What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    I wasn't going to respond to this, because in comparison to a lot of you, I have only lost 23 lbs. But I had to share my good results too.

    Dresses in the closet were size 24. Now I have some 14s. (8 sizes, almost 10 sizes down and 16+inches lost). Not so much weight loss, but definitely things going on.

    Buying new clothes in the regular section!
    SO many choices of new clothes in the entire store instead of one tiny section. Shopping takes a lot longer!

    * I haven't had a single episode of an asthma attack since March. (Prior to MFP, I had 3+/day)
    * I have only had one episode of GURD/acid reflux since March.
    * I no longer snore.
    * I feel taller! (only 5'2")
    * I talk about nutrition/recipes/eating whole foods so much that I annoy the hubby.
    * I got into a go-cart with my kid and fit. Had no trouble buckling the seat belt.
    * It didn't take an army to get me back out of said go-cart.
    * My undies have gotten too big.
    * This weekend I discovered my hip bones!
    * While swimming, I didn't panic when my two-piece let a tiny bit of my belly show under the water.
    * This weekend we went hiking. 3 mile trail at a huge incline. I made it without dying.

    * I look at other people and have this insane desire to stop them and tell them how to start eating healthier and feel better. Then realize I am judging people who were just like me!
    * My butt hurts all day long with my desk job.
    * I obsess over ingredients in granola bars and sour cream packets, etc, etc. (among many others) now that I have learned what ingredients are carcinogenic. I didn't care before.
    * My rings are falling off my fingers.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member

    Yes I can get a little preachy too, especially when my mom says she wishes she could lose weight too because she doesn't want to do the work, just whine about it.

    YES! Exactly this!
  • I love this thread too! The biggest thing I've noticed is that my "idea" weight.. as in a weight that gives me a fairly flat belly, might be lower than I originally thought. My mom (similar height and build) was only 110 to 115 til middle age caught up with her so I might have to go that low if I don't want a gut. We'll see. I'm only 5lbs from my goal and still have an obvious gut and a "inch to pinch," on the sides. I'm on the shorter side, though, so I might be underestimating how much will disappear as I lose those 5 lbs.

    I have started running AND my knees haven't started hurting! That alone is amazing. My knees use to kill me.

    I haven't really gone out since I started losing weight (I stay really busy) but I need to plan a day in a few weekends, when my kid is at his dad's house. I want to see if I get hit on more or not! I have only lost 20 lbs, so not sure if it's enough to see a big difference.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
  • krisrobnolte
    krisrobnolte Posts: 7 Member
    I can feel my hip bones when I lay on my side! I thought, "there you are! welcome back" :bigsmile:
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    ok cruel joke, I always thought I was 5'1" (measured in high school)...got measured again the other day...4'11.75" WTH??? Yeah yeah, I'm getting older but either I lost weight and height or they just wanted to make me feel good back in high school!. LOL! I feel even smaller now and the more weight I lose, all my friends are calling me tiny for real now. But I guess that's better than other names!

    Besides that the loose skin is getting bad. That part sucks. My own fault for being so big for so long.

    Good things, collar bones, smaller shoes (well that can be bad as in buying new shoes).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I noticed that I am cold all the time and I kinda miss my layer of fat that kept me warm. :laugh:
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Bumping into things & hitting my hipbones, thighs, & shins & getting massive bruises.
  • My alcohol tolerance has decreased...BY A LOT!!!

    Yes! Not that I was a heavy drinker before, but it's pretty pathetic now!

    - Always freezing
    - I have hip bones and collarbones- who knew!
    - I'm still shocked when I have to buy new clothes and they're so much smaller than I think I should wear.
    - Catching my reflection in mirrors catches me off guard - still.

    Best of all, when I'm feeling unmotivated or like crap (like today) I know to come to these threads and see how far everyone has come, and it reminds me how far I've come and that I'm not finished yet and need to get my *kitten* back in gear :smile:
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    Love this topic. I've lost 40lbs so far... my brain still hasn't totally caught up. Still a ways to go but i feel HEALTHY now. I don't crave sugar or fat at all and I love my healthy foods and feeling good after a meal - like i am nourished and not just packed with garbage food.

