I need to lose 250 pounds.



  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    Surgery is helpful for some but not for everybody. You must realize that you will be on a diet and pills forever and that it is going to be painful. Personally I said NO to my doc when he talked to me about it. I decided to take my life into my hands and make the best of it. So far, I am successful but uppermost, I enjoy the journey!!!! I have several great Mfp friends that make the difference for me. I am not alone in this...

    Are you going to die because of complications with the surgery? Are you going to die without surgery weighing maybe 400 pounds? Are you eventually going to die at 100 years old, fit and healthy (but too old), with, or without an operation? God knows. Just remember that fitness doesn't come with an operation... If you choose to have it, you will have to work hard either way....

    Give yourself a chance to live a long and happy life...
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I think some misunderstand. I'm not JUST giving this a week and then scheduling surgery.

    I have used this site on and off for the last 3 1/2 years. In that time I've GAINED 50 pounds.

    I've had several times where I've tried and end up going back to old habits.
    There have been times when I thought this was going to be it, only to fail again.

    400 pounds is my line in the sand. If/when I ever hit that 400 pound mark, I am making the appointment with the surgeon. It's not something I've taken lightly. I've done the research and that combined with personal experiences, it scares me. And maybe this fear, and the fact that I am THREE TENTH of a pound (.3) from 400 will motivate me to get some of it off.

    Let's face it, getting bigger only makes weight loss harder because it will get harder to walk. Harder on my joints. Harder to sleep therefore I won't be as refreshed or have the energy to walk. I already flatten tires on the bike. My options are only going to decrease with each pound I gain.

    And unfortunately, it is possible to get to the point where surgeons won't touch you. Once I'm too big for surgery I really will feel like I have no hope.

    The bottom line is that I am at rock bottom. Something has to be done and I'm not sure I can do it myself anymore.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Start limiting your carbs and red meats. Try to eat lean meats and mostly vegetables. Try to cut out any sodas and juice. Once you've done that, start taking short walks. Start at a block at a time, if you're really out of shape. Most of your weight will just fall off, as long as you get your life on track. Don't do a surgery that you can easily fix by diet and exercise. :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hey kiddo - we have all dealt with the issues of being overweight. We all have our private demons. They are hard to get rid of - even when you finally start getting healthy.

    I hope you will choose to be healthy. I did 17 months ago. I quit looking at this as a punishment. I looked at it as an opportunity to LIVE and live happy and healthy. I eat the foods I want to, but I am teaching myself moderation. I began to see that there was a starting point for me - but no finish line. This is the way I'm going to live for the rest of my life. A change for me - HARD!

    When I started on MFP, I tried running and I could only run in place for about 1 minute. Today I can run for 45 minutes. I got winded climbing stairs and now I can carry 6 - 8 bags of groceries up the steps and into the house with no problem. I have never lifted anything heavier than a coffee cup before, but now I lift weights. Heavy weights.

    The more success I have - the more I want. I have weeks where I don't lose anything and I get tired. But the way to succeed is to just KEEP GOING. Bad day - KEEP GOING. Eat too much - KEEP GOING. Stressed out - KEEP GOING. Emotional - KEEP GOING. No support - KEEP GOING. Family reunion - KEEP GOING. Holidays - KEEP GOING.

    Do this for you. You're important - your family feels that way. There is NO REASON that you can not be one of the people who succeed. Best of luck!
  • leelo2003
    leelo2003 Posts: 30 Member
    i weighed 22 stone 10lb just 2 weeks ago but having been weighing out and counting calories and have lost 12lb already it can be done. We can do it together.
  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    I had a doctor this year tell me that the only way I'd ever lose significant weight is to have surgery. Now I'm on a mission to prove her wrong. It's a battle for every.single.pound. But I feel like it's worth the fight. There's some good advice above, and I hope you can take some of it to heart. You can do this, but it will be a tough challenge that you have to face head-on. I know that looking at the overall weight-loss picture is daunting, but breaking it down into smaller chunks can help it seem more attainable.
    I hope you have some other resources that you can reach out to for help, too.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You got this. {{{hugs}}}

    There are many here who are against using diet aids at all, be forewarned. In the end, the decision should be between you and your doctor and NO ONE ELSE. Same goes for the surgery. I will support you and root for you every step of the way, and so will many others here. :smile:
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Your words:

    "The bottom line is that I am at rock bottom. Something has to be done and I'm not sure I can do it myself anymore."

