October 2013 Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • +6 Km this arvo

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    A quick post here...lol...then I'll get to work updating the spreadsheet. :smile:

    Well, my dear friends, today was a real* mixed bag of stuff. Some good, some not so good....but thankfully the day has been gently brought to almost a close on several good, happy notes. I won't bore you with the details of it all, but bottom line....life is okay.

    I finally experienced a couple of hours of zero pain in my knees...most notably (and definitely most welcome!) on the way walking into the gym tonight for my run! I also had my longest run/walk in recent time of 4.0 miles. My running form feels stronger and more fluid and I think I'm right on the edge of some dramatic improvements. Very exciting. I have to attempt to contain my enthusiasm tho and not overdo it and injure myself as I have in the past. :) Just have to practice the "Don't increase my mileage more than 10% per week" rule.

    Anyway, I said this would be quick... :laugh:... but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell all of you how much I've enjoyed the chance to hang out with you and share some laughs while we celebrate each other's successes and offer comfort and/or encouragement when someone is struggling. We're ALL the stronger for it. I don't know about you, but most of the time, I feel like I'm being carried along from the energy here.

    Soooo....THANKS. Really. :flowerforyou:

  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member

    Scary kitty!
  • tam6van
    tam6van Posts: 1,089 Member
    A quick post here...lol...then I'll get to work updating the spreadsheet. :smile:

    Well, my dear friends, today was a real* mixed bag of stuff. Some good, some not so good....but thankfully the day has been gently brought to almost a close on several good, happy notes. I won't bore you with the details of it all, but bottom line....life is okay.

    I finally experienced a couple of hours of zero pain in my knees...most notably (and definitely most welcome!) on the way walking into the gym tonight for my run! I also had my longest run/walk in recent time of 4.0 miles. My running form feels stronger and more fluid and I think I'm right on the edge of some dramatic improvements. Very exciting. I have to attempt to contain my enthusiasm tho and not overdo it and injure myself as I have in the past. :) Just have to practice the "Don't increase my mileage more than 10% per week" rule.

    Anyway, I said this would be quick... :laugh:... but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell all of you how much I've enjoyed the chance to hang out with you and share some laughs while we celebrate each other's successes and offer comfort and/or encouragement when someone is struggling. We're ALL the stronger for it. I don't know about you, but most of the time, I feel like I'm being carried along from the energy here.

    Soooo....THANKS. Really. :flowerforyou:


    And we thank YOU for all you do to keep this going! I've only been a part of this for 2 months but I'm so motivated by everyone's progress and encouragement. And Dave.... Yep...that 10% rule is what my running coach instilled in me ( I'm not a part of a group anymore....but I still remember the rules). Take care out there. My knee felt a bit 'wonkified' on my run today, but I pushed through. Could be from the extra strenuous stretching at yoga class?(I was supposed to tell her when I'd reached my limit when she helped to enhance my stretch). I played "Mrs. Tough Lady!" Not too wise!
  • animefan914
    animefan914 Posts: 324 Member
    4.84miles today for a total of 67.86miles.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Spreadsheet updated to here.


    @ONAWHYMM - Nice job catching up with the extra walks!! :)

    @DINO - I love the variety in your workouts! An excellent way not to get burned out with any one activity!

    @ANDREASTACKPOLE - Yes, you are!! Keep up the good work! :)

    @TAXMOM9093 - AWWWW!! Sorry about the blister! :frown: That's just no fair getting hurt trying to be healthy. Read your later post: YAAAY! You were able to run on it still!

    @NOVARIS2 - Gotcha and welcome back! :)

    @JTH11706 - WOOHOO! Congrats on your first thread-roll! :bigsmile: I keep trying, but haven't had any luck yet! lol AND even more congrats on the 14 mile run!!

    @ANACONDA469 - Our first person to make goal this month! :drinker: You still have time to double-down this month! :happy:

    @DIANNEP6772 - CONGRATS ON YOUR WIN!!!! That's fantastic!!! And I think you burned & earned that McFlurry!!gold_star.jpg

    @SPEEDYF - Dancing Kitty cracked me the heck up! :laugh:

    And finally.....we just crossed the 6,000 mile mark!!!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    And we thank YOU for all you do to keep this going! I've only been a part of this for 2 months but I'm so motivated by everyone's progress and encouragement. And Dave.... Yep...that 10% rule is what my running coach instilled in me ( I'm not a part of a group anymore....but I still remember the rules). Take care out there. My knee felt a bit 'wonkified' on my run today, but I pushed through. Could be from the extra strenuous stretching at yoga class?(I was supposed to tell her when I'd reached my limit when she helped to enhance my stretch). I played "Mrs. Tough Lady!" Not too wise!

