PCOS weight-loss input..



  • bisu0123
    bisu0123 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had PCOS since I reached puberty (15 years ago), with all the classic signs - weight gain, weird hair growth, an inconsistent period and painful cramps.

    my tricks -- weight training (versus cardio) and high protein (anything but soy proteins). I try 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat proportion (MFP helps with this so so so much)

    I always assumed that cardio was the way to lose weight, and have been an active runner for eight years without many results. Someone said I should try Insanity (Shaun T's cardio videos) but no luck. and then P90x came into my life -- I am stronger and fitter than I have ever been.

    as for food - I don't really like red meat, but supplement with egg whites, cottage cheese, chicken breasts. a low-carb, low-calorie protien shake in 1% milk tastes like chocolate milk .... I swear!

    PS: make sure you get enough "good fat" in your diet ... it helps to LOSE weight, I swear.
  • I found out 10/8/2013 (last tuesday) that I have PCOS, with all the private doctors I've been to in the past this was the first person to tell me that. I was in shock and in tears at the sametime I'm currently 32 and I've always had in the back of my head that my cut off age for kids would be 35 and now to hear I may or may not have kids that was a blow to my heart and emotions and a whole. Knowing this news now make it so clear to why I've had the issues with weight gain and struggles to lose and un normal periods.

    Where do I go from here... I'm currently waiting on my blood word and ultra sound results to come back.... to see how bad my PCOS really is.
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    I found out 10/8/2013 (last tuesday) that I have PCOS, with all the private doctors I've been to in the past this was the first person to tell me that. I was in shock and in tears at the sametime I'm currently 32 and I've always had in the back of my head that my cut off age for kids would be 35 and now to hear I may or may not have kids that was a blow to my heart and emotions and a whole. Knowing this news now make it so clear to why I've had the issues with weight gain and struggles to lose and un normal periods.

    Where do I go from here... I'm currently waiting on my blood word and ultra sound results to come back.... to see how bad my PCOS really is.

    I was diagnosed in 1996 (PCOS accompanied by insulin resistance, weird pain issues that just now got dx'd as fibro), and over the past year or so a lot of the other stuff that for whatever reason pops up in us hit, too (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, chronic anemia, depression, liver issues, high cholesterol, other nerve problems).

    If you decide you would like to get pregnant, you can go on hormone therapy (basically high dose estrogen patch, stay on it through most/all of the pregnancy). Until then, your doctor will probably put you on some medications and supplements that will help you deal with the insulin resistance and hormone issues. It isn't impossible. Take a deep breath. I have it about as bad as you can get it, at least as far as the U/S and blood test results go, and my doctor said it wouldn't be impossible (though I don't plan on ever trying to get pregnant).
  • I've had PCOS for about 5 years, I was healthy when I was diagnosed but since then gained about 100lbs. Taking Metforamin (sorry idk how to spell it) helped in the beginning. I lost 20lbs in a month while not doing anything different with my diet or exercise. My issue to taking it every day. But If i ever stick to it, it helps.
  • Jward712
    Jward712 Posts: 7 Member
    Try Methyl B12 It absords better for women with PCOS I use it every 3 days and I feel wonderful
  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    PCOS was something that I 1st heard about a couple years ago but didn't really understand it so I pushed it to the back of my mind and didn't really worry about it, then about a month ago when I was at a book store a book about just popped out at me and I picked it up and flipped through it, a lot of the symptoms and a description about it really seemed to fit a lot of things about me. Only today though have I seriously started researching it and learning about it. Every single one of the symptoms describe what im going through and things that have happened to me.

    my biggest fear is that I wont be able to have children. Im terrified of not being able to have children.

    Now that I actually have something to look for im going to go make an appoint for the doctors and have them check for PCOS. I always knew something was wrong with me I could just never place what it was or what to look for but I knew I know. It hasn't officially been diagnosed but I just know in my gut that this is what my problem is
  • ntatbeeq
    ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
    I tried roca labs formula. It helped me get rid of extra weight :)

    Hey wht is Roca labs formula??
  • Diabetic low carb diet. That's what I've found that's worked for me. I've lost 60 pounds since April. Good luck!!
  • Once you've been diagnosed, if your treatment involves Actos and metformin or Glucophage, follow a diabetic low carb diet. That's what I did and got pregnant twice. I miscarried my second pregnancy, however, conception IS possible with PCOS. :) Good Luck!
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    I lost a ton of weight when I went on Spironolactone, it takes a good few months to kick in and some bad side effects at first but I couldn't live without it now it reduces all the symptoms. I stopped taking it and got bad carb cravings and put on a ton of weight but I already feel better since starting it again. I tried Metformin but unfortunately didn't make a difference for me.

