How do YOU see yourself?



  • MarkJCash
    I was very heavy as a child and I believe that image I developed as a child is carried with me today. I am 5'8" and currently weigh 216. I was at 256 5 months ago and have been working hard to lose weight and my goal is 180.

    I know at 180 I'll still see myself as fat. I just have to remember to keep a positive attitude and know that I will not be fat.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I remember when I was over 600 lbs I rationalized my size to be able to live with myself.... call it lies, deception, low self esteem, poor body image. what ever you want to call it, it was a lifetime self defense to stay where I was at.

    I know that even now, having once been big with all the mental negative thinking, my body image is still distorted and have a hard time seeing myself small. It takes alot of work on self to over come such issues.......
    regaining Health is not all about changing lifestyle, exercise and weight loss. The mental work one must do to over come years of practice in old ways take much time to change. IMO It is why so many fail and regain.... and give up. Changing the neuro pathways of old habits takes time and perseverance especially for those who have been obese + all their lives.
  • Amy11108
    I see myself as a lot smaller than I am. In my mind I don't FEEL like I'm 300 lbs. But when I see myself in the mirror I do look like that person and I refuse to believe it!
  • Mekatluvr
    Mekatluvr Posts: 34 Member
    It took a picture of myself for me to "see" I am I needed to do something, because up to that point, I knew I was overweight, but I never saw how bad it was until that point in my life. It was an innocent picture, I was having fun catching up with my family I haven't seen in years, but when I saw my image, all I kept thinking was, "what happened??"

    I can totally relate. I still have more weight to lose to get to my ideal weight, and I've come a long way since that pivotal moment in my life. At times, I still see myself as that girl who wouldn't think twice in lounging around on the sofa, watching tv, and eating a bag of cheetos. Every single day, I have to remind myself that I am no longer that person, and my new lifestyle proves it. :)
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" .. yes that .5 makes a difference to me!
    at 185lbs, I'm a size 10/12 and I work out 2-3 days a week. I'm not really trying to lose weight, just not gain it.

    I was 240 and a size 24.

    I still see myself as fat. every day. That doesn't change if i weigh less or not. So I need to see myself as beautiful and work on that. The rest will fall into place. That includes the weight loss. If it happens, great, otherwise, I'm healthy and that's the most important part.

    I guess it's easy to be pragmatic. I didn't realize when I lost the weight I'd also lose 165lbs in addition. Now I'm single.. or working towards that too. Life is too short to spend any part of that unhappy.

    Love yourself.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    When I was obese I didn't think I was THAT fat until I looked at a video of myself. DAMN. And then I saw myself as huge.

    Now, 100 pounds lighter I see myself as fat. I know that I have body dysmorphia. My husband knows it. And I'm dealing with it. Sort of. They say it can take years for your brain to catch up but it's been at least 2-3 years at this weight and I still feel awful. Actually, I'm much more self conscious now. I just hope that after my last 30-40 pounds that I am happy with how I am and can see what other people do.

    I do feel stronger most days so that's a plus.

    I am so happy for people that are happy with their bodies!! Keep it up. Don't let your mind get you down.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    When I was fat I thought I was little curvy, but I still thought I was hot.

    After losing 60 pounds I see a fat person in the mirror.

    I hate my brain.

    THIS is exactly how I's ridiculous
  • pktruckdriver
    pktruckdriver Posts: 63 Member
    Extremely Fat and out of shape. Nearly 500lbs and every bone starting to ache and my knees about to give out if my back does not go first.


  • AprilMae1975
    It's different on different days. Sometimes I look at myself and feel totally disgusted. I don't fee pretty or attractive at all. I see the cellulite and I get really mad and discouraged. Other times I look at myself and think "wow, what a hottie!" I have always hated seeing most pictures of me, especially when I'm tagged in a pic on Facebook!!! This week I made my first before/after pic and felt so happy. I saw the old me who looked happy despite being a few sizes bigger and the "in progress" me just as happy. At the time the old pictures were taken, I was living life and not thinking about my weight.

    I am trying to look in the mirror and see the amazing, strong and caring person I am. I see the potential for my outside body to reflect what's inside.

    p.s. great thread OP :flowerforyou:
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I had gained weight so slowly I didn't really see it until I started to workout with some coworkers. Then I noticed my belly hanging in the way of some exercises, the cellulite dimples on the legs and the chicken wing arms. OMG.

    Now, I have a lot of people call me skinny, thin or petite...but all I see are areas that still need improvement. Not to say I see "fat" but I still see "flabby" and "dimples".
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Just like a lot of people on here, I see myself as very fat even though I've lost almost 100 pounds. I think it's more due to some extra skin that just makes me feel so gross and just not happy with my body. I mean don't get me wrong; I'm much happier with my body now then I was before but I thought when I was at my goal weight (only a few more pounds!) I would be so happy and would look so good. I'm just not feeling how I thought I would.