    You're definitely not alone because we all understand how challenging this can be, no matter how much or how little one has to lose. So surround yourself with some positive people on here and move forward, one day at a time. Once you get to the point of being able to move more easily and safely, add a little exercise. Just take it as you can. And if you have a "bad day", so what. The next day is a new chance, so don't give up. Wishing you all the success that you want and deserve.
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    I was threatened with WLS also. I researched it. Thought about it quite a bit. Then I decided to put it on hold and try losing weight by controlling what I ate and by walking.

    Every few months I have to be placed on oral and inhaled steroids due to lung issues. I have a small pause with weight loss, brush myself off, take a deep breath and continue to move forward. This cycle is continuous and I'm not giving up.

    You can do this. I know you can. I also know how overwhelming it can seem.

    Don't give up.
    Be patient.
    Don't expect miracles overnight.
    Make small changes.
    Make small goals.
    Keep logging every day.
    You are worth it.

    I started out at 355 pounds. You can add me as a friend if you like.

    This is all the stuff I was going to say. You are at the beginning of a long journey and in any long journey, you need destinations along the way. Take it 10 lbs at a time. Get yourself a group of pals on mfp who really care and understand your journey. (Like me!!) Here's what you don't know right now... a secret... You feel out of control, right? Well, the secret is, you will feel so good about yourself when you get control of your eating choices. Looking at the scale and seeing it go down and down and down is an ADDICTION!

    Please give yourself a chance to make changes. Don't expect perfect because it isn't possible and you will feel badly when you fail. All you need to do to lose weight is to do BETTER than right now. And do better every day, every week. Make small changes if it feels overwhelming. Feel the success and embrace that feeling. Share your successes and your struggles. That's how you'll stay with it long term.

    Don't diet. Change your lifestyle forever.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have been watching what I eat for 4 months now. I have lost at least 4" from my waist and I have lost 22 lbs. I was too heavy to exercise. Everything hurt. And smelled. Being fat is so gross. I'm still 307 lbs. I finally feel like I can exercise now. But staying positive (which is really difficult for me, let me just tell you!) is crucial. It's the biggest part of my routine. Telling myself that I HAVE TO TAKE STEPS if I expect to go somewhere.

    Weight loss surgery isn't the only way. I was thinking about it (But couldn't afford it.) You have to let go of I want it now and realize it's going to take a couple years. Once I did that it was a day by day thing instead of a deadline thing. You can friend me. Wish we knew each other in real life, I'd be your best friend. (In a totally not stalkerish kind of way. I don't have a lot of girl friends that know what I'm going through.) I've had grandmothers, moms, sisters and complete strangers tell me I'd be "A knockout" if I were skinny.

    Creeped your pics. I disagree with grandmothers, moms, sisters and complete strangers. You are a knockout, period. And I mean that in all sincerity.
  • renatewolfe
    renatewolfe Posts: 91 Member
    I have 220lbs to loose. I have lost 16 in the last 5 weeks. Please give yourself more than one week to loose before you consider surgery. I am a nurse. I have seen many friends and patients go through this surgery, and all but one have had major complications. All but 2 have gained their weight back.

    I think that it is great that you have come to MFP. You have made a positive first step. The silver lining for us big girls is that we can eat more calories and still loose that 2lbs a week. You just have to log everything and be honest about what you eat and what your servings are.

    You can look online for great, fast meals that you can cook for you and Andrew for dinner. I also cook for myself and and my son, Andrew! :) Pinterest has great ideas too.

