Are "before" pictures worth taking?



  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Um.. YES! Because there WILL be days when you're frustrated, ready to give up, just see absolutely "no change" in the mirror... and someone will suggest taking progress pics. You won't want to do it, of course, because you just "know" you haven't made any progress an d this is just a big fat waste of your time... Do it anyway and you'll be surprised and find the motivation to keep going.

    This, this, a thousand times this! I had a big stall on the scale, and was totally baffled. In those weeks I increased my training (started Body Revolution and upped my running) so I was quite depressed that the scale basically stopped moving. I only lost "2 lbs" in that amount of time, but this was the visual difference:

    Mad me feel WAY better and keep my motivation up.

    That was TWO WEEKS?!?! Wow!! Great progress, girl!!

    Photos are a PITA to take sometimes, but they really show progress when the scale lies or you want to post a rage quit thread about giving up.
  • NaughtyForties
    Its the single most important thing you can do from day one. The second is taking a body fat % reading (but that's not your question).

    Put simply the camera doesn't lie, so it'll show you at your best or worst and it'll be plain to see. It's so motivating when you're feeling down, hit a plateau or you're not feeling / seeing the change etc.

    The pictures come into their own when you look back, realise how far you've come and get back on track. I take photos weekly, compare monthly and review whenever I need a boost.

    The biggest regrets I've seen on MFP is:

    1. Never taking photos at the beginning.
    2. Never taking measurements at the beginning.
    3. Never taking their body fat % at the beginning.

    For me at least there's more to weight loss than just scale weight, so all these things helped me to keep a focussed mind. If you can do all three then that's awesome but definitely take photos it'll help you no end. Good luck.
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 135 Member
    i wish i had thought to take pics in the very beginning.... i did take some mid way through this loss though and i look wayyy different
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I really wish I had done a good "before" session, but of course I wasn't very camera-friendly,
    and was always deleting the ones that showed the extra 25 lbs I'd put on.
    But now I can't fully see my transformation, because I only started photo-documenting half way through.
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I think most of us hate taking befores, but I agree it's very worth it :-)
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Definitely, no doubt about it! Looking back now I'm like 'Was I really that big?' I don't want to go there again!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Yes! They not be motivating to you now, or you in 15 days or a month or two months but down the track when you lost 20 kilos and get disheartened by your results you can look back and go WOW i did that!

    Me on the other hand, I didn't take them, I lost 21 kilos and regret it. I put 19 back on and I am snap happy! I may not be inspired by my now pictures or my next month pictures but one day someone will look at my before and afters and go wow how did you do it!

    I want to inspire others if not myself. Have a look on youtube for before and afters. Its motivational.
  • tasha_1306
    tasha_1306 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't see any change when i look at pictures. But i've lost 5kg on the scales and people say I look great. I don't see it at all. I feel like i'm still very similar. I have 8kg to go till goal weight.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I never bothered with it, and it doesn't bother me. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I can see the difference when I look at old pictures of my, er, *kitten*-ets. But the old pictures were good pictures too, and I was younger then, even heart achingly cute in some of them.
  • kell2116
    kell2116 Posts: 77 Member
    Even given that you're not a picture taking person, you may as well, no? You might want to compare yourself to them in a few months' time but if not, at least you'll have had that option :-)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Yes, yes, yes! Oh good Lord above, yes.

    I was a fat boy. I can't even begin to tell you how much this obliterated my self esteem, and completely blinded me to how I truly looked. Being fat took the kind of devastating emotional and psychological toll on me that is more often ascribed to young girls. I ended up losing about 60-70 lbs when I was 18/19 years old; went from mid to upper 200s down to my 180s. Objectively speaking body changed radically, and yet for me I can't really "see" it. I never weighed myself during the journey; I randomly got on a scale as part of a requirement halfway through exercise class and was shocked to see how much I'd lost. I didn't take a single before picture, I was completely disconnected during the various phases of my (half accidental) weight loss journey.

    BIG MISTAKE. I had no sense of what my body looked like, no sense of how much I'd lost, how far I'd come. I had likely some form of body dysmorphia; I was no longer fat, but I always felt I was, and that I really didn't look that different. People kept telling me I looked awesome and I didn't see it at all. Crazy stuff.

