Ketogenic Diet - How many carbs do you eat?



  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    If you are losing at 100g/d go with that for now. The lower carb idea takes some getting used to so and it is easiest to work your way into it. The 100g/d limit will keep you in ketosis during the first three to four weeks, but after the body conditions itself to this new nutrition plan that may not be the case. Being in ketosis is not really all that important anyway, so go with what works for you to maintain a consistent downward trend on the scale. Some experience different side effects when they go below 50g/d. Nothing dire, but they do have an impact on daily life for some.

    If you want to learn more about this nutrition plan I suggest Lyle McDonald's book ( Some of his other books are a better read, but this was one of his earlier books that is a bit more technical.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    From what I read and heard, Ketosis makes the body acidic and you may lose bone density since the body uses minerals from bone to alkalize it.
    Ketoacidosis is the acidic state. Not ketosis. As for bone-density: Studies are inconclusive - there are as many that correlate ketogenic diets with loss-of-bone density (correlation is NOT causation) as there are that show no measurable affect whatsoever.
    OK so ketones from ketosis are acidic and prolonged excess of ketone bodies can overwhelm normal compensatory mechanisms, leading to acidosis. Why risk your bone density?
    Why not try mostly fruits and vegetables if they normally eat mostly carbs? unless they are diabetic. I suppose fats are cheaper than fruits and vegetables.
    It depends on the individual. The clinically obese, especially as they get older, are more-prone to insulin-resistance than others. So even without a Dx of diabetes, the obese are often insulin-resistant and NEED to reduce carbohydrate.

    Insulin resistance causes high levels of circulating insulin in the blood, which is clinically shown to both 1) cause cravings for carbohydrate and 2) is the hormone responsible for ingested carbohydrate to be stored as fat.

    This is why so many obese people do well on a VLCKD (very low-carb ketogenic diet) where others have failed them.

    For those that enjoy carbohydrate, usually as the weight comes off, they can gradually increase the carbohydrate consumption and maintain weight loss. Those that go OFF the VLCKD have a tendency to gain it all back. Talk to anyone that used to be 350+ lbs and maintained weight loss - the almost all exclusively stayed low-carb.

    They should eat slow digesting carbs with fruits and vegetables and lean proteins and they would lose weight.
    I doubt almost all of them are low carb. If they go off the diet they will most likely gain the weight back like you said and they have to eat more carbs eventually or risk dying from acidosis. There are far better alternatives to losing weight.
    Low carb is a lifestyle, not a diet. Just like watching your calories, etc. If you actually read anything about low carb diets you slowly incorporate more carb sources as you lose weight. Once you get to maintenance you can eat whole grains, fruit, etc.

    And if it was as easy as sticking to eating fruits, veggies and lean meats most people wouldn't be here.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I try to eat around 25-35 g of carbs...but that would be NET carbs. I don't try to go crazy though with sugar alcohols...I haven't noticed they affected my loss though. When I first did low carb I ate a banana every day with breakfast and was still losing. Once I get closer to my goal weight I will slowly add more carbs to my diet. I'd say if you are losing where you're at...stick with it.
  • scottlongpre3
    This should clear up all you bad info on the Keto diet.
  • deekod
    deekod Posts: 6 Member
    I am on 10% (50g) carb / 2000 max net calories per day, just starting out on the ketogenic diet. Thanks for the information re: UK carbs are net carbs - great tip! I am an endurance runner, so I am thinking after the carb flu symptoms have gone (hopefully soon!) then I will watch for signs of carb flu again and up my carb intake if required?
  • deekod
    deekod Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for that link - an excellent resource!
  • jacmarmac
    jacmarmac Posts: 3 Member
    Heh. You have obviously never seen the results that come with a keto diet, nor have you done any research on the subject. Keto makes sense, it's a very scientific process. When your body is without carbs to burn for fuel, it begins burning fat instead. Maybe research a subject before you call it crazy?
  • sdefranc
    sdefranc Posts: 30 Member
    Heh. You have obviously never seen the results that come with a keto diet, nor have you done any research on the subject. Keto makes sense, it's a very scientific process. When your body is without carbs to burn for fuel, it begins burning fat instead. Maybe research a subject before you call it crazy?
    I agree, the keto diet is great and even should I transition to something a little more flexible down the track, I don't ever forsee carbs being a huge part of my diet, I've seen too many health benefits already from their exclusion to think about going back to that type of diet again.

  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    i'd say your garunteed to be in ketosis at 20 g a day. Thats nearly impossible for a lot of people. I had trouble staying under 40 when i was doing it, but i think i was in ketosis anyway.

    Personally, i did not see any advantage over any other diet at a reasonable calroie defecit.

    I think its best use is as a contest prep diet, to make weight for a something like a boxing match, or if for some reason you simply need to see the number on the scale go down. I say this because its extreamly good at forcing your body to eliminate water. this can dramatically lower the number on the scale, and make a real difference in how you look in the mirror, especially if your already lean and muscular.