    Please be encouraged, log in each day, and know that taking care of yourself, will allow you to take care of Andrew.
  • tx_mom72
    I tried ACE for the first couple weeks for the energy its supposed to give. After about a week without having an energy boost I stopped it. Besides I'm horrible with remembering to take pills. Just start counting calories. Walk when you can. Park further from the store, anything helps get it started! After a week or too you'll start having more energy and feeling better just because your eating better. You can still have your favorites but make it fit your goals. AND MAKE FRIENDS! That made all the difference to me! Good luck, friend me if you like. :flowerforyou: above all else give it time and you'll see it start working! :smile:
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    I haven't read everyone's comments, just the one right below your post and i agree completely. Before taking the risk of surgery, i'd give it time to try and do it yourself!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I think some misunderstand. I'm not JUST giving this a week and then scheduling surgery.

    I have used this site on and off for the last 3 1/2 years. In that time I've GAINED 50 pounds.

    I've had several times where I've tried and end up going back to old habits.
    There have been times when I thought this was going to be it, only to fail again.

    400 pounds is my line in the sand. If/when I ever hit that 400 pound mark, I am making the appointment with the surgeon. It's not something I've taken lightly. I've done the research and that combined with personal experiences, it scares me. And maybe this fear, and the fact that I am THREE TENTH of a pound (.3) from 400 will motivate me to get some of it off.

    Let's face it, getting bigger only makes weight loss harder because it will get harder to walk. Harder on my joints. Harder to sleep therefore I won't be as refreshed or have the energy to walk. I already flatten tires on the bike. My options are only going to decrease with each pound I gain.

    And unfortunately, it is possible to get to the point where surgeons won't touch you. Once I'm too big for surgery I really will feel like I have no hope.

    The bottom line is that I am at rock bottom. Something has to be done and I'm not sure I can do it myself anymore.
    Ok. Nevermind.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    My recommendation to you is to look up some of the users on this site that have successfully lost a large amount of weight. EdDavenport is one that comes to mind right away. He lost 312 pounds without surgery. Let these be people be an encouragement to you. Let your doctors monitor you closely. Make a plan and stick with it. You don't need to eat lettuce and carrots to lose weight...you just need to start creating a deficit. Good luck, and don't give up.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I was 330 pounds when I started. Not as much as you, given, but close... In a twisted way, I am happy I was so overweight because I was able to learn and make it at first without feeling deprived. It was almost fun. Any little walk (or stationary biking) would give me a huge amount of extra calories, allowing me that chocolate bar I wanted, only 240 cal., and I still had enough calories to eat healthy and balanced, and there were still some calories left, so I was able to lose 2 pounds per week for several months!!!! Wow! If I did it, so can anybody, including you!

    This morn weigh in told me I am not anymore obese. Just overweight. In a while, I am confident I'll reach my goal even if I am sometimes doubting. Same for you. Perseverance is the key... Day after day, one at a time.... It is not always easy, but then, accomplishing something difficult has its value. When you climb a mountain, you get a wonderful view. It's your hard-gained reward. You will feel yourself pretty spectacular once you reach your goal...
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    one pound at a time it is all that you can do. It's cliché but as the saying goes "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Lots of prayers for you and a life time of health.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    You can do this. I started out last September around 300-310 pounds & I'm now 177.5 pounds as of Monday. The first fifty I lost on my own & the rest has been from tracking my calories here. I have ate foods that I enjoy & found a few healthy alternatives for ones I liked to overeat. With exercise I started out riding the stationary bike for a few minutes here & there, walked/jogged on the treadmill, bought a Wii Fit & three Zumba games for the Wii. I also bought a heart rate monitor to try to track my exercise calories & a food scale to accurately measure my food intake.

    My only concern with what you said is why would you take the weekends off? Does ACE allow you to have two days that you can eat whatever you want? If not then you could try to stick with your MFP goal & incorporate some of your favorite foods that you would like to enjoy.

    Don't expect to drop the weight drastically every week, because sometimes there'll be weeks that you might not lose a thing. Just remember that it didn't take a day to gain it all & it won't take a day to lose it all.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Check out Ed Davenport's story. 500+ to fit and healthy. I think he lost 300LBs. If he can do it, anyone can.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    You can do this. And you can do it without pills and surgeries. It will probably take longer, but longer is good. It will give you a chance to really learn new habits. Ones you can sustain for life.