    Before I thought I looked good/fine up until a certain point. I'm guessing it was around the 240's where I started getting really ashamed of how I looked.

    I thought I'd be happy at 165 but looking in the mirror now I want to lose an additional 30 / get my body fat down to 24% or below.
  • melodylovesjoaquin
    I only recently started seeing it in the mirror..or when I hold my pants up and see how huge they are! *shudder*

    I only put up older pics of myself and I really don't allow my picture taken anymore. I need to lose this weight so I can get a family portrait done. I even refused to get in the family picture a few months ago :(
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    I didn't think I was big until someone smaller would come and stand next to me, and I would see both our reflections in a bathroom mirror, or as shadows in front of us as we walked..... and then I'd think, (stupidly), oh my God, how has this happened? Now that I'm down 52 pounds , I am the opposite. I know I'm quite a bit smaller but now all I see in my reflection is a fat woman. I'ts bizarre.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    I have a better feeling about myself when I look in the mirror than I do when I see myself in pictures, and especially when I'm next to someone else who is smaller than I am. :grumble:
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm the same. I look at photos from before and thinking I used to think of myself as fat however I would like to be back to being that 'fat' again!

    That is how I feel. I saw a picture with myself and my boys when I was 26 or 27 years old and I was around 145/150 and I remember being self conscious and feeling fat. I worked out, ate healthy, and was active. Now looking back I wish I would have saw myself as I do now. Healthy and fit. I let my self consciousness get the best of me and now I am fighting to get back! I got lost along the way some how, but I see the light and nothing is going to stop me! NOTHING! When I see current photos I cringe and vow to get back to the who I was 10 years ago.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    When I was 200 lbs, I felt fat physically but it really sunk in when I would shop for clothes (nothing would fit), look at myself in a full length mirror and saw pics of myself. I hated and avoided getting my picture taking all of the time after that. Now, -37 lbs later I know that I am still fat but feel much more confident in my appearance. I can see the positive changes in my figure. I also know that I am healthier as well.
  • psd091966
    psd091966 Posts: 8 Member
    I can totally relate to everyone posting.. Even at my heaviest.. right now... I didn't see myself as huge, then I saw pictures of me from a recent vacation and I was like WHO IS THAT PERSON???? I am starting on this journey and I am vowing to myself that once I lose the weight this time.. I will not gain it back. I look at pictures when I got married 20 yrs ago and can't believe how great I looked and remember even then I thought I was fat and I was at 145 lbs and at 5'8" I would give anything to be at that weight again. I know this is gonna be a long journey, but I have to do this for myself and my kids.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    When I started my journey here I was 222 lbs, and I'm about 5'7". I was probably closer to 230 or more, but started losing weight before I had the guts to step on the scale. In high school I weighed between 138 and 150, but gained weight over the years and usually fluctuated between 180 and 200 from 2003-2012. It wasn't until 2012 that I ballooned up, but I just kept seeing the same person in the mirror that I always saw - someone a little overweight that could lose a few pounds, but not fat. It wasn't until I saw a picture someone took that I realized that I was getting pretty fat and had probably gained 30-40 lbs in a very short time.

    Now that I'm down to 175 lbs with a goal of 150 lbs, I unfortunately see the same person I've always seen in the mirror. I just can't see any change with my own eyes. I know it's psychological, but it's very weird. I know pants and shirts that I outgrew now fit loose. I know belts that were too small are too big now. And I know everyone is telling me I lost a lot of weight. But my own self-perception is skewed. That's why we need those tangible things I listed above, along with new pictures to compare to pictures at your heaviest, so we can overcome our skewed self-perception.

    I also believe we become more obsessed with our bodies since we spend so much time tracking calories, talking nutrition and fitness, and working out. This leads us to be more self-aware of our flaws than we were before, especially since we never want to return to the same lifestyle.
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    I am the same way it wasn't until I got on a scale at the doctors office and seen the number in the scale. I remember thinking how did that happen. I am just beginning but at my largest ever but never realized it weird I know
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    For me, this is the second go around at losing a large amount of weight. When I lost it all (80 pounds) the first time, I felt it and I felt great. When I gained it all back, I saw the numbers changing but I still saw myself as 180 pounds instead of 280. But, when I hit that 280 point and had my OMG moment, now that's all I can see. I'm down to 233 again, but the mirror doesn't show me that difference. I can see it in pictures, though, which is kind of strange.
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