    same here, i was put on spironolactone (i didnt have any side effects)and it worked so well i was discharged from the hospital as i had no symptoms at all and they took me off it 3 years ago, which has made me wonder if thats one of the reasons ive piled weight on. although pcos never caused a problem with weight gain for me before but i was very very active before i hurt my back which was also 3 years ago. hmmmmm
  • stacyslifer
    stacyslifer Posts: 1 Member
    I finally went to an endrocrinologist. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago during infertility treatments (which didn't work). I finally decided to make a lifestyle change and went to the specialist. I am now doing a low carb diet along with taking Metformin. All is well. Been taking it slow and it is working. The nutritionist said it takes 2 years to make a life style change. So I am just doing what I need to do and not making a big deal about it. This is the first time in my life that I feel like I am not dieting but I am just making better choices. I love this feeling and I love that I have lost weight!
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    I was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago. Since then lose the weight has been SUCH a struggle! I was able to lose 15-20 lbs or so, but the weight keeps coming on if I don't keep up exercise. I see a lot of people say the majority of it is in the kitchen but I do eat healthy and I stay within an appropriate calorie limit per day. I've even gone so far to cut out soda, chips, cookies, and whatever else is junk! My weight will. not. budge. Metformin didn't work well with me due to the side effects and my doctor suggested I do a major dietary overhaul. It's been difficult since it involves lots of planning and cooking. Two things I don't always feel like doing.

    I'm really glad there are other women out there who also deal with this. When I tell people I *need* to exercise to lose weight they assume I'm just stuffing my face silly.
  • uviii15
    uviii15 Posts: 6 Member
    m 16 n i was diagnosed with pcos last year......i have this insulin prob going on too...n my weight its just shooting n shooting...i don't know wat to do i tried all kind of diets but no changes....plz help me if any of u got any help for me plxxx
  • uviii15
    uviii15 Posts: 6 Member
    hi where u got this diabetes low carb diet...plx tell
  • has anybody had problems with their period ?? i have pcos and when i get my periods i tend to bleed a lot... i dont know if id bc of the pcos. my obgyn prescribed me birth control pills to help regulate my perios but i stop taking them for a whole month so i end up not getting my period last month, and this month it came but its been 7 days already and im still bleeding . is this normal? please guy i need your help. this sucks cause i need to go to the gym and i cant bc of it! . Has anybody experience this at all ?
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I'm insulin resistant and am also on Metformin. I've been on it for six years and it just seems like I have to do a crazy amount of exercise and cut out all carbs and sugars to even see the slightest loss. It's just frustrating!

    I know the feeling! I finally started to eat keto/low carb and keeping my dietary fat levels up and started to lose. I lost about 10 lbs in 3 months which was HUGE for me! I am now pregnant so off the diet but keeping my carbs under 100 g a day. I know that it stinks trying to lose weight with PCOS and it takes forever! But it is possible. If you aren't seeing results eating low carb and using metformin, maybe your dosage needs to be adjusted. Good luck!

    Also, check out the PCOS groups on here if you haven't already. They have some great support to offer!
  • I know a female that fixed PCOS with heavy weight training and diet and now she is lean and sexy. Makes sense from a hormonal prospective. I forget what her name was called but she has a blog.
    But anyways; I have looked into it and it seems this is a good place to start:
    -Weight train 3 times a week go reasonably heavy with basic compound movements.
    -Stick to more of Paleo style diet; for normal active people I think Paleo and Low carb is useless and counterproductive, however for individuals with PCOS; it is important to get rid of excess blood sugar. Insulin resistance often comes a long with PCOS
    -Don't go too crazy with aerobic exercise; 30min a day is all you need.
    -Be patient.
    -Again; number one is key.
    -With 2-5% weight loss the symptoms should start to dissapear.
    -There is no stopping; once you stop PCOS will come right back. There is no "cure".
    -Patience is key.
  • uviii15
    uviii15 Posts: 6 Member
    where u got this diet or wat was ur diet......
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  • uviii15
    uviii15 Posts: 6 Member
    good news for pcos patients international fertility institution made research that cinnamon suppliments reduces weight n pcos probs to larger extent ...50 women b/w 9 to 45 were experimented...many reduced pcos symptoms.....2 got natural pregnancy.....i found out this n wanted to share with u m trying ...u all try to