Would you work with your SO?



  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    I met my SO at my last job, and it worked out fine for us, BUT we worked in different departments. Different projects, different topic areas (researchers), different bosses, etc. We only worked on one topic together in the two years that we worked together, and it was super short-lived. Might have worked out differently if we had to work on the same project all the time, but I rarely saw him unless I went out of my way to find him! Still would have been awkward if we had broken up, since we hung out with the same people...
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Been there, done, that, HELL NO won't do it again!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    I worked with my ex husband for many years. As long as the issues are work are related to work and home life is home life. I worked with him going through our separation and it was tough but you have to be an adult.
    Good Luck.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    It might be ok beause you wouldn't be constantly in each others faces... but the tricky part is the fact that you would be in a higher position over him and lots of guys CANNOT handle that.

    Speak to him frankly- if this is going to be good for his career then it is definitely something you can both make work. But HE needs to understand that you will often be correcting his mistakes/disciplining him, and HE NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO RESPECTFULLY HANDLE THAT.

    This working out is entirely on his maturity levels!

    (oh, that being said.. you need to not get power trippy either, lol)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I met my husband on our first day at work. I refused to date him for a year because I didn't want to date a co-worker, but I gave in 5.5 years ago. We moved in together and sat right next to each other at work. It has it's challenges and I don't recommend working so closely for a long period of time (we since transferred to another office and work on different squads), but we have never had an issue and I love working with him (and vice versa). You do need to consider, though, what happens if your relationship ends - could you still work together? And would either of you be in charge of the other? If so, BAD idea (my husband and I are equals at work).
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I used to... Now I work with my ex :-P

    We make it work. Is it awkward at times? Absolutely, but we also understand each other's moods better than anyone else. We know when each one of us needs to shoulder more of the load, where to divide the line, etc.
  • spiralicious
    spiralicious Posts: 1 Member
    As long as you are careful about separating work time and home time, and as long as he's not the kind of person who can't take criticism, it CAN work.
    Source: I work with my husband now, in a similar situation - he's the field, I'm in the office, I occasionally have to give the guys heck (usually just over not filling in forms correctly, but still.) It's fine. We both ***** about work, but at least it's about the same things, so it takes half the time it used to! lol And I love those moments when I do get to see him at work - obviously we keep it professional, but since I married my best friend, you know, I actually enjoy his presence!

    We're also starting a business together, which is a LOT trickier, and I know there will be some hurdles, but we have an extremely strong relationship, and going into it knowing that there will be challenges helps you overcome them. If this is a good career opportunity for him, and it makes sense financially, personally, I would go for it. Just make sure he doesn't burn any bridges where he's at now, in case he wants to go back ;)

    My SIL also works with hers (that's how they met, actually) and it's been years and years now - they're still at the same company and haven't had any issues.
  • brittvondiesel
    My boyfriend and I met at work and are both still employed by the same company. We don't work directly with each other, so the cracking of the whip is left for other areas of our relationship. :wink:
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I'd kill him
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I don't think it's necesarily a bad thing. My boyfriend and I work at the same company..... Neither one of you should supervise eachother (which is typically against policy anyways)...

    We work in different departments and have been on different shifts the whole time, so we've not had any issues. Just my experience.

    A LONG time ago, I did date someone in the same department as me, and when we broke up it was terrible. Awful. Horrible.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    I love my wife, but she would drive me round the bend if I worked with her (and vice versa, I'm sure). We'd probably be divorced or dead within a month.
  • operaprincess1
    operaprincess1 Posts: 89 Member
    My husband and met at a previous job where we both worked, but we were in different departments. We now own a photography business together but he manages most of it and I help when I am not at my other job. It works for us, but non of us have or had any say in our daily jobs. Even with the business we own, I am responsible for scheduling and getting people settled just right and he takes care of the technical portions and business agreement side of everything. We work great together.

    I do agree with others on this though...if you hold any kind of supervisory position it could cause some issues. The other problem is layoffs. I know a couple who worked at the same company and both were laid off on the same day.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Oh, yeah - there's the whole "What happens if you break up?" thing. In my case, I quit my job since I not only worked at the same branch office as him but his dad owned the whole company. I couldn't very well expect him to leave, and it would have been too weird to stay, not just awkward with him but with all of our coworkers because they would all be gossiping and whispering as people tend to do.
  • AuroraBear84
    AuroraBear84 Posts: 35 Member
    In general - BAD IDEA. I did this. It was risky for my company to offer my boyfriend (at the time - now my husband) a job because if WE didn't work out it could potentially spill over into the workplace. He loved working together - carpooling, eating lunch, random hellos. I could not STAND it!!!! I needed my personal space and work was the ONLY personal space I had left. It started with us taking separate cars to work, then no more eating lunch together...It reached a point that if he didn't figure something else out, I was going to have to look for another job! He was able to find a much better job elsewhere thank goodness!! Some people can handle 24/7 together time. I am most definitely NOT one of those people. I am actually quite solitary by nature so I NEED my personal space. If work is the only place I can get it then so be it!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    No way. It's not just the "what if you break up?" aspect. I try very, very hard not to let my job interfere with my personal life or vice versa. I don't see how you could manage that if you work with someone with whom you have a close relationship.

    I learned at my first job out of college that it's not even really a great idea to become good friends with your co-workers (to the extent that you spend a lot of time with them outside of work, anyway). I worked with several people who I became very close with, and things got really messy when our bosses decided they had a problem with their employees fraternizing with each other, inside OR outside of the office.

    Fortunately, at my current job, I am the youngest employee by nearly 20 years, so there's not a great chance of me socializing with any of my co-workers.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Since you're seriously considering this, let me ask you this, would you be the person that would have to fire him, if it came down to that, for some reason?

    ...and, there could be many, many reasons having nothing to do with your relationship. Imagine your relationship is strong, and everything is great, but he royally screws something up badly, and costs the company a lot of money, or a valuable customer or client, or whatever, something bad happens, even an accident on his part, and he has to be fired. Would the person doing the firing be you?

    I am not in the position to do the firing and technically not even his superior. We will obviously be having a serious discussion about this before anything happens. This may not look good on me but I need to weigh it over before I bring it up to him. I know he really wants the opportunity.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I work in the same building as my SO, different departments, and do not report to each or have to interact (were dating before she started, did not meet at work) It's not preferable, honestly, because work drama with mutual people you know can cause awkward conflicts, but we have made it work thus far. If there are more benefits than drawbacks and you do not have to work with each other in any capacity, I think you could make it work.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I work with my husband but only because he owns his own business and I am managing the office

    However, in your situation I would have to say it's not a good idea. You're basically putting all of your eggs in one basket. What happens if down the road the company goes under or they have lay offs and you and your husband both lose your jobs?
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    are you kidding me? I'm having trouble living with her much less working with her.

    HAHA!!! YES!!! ^^^^^