by adding exercise and moderating what I eat but once I set my mind to it, the pounds came off pretty easily.

    Some things that helped me:

    Stop making excuses, especially the one about having always been overweight. I saw a quote earlier this year that really opened my eyes to the number of excuses I had in my brain, "If it's important you'll find a way, if it's not you'll find an excuse." Very, very true statement.

    Challenge yourself. Don't say you can't do something. Try it first and see if you can. I hadn't run since I was in middle school. I thought I hated running. In February of this year I tried it. I've since done three 5K's and run about 5 miles a week. It's one of the most freeing activities I've ever done.

    Let yourself be hungry from time to time. I had a fear of being hungry so I ate continually and always thought about what I would be eating next. I started this journey with a juice fast (I don't recommend this for everyone, it was what I felt I had to do) and felt hunger for the first time and realized that it wasn't anything to be afraid of.

    Do not let the scale be your only measure of success. I have had periods of up to 6 weeks with no weight loss but because I was also measuring inches, body fat, time I could run without stopping, clothing size, etc. I always felt successful and it motivated me to keep going.

    If I can do this so can you!
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Hi all! :)

    I've noticed that a lot of people on the site have been healthy at one time, but have gained weight. Other people have been overweight their whole lives, but most of these people seem to be at the relative beginning of their journey.

    It seems like losing weight is more difficult for someone who has never been a healthy weight, than for someone who once was an athlete.

    Is there anyone here who has ALWAYS been overweight (like me), but has reached and maintained their goal weight? I would love the motivation!

    Thanks guys!

    I was underweight when I was like 3 years old? I was plump at elementary school already and I got fat when I was 8 because I catched a bad respiratory disease and they put me under cortisone. I've always been chubby until then but I got very overweight when I was around 18 I think. I've never had the chance to be skinny or normal sized in my life and I don't know what it means, but I've still had different periods. I don't think I could ever see myself skinny and I don't think that I will ever get rid of the consequences of having been fat though :(
  • kjg1965297
    I have been overweight since I was 14. It has always been the thing that shattered my self confidence and self worth. Not only did it do that but I lost my Kidneys due to high blood pressure and was a type 2 diabetic (start of) I received another kidney from my sister but continued to struggle with weight. I finally joined MFP and I am on my way. I bring tears to my eyes to see my successes. I am now required to take no diabetic medication and I have eliminated 4 more medications for blood pressure.

  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    YES,. that's part of the reason I'm so frustrated about losing, hitting a plateau, gaining some back in hopes of losing again and remaining stuck at the weight gain
  • jennybennypenny
    jennybennypenny Posts: 90 Member
    I wasn't overweight as a child, but became overweight when I hit puberty. I weighed more when I was 13 than I do now. That's weird to think about. I got down to 131 when I was 16-17 by an unhealthy VLCD, and then somewhat slowly gained it back over college and into adulthood to my high of 178 (or more, but that's the last time I weighed myself before losing). Over the last two years I've been working on my relationship with food and learning more about fitness and nutrition.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I have been thin three times in my life.

    Before I started school.
    Around 11 and 12 when my mother drug be kicking and screaming through WW hell
    In my early twenties when I did the alcohol diet

    I think suffice to say that I haven't been a healthy weight since age 13.

    What I tend to believe is that the longer we've been doing something badly, the harder it is to do it the right way, regardless of what we may know.
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    I was a skinny kid growing up, and as an adult I was always "average." Never wore anything larger than a medium.
    In the early 2000's, I gained quite a bit of weight, but in 5 months time, I took it off. I lost 72lbs, and yes it was a "fad diet" and one I will never go back to again :noway: :noway: Not Atkins, something totally different.

    I kept the weight off for some time, until my dad had a massive stroke which nearly ended his life. As an only child, the pressure and stress was put on me. I ended up becoming a care giver for my dad, and now BOTH my parents. Though I am determined to lose this weight once again, and FOR ALL. And get on with MY life. So far I am doing pretty good! Just counting calories, exercising, and watching carbs == though this week for some reason has not been too good for me!! - This is a place I have never been in my entire life, and I promise you, Lord willing, I will NEVER be back here again. I miss my "old life." This life now is so foreign to me, almost like something from the twilight zone. It is so surreal, I can't believe how it happened, I just know that it DID.

    EDIT to ask a question to the poster above me ^^ ^^ ^^ "the alcohol diet.." = what was that? I've heard of a lot of programs but nothing like that...
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    ... than for someone who once was an athlete.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I put on weight after 30, no one ever accused me of being athletic, EVER, not even when I lost weight a couple of times as an adult, and if you check my diary I am still not athletic. Besides my sinus/bronchitis infections, I have always be healthy, I have a half sister who is a cancer survivor (she has never been fat/overweight) , and another with a chronic colon condition.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    No. I didn't get overweight until I joined the military and was forced to work out. That's what you call irony.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I was always overweight growing up even though I don't remember ever really having too many sweets/fatty food around the house. I got down to 165 lbs during my junior year of high school and that is the smallest I can remember being.

    After high school, I got up to 263 lbs and was on high blood pressure meds/pre-diabetic before I started taking it seriously again. I had the Gastric Sleeve performed in April 2011 and I am currently down to 180 lbs. My goal weight is 160 so I have 20 more lbs to go!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I have ALWAYS been at least 10 pounds overweight! Since I was 14 I remember going up and down the roller coast between 164 and 220 pounds. So I have no idea what it feels like to be in great shape! I don't know which one is harder! In my case it's wanting what I've never had or felt, but for those who used to be in shape, they know what it feels like and they probably want it back pretty bad!