    So in that way it is useful, but IMO doesn't make you burn fat any faster.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Heh. You have obviously never seen the results that come with a keto diet, nor have you done any research on the subject. Keto makes sense, it's a very scientific process. When your body is without carbs to burn for fuel, it begins burning fat instead. Maybe research a subject before you call it crazy?

    true, but your still only going to burn fat at the rate at which you need the energy... same as any other diet.

    In my experience, it did not allow me to burn fat any faster... or slower for that matter.
  • thmgoodw
    Ketogenic Diets are crazy. Why not just eat mostly fruits and vegetables with moderate amounts of fat and protein?

    Because meat is the best? :-)

    OP: I don't track total carbs, just net carbs, and average around 25 net carbs per day.
  • pierrena
    "You cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition."
    Gro Harlem Brundtland

    Does Water Burn Belly Fat? - The Truth Revealed!
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I did between 20-30g on CKD and carb loaded friday till saturday night, I lost 8 lbs or so in 7 weeks, went from 19% bf to 15.8%. I stopped and started carbing up to add more muscle. But the first couple weeks were tough but I enjoyed it. Good Luck
  • sdefranc
    sdefranc Posts: 30 Member
    I've spend the last couple months doing a lot of in-depth research about ketosis, here's where I'm at:

    - I stay below 20g net carbs/day. Occasionally, I'll eat something that had more carbs than I expected (most recently it was cabbage) and go as high as 30g, but that's pretty rare because I usually put everything in MFP before I actually eat.
    - My MFP settings are 5% carbs, 25% protein, 70% fat. I eat ~1800 calories/day and drink 3+ liters of water and I've lost 25 lbs in the last 6 weeks with a completely sedentary lifestyle. (My calorie deficit is not nearly large enough to cause that much loss if keto doesn't work.) Due to old injuries, my knees and ankles hurt far too much for me to exercise until I lose more weight, so I literally sit at my desk 95% of the time.
    - The science is contrary to everything I've ever been taught by the American system, but it works. My weight is down. My blood pressure is down. My cholesterol is down. My energy level is up. I'm not hungry all the time like I used to be. Most importantly, I get to eat delicious foods that I love in the quantities I want.
    - My gall bladder failed and was removed 7 years ago and I've had near-constant intestinal pain since. Until starting keto. Now I feel great... No pain. No days spent in the fetal position on the brink of tears. (Used to happen at least once every 2 weeks.) No sprinting to the bathroom 15 minutes after every meal. My digestive system works like a normal person's should. (Ironically, the most common cause of gall bladder failure in young people is not eating enough fat. Less than 30 grams/day puts you at risk.)

    If you're still skeptical, listen to this guy:

    My profile is very similar to yours apart from the gall bladder (although I was wrongly diagnosed with that at one point also). After years of trying different diets, which most I found difficult, I find this one increadibly easy, tasty, satiating, and have also seen the best results out of all. I'm now back to the weight I was at 18 (which was still more than it should have been, but it does say something).

    Maybe it doesn't work for everyone, I don't know, but I feel it's working for me now.

    Another great presentation to watch, although not specifically dealing with ketosis, is "The Oiling of America" given by Sally Fallon on youtube, it's easy to find. Especially to counter all the concerns people will fill your head with regarding a diet high in saturated fats (which with this type of diet, it should be - if you are using vegetable oils then you *really* need to watch that presentation).

    All the best

  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I do keep my fat intake at 50% so I guess that should be helping. I'd have a hard time eating only 20g of carbs a day. That seems so low to me. My average is 87g, and I'm losing weight.

    Only 50% fat? Shouldn't that be higher with keto?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I do keep my fat intake at 50% so I guess that should be helping. I'd have a hard time eating only 20g of carbs a day. That seems so low to me. My average is 87g, and I'm losing weight.

    Only 50% fat? Shouldn't that be higher with keto?

    Correct. 75% fat is a better percentage.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    I'm so glad this topic is on the forums today. I have been curious.
    I was on a plateau after losing 47 pounds, so I thought I'd try the nine-day Carb Cycle.
    I put my carbs down to 21 --period--.
    I've had no craving for vegetables and fruits,
    although I dearly love them. There are no hunger pangs, either.
    I'm eating all the calories for my present goal weight of 230,
    which is 1700 (BMR). My macros are 70% fat, 25% fat, and 5% carbs.
    Tomorrow, Christmas, is my feasting day--YEAH!>
    I thought I'd do at least 3 cycles to see what happens.
    My concern is that all the protein might give my diabetic kidneys trouble
    with my creatinine leverls.
    Any comments? Thanks in advance!

    Best wishes!
  • HannahInHawaii
    HannahInHawaii Posts: 173 Member
    I've recently cut out all sugary drinks and have been that way for 14 days now. I am tasting that "ketosis" breath and I'm wondering if this is possible seeing as how I am eating 100g+ of carbs a day. Anyone?
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I've had this problem too! Though I'm not sure if it's ketosis as it tastes more metallic than sweet and my mouth feels really dry but it definitely started after I changed my diet. I cut way back on carbs but I'm still eating about 100-120 a day mostly in fruit and vegetables.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Bumping to read later