    One of the best things that has happened to me is the way i feel mentally about myself. I was at my heaviest before i started. I was so angry and ashamed every time i looked in the mirror. I was so mad seeing my refection and so embarrassed that i had become this way - gray skinned, bloated, and almost sick looking. Right before i made this change i did some soul searching (the only difference between THIS time and any other time - i made a mental change and not just a temp change). In my search i found that i did not want to spend my life seeing this gross-girl in the mirror. This gross-angry girl that was ashamed of every reflection of herself... that couldn't run or hike or kayak anymore. That ate poorly and let herself go. I was too young to act so old. I was so frustrated and realized that by 'doing nothing' was still leading me to get worse. I made a change and have not looked back.

    I totally forgot about this terrible feeling until i read this thread. The number on the scale aside - i feel great. I am proud of myself and feel healthy and fit. I can run a few miles, it feels good to stretch, and i look just fine in clothes. I haven't felt this sad since i started, and i never want to feel that way again. It makes me so sad to think back on this girl and how incredibly unhappy i was - this is enough motivation to keep me on track. Will NEVER go back!

    Cheers everyone!
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    So far nothing really unexpected surprises and i don't think any of them will be unexpected. From what i know so far from reading others responses in here things like being able to be completely submerged in the bathe or extra skin are unexpected surprises... but i beg to differ. I know i'll have extra skin and be able to submerge myself in the bathe amongst other things. So so far nothing is unexpected, i'm only about 40% of the way to my goal haha
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I fit into a smaller pair of jeans then I was in during high school. Never crossed my mind that this would happen. (Oh and they are loose already!)

    I'm freezing.. ALL THE TIME

    I can run and I mean fairly well and no exercise induced asthma that i had in my younger days (which is what pushed me away form sports and running)

    I LOVE ultimate frisbee.. would never have thought of even trying before

    More male attention

    I also love the look on people's faces when they haven't seen me in awhile. Or when I show them my before picture. I also love to hear "You look like you've lost weight" from someone who I have seen recently. Makes my day because usually I have not, but if I look smaller then I've likely lost inches. WINNING!
  • jonteman
    jonteman Posts: 3 Member
    We're people. Of course we will compare to others.
    That's exactly what i did.

    I looked at other males in same size and though that if i reached a certain weight my belly would disappear.
    However that's not true at all. I'm at 79kg and still have a belly. It's not huge but it's not flat.

    Mind is still playing with my sanity. At what KG will my belly be flat? 75kg? 70kg?

    However i kinda like my weight right now so i might stop anyway.
    People are complaining that i get too thin anyway. ;-)
  • jcputerbaugh
    jcputerbaugh Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 35 lbs due to digestive issues in about 6 months in early 2008. While I wasn't unhappy with my appearance at 5'7" and 165 lbs, I realized that I was much happier with the 'new' me. In my mind, I looked the same as I did before; it took about 2 years for my perception to change. I use MFP to help keep me in line because I see no reason to go back to where I was.

    The most important positive- The unknown health issues I would have faced carrying unnecessary extra weight.
    The most annoying negative- I'm cold all the time. I'm sure part of that is genetic, but dang if I don't use a space heater at work year round. And sandals indoors? Out of the question.
  • LionessWhispers
    LionessWhispers Posts: 69 Member
    Bumping for awesomeness!
  • eleanorblack
    eleanorblack Posts: 25 Member
    I mentioned to my husband that the tumble dryer didn't seem to be shrinking my clothes any more.. then realised that it probably was, but I was keeping pace with it!

    I've stopped snoring - which I always thought was my tonsils not my weight!

    My feet are narrower :-)

    All of my t shirts are getting longer (now they don't have to go out so far at the front!)
  • Rosylee1976
    Rosylee1976 Posts: 39 Member
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I am surprised at how fat I still feel despite losing 20+kg :(
    yep I feel the same. I feel fatter now at 62kg then I did at nearly 80kg. I notice every little pudge, where I store fat and roll now, where before I was round all over so didn't notice it as much.

    I have these images of what 62kg and a size AU8-10 would look like, and sadly its not what I expected.
  • Scarlet_Moon
    Scarlet_Moon Posts: 8 Member
    I've lost about 40 pounds from my highest. Recently, I was shopping with my mom and we were picking out some things to buy. The sales clerk comes up and asks if she can help with anything. She recommended some stuff then asked for my size. I told her I was a large and she did a double take. She couldn't believe it. She kept saying that I looked like a medium or even a small.
    Another surprise is I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror now. It's nice to see some hips :)
    Another random thing. My boobs seem to fit my body better.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
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