    I gained back all my weight, and then eventually, over the years, another 50 lbs. It took me years to finally come to terms with my image problems. Thank God I did, but it left me having to lose the weight all over again at the end.

    I WISH I'd taken before pictures during my first journey. Some visual proof that I had changed, how far I had come. I was partially able to get fat again because I had no idea just how close I was back then to my ultimate goal. I was so blind then that I couldn't even describe to you now how my body looked then.

    This time around is different. Unfortunately I didn't take pics at my highest, but I do have progress pictures. They aren't pretty, but they're evidence of the journey. I'm celebrating EVERY phase now, trying to embrace the journey and not just the finish line.

    I'll have days where I question myself, wondering if what I've done so far really is all that big of a deal. Those pictures prove to me that I've come a long way, and while I still have miles left on my journey, they also remind me that I want to NEVER go back.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    Absolutely!!!! I took before pictures from various angles and take them everywhere eek on the same day and compare. Since I wasn't super overweight, primarily held fat around my mid section, this has been the best way for me to track results. My weight has stayed the same since I have been gaining muscle while losing fat, so this has been soooooo inspiring to keep me going!!! I've been doing this for 6 months now and it's the BEST way for me to keep track. I just went 6 weeks without taking a pic due to sheer business of life and just wasn't consistent and I was sure that I had gone backwards......instead I noticed that my upper abs are actually showing! I never would have known or felt motivated again like this had I not taken the picture and compared. I don't typically share them with people, but they are for my own benefit.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I never actually occurred to me to take pictures before. I guess a combination of ...

    1. I don't have that many pictures of myself anyway
    2. Although I was "theoretically" overweight, I didn't really think I was. I knew I was bigger than most people that I worked with - but then I work with a bunch of super competitive 20/30 year olds - so thats to be expected, right?
    3. I didn't really expect that much of a change. Although my goal weight was 82kg (from 100kg), I never really expected to go below 90kg

    I wish I did have some before pictures. Although I don't notice changes day to day, the reaction of people I haven't seen for a year tells me I must look very different!

    In fact ... I'm off to look for some old pictures now!!
  • Nathanmmx
    Nathanmmx Posts: 43 Member
    I did not take a before picture because I wanted that fat guy dead and buried....forever.
  • michelegurr
    michelegurr Posts: 55 Member
    WOW Ed Davenport! NIIIIIIICE!!!!!!! And I agree! I knew I was overweight obviously...but I flew home for a family thing and when my sis n my mom sent me their pix of our visit holy ca-rap! I looked like that girl in willy wonka - AFTER she blows up! I was mortified, I had no idea I was that chunky! Sometimes they are a great reality check. I used mine to motivate me like Ed did - seriously, I put em everywhere food was. the other significant thing was the look on my face! I was like, whoa when I noticed that! I weighed 240 lbs at that time...Got down to 170, then fell off the ol' wagon around the holidays...but I also have pics of when I met my goal, and use them as inspiration that yes I can do this, I've done it before! I have documentation! Hopefully MFP will end the 30 year yoyo cycle! So yeah I highly recommend photos before during after!
  • michelegurr
    michelegurr Posts: 55 Member
    people are wacked in the head.

    FIne response from a a friggin Maple Leafs fan! HA! Any yahoo can have a team where it snows...takes REAL talent to have a hockey team in the desert! Phoenix Coyotes forever! LOL Sorry couldn't help myself! :P (But only a hockey fan would call a bunch of diet freaks "whacked I the head" - as in with a stick, a puck, a fist...OK maybe not but I have a warped sense of humor - and it's showing!)
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    Oh yes!!! Everyone else sees the weight loss way before we do ourselves and its also a great reminder of where to not go back to! I only wish I'd also kept one pair of trousers as a reminder lol !!
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    And wow there are some amazing transformations in this thread. Way to go everyone!!!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't know........ You tell me???


    OP Yes before Pictures are important.... I keep a picture of that guy on the tractor on my visor in my truck and every time I go to the gym or to the park to workout I can see just how far I have come....

    Best of Luck

    WOW! Awesome progress! You sir are an inspiration!
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    YES YES YES! i lost almost 30 pounds i didn't see any change in body, until i compared my photos and wow yes definitely take a before. its will help you.