    Thank you :flowerforyou: I'm glad to have you here. This Challenge has done so much for me over the last 3 years. I'm grateful to Dino for creating and growing it and Denise and Janet and anyone & everyone else that has played a part in making it the success it has been...including all of the participants. *GROUP HUG* or if you prefer...*HIGH FIVES & FISTBUMPS* :smile:

    EEK! Be careful stretching....especially with someone assisting... :noway: Hope it feels better after a good night's rest. I think my knee feeling better was in part due to the Glucosamine & Chondroitin supplements I started taking a few days ago. They're theoretically supposed to be beneficial for joints... *shrugs* Could have just been a coincidence along with a little weight loss and maybe my knees are just adjusting to the workload. Eh, who knows for sure. I had been putting off buying them because they are not* cheap, but I was finally willing to try anything because my knees have been aching for weeks. Maybe even months?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @ Janet - Really nice run! You are really doing well.

    @ Speedy - Loved the cat. :laugh: Looks like he is neutered too. Good job! Laughed when I saw him. :laugh: :laugh:

    @ Taxmom - Sorry about the blister. That sounds like a really bad one. Glad you were able to still get out. Hope the tape works.

    @ Chris - Love the pie eating image. I may need to model my thanksgiving after that image. :tongue:

    @ Dave - As always, Thanks for all the work you put into the spread sheet.

    @ Dinos, Janet, Speedy, Chris and Dave. They say that after doing exercise for 90 days, you'll be addicted. NOT TRUE! I've been exercising almost every day since may. I've been on this site for two months now. I'm not able to exercise for the first time in all that time. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for you guys and the MYA challenge, I wouldn't care. I'd eat my hostess donette and utter the famous Brazillian phrase "Pois E". :laugh: However, you guys have made this a lot more fun. I don't miss the exercise but I do miss the friendly chatter as we get closer to our goals. Thanks for pushing me and as soon as I'm able to get back on the bike I'll start racking up miles again.
  • Jcsmith5210
    Jcsmith5210 Posts: 150 Member

  • Bubbl3s25
    Bubbl3s25 Posts: 210
    12 October - completed Trailblazer 53km
    Total walked - 121.4km

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @DINO - I love the variety in your workouts! An excellent way not to get burned out with any one activity!


    Yep, a lack of variety in training stress, known as training monotony, is considered a key factor in causing Overtraining Syndrome.:huh: :huh: The down side of variety is that activities conflict with each other and making progress in any particular sport is hampered.

    In other words I cannot be running marathons and dunking basketballs :sad: :sad:

  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    10/3: walking 5.67km
    10/6: running 2.23km
    10/11: bicycling 6.4km
    10/12: bicycling 14.4km

    total: 28.7km
    left: 101.3km

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I have found that my tendon doesn't hurt once I'm on the bicycle. Stairs are still right out and walking requires me to roll my foot to the outside. however, I can still bike so the charge to 400 is still on. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Tack on another 16 miles for a total of 150 miles. That still puts me behind pace but I'll see what I can do.

  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 3,001 Member
    Walked 2.47 miles today.

    @ JTH11706 -- I was born and raised in California...I live a little northeast of San Francisco. I was just thinking ahead to the end of November...making deals with myself. I have this picture in my head of me walking fast, pumping my arms and taking a bite each time the pie-hand came up! Calories in...calories out... :laugh:



    Thinking really far ahead -- that was my second guess:laugh:

    Well I still wish all my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving :drinker:
  • Ran 2 and walked 1!

  • clepant
    clepant Posts: 3,488 Member
    Oct. 9: 12 miles Outdoor camp of running, hiking, walking and other good stuff
    Oct. 10: 15 miles Same as above
    Oct. 11: 11 miles Same as above

    TTD: 126.6 miles not including today

  • jenni1d
    jenni1d Posts: 18 Member
    10/8 - 8.42
    10/9 - 5.11
    10/10 - 2.62
    10/11 - 10.47

    Halfway there.....:bigsmile:

  • fabgurrl
    fabgurrl Posts: 41 Member
    October 12, 2013-3.88 miles

  • 16 miles so far this month

  • KariD1114
    KariD1114 Posts: 1,230 Member
    10/11 = 1.94
