Where my fellow nerds at?



  • Rogstar
    Rogstar Posts: 216 Member
    Yes yes...engineer interested in Star Wars, Star Trek, games of all sorts...etc...

    I do have to credit being a "nerd" for something positive though. I finally got into the Dresden Files books over the summer after my library spent some time highlighting Urban Fiction. After the 3rd book, I realized I was spending waaayyy too much time on the couch. For the next 11 books, I spent nearly the entire time walking around the house. Literally. I felt it was too dangerous to walk on the treadmill (I'm pretty klutzy) so I picked up a book, and just walked in circles around our house for a few chapters every night after my daughter was in bed. The activity was just the push I needed to get back into MFP after taking a 6month break or so. Sure, my husband thought I was crazy...but he's the one sitting on his butt with FFXIV or Secret World...or what ever his group is getting into this month. I'm the one losing weight!

    Of course...now I have to find something else to read...
  • JasonT1973
    JasonT1973 Posts: 229 Member
    DC Comics, Batmaaaaaan.! XP

    Boooooo! Marvel's better!!

    I'm a big fan of Marvel (Deadpool and Hulk are among my favorites), LOVE video games (I cosplayed as Lilith from Borderlands at SDCC 2012), Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Zombies, Ghostbusters, TMNT, Bizzaro books (al la Carlton Mellick III)...geeze, too many things to name! Feel free to shoot me a friend request...ALL of you awesome nerds!

    MARVEL is the Mad Note Yo!!!
  • Mr_Dumas
    Mr_Dumas Posts: 260 Member
    I just starting getting into the Walking dead .... I know always late to the party

    Freaking LOVE that show!

    fellow nerd checking in.
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    Fellow nerd here!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    So fellow Nerdlings good morning and happy day to ya all! Make good choices and be the best you can be on your journeys

    From Hagrid to Hermione
    From Hodor to Daenerys
    From the Coon to Mysterion

    Stay freaky!
  • So fellow Nerdlings good morning and happy day to ya all! Make good choices and be the best you can be on your journeys

    From Hagrid to Hermione
    From Hodor to Daenerys
    From the Coon to Mysterion

    Stay freaky!

    Damn, you took my GoT!

    I was going to go with more of a... From Varys to Jaime. But I like yours
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    So fellow Nerdlings good morning and happy day to ya all! Make good choices and be the best you can be on your journeys

    From Hagrid to Hermione
    From Hodor to Daenerys
    From the Coon to Mysterion

    Stay freaky!

    Damn, you took my GoT!

    I was going to go with more of a... From Varys to Jaime. But I like yours

    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor
    Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor


    Jaime is fine for me, too :love:
  • PrintUSMC
    PrintUSMC Posts: 116 Member
    not sure.... but sounds like what my wife calls me. does that count?
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    too many nerd-loves to list without boring you all senseless.
    feel free to add me :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Bhotel21
    Bhotel21 Posts: 9 Member
    Recovering Everquest and WoW addict. Presently into a D&D campaign. Dwarf cleric, trying to shed some pounds.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Recovering Everquest and WoW addict. Presently into a D&D campaign. Dwarf cleric, trying to shed some pounds.
    Which edition?
  • Vampireneko
    Vampireneko Posts: 66 Member
    Anything to do with anime/manga or star trek...I'm in. :D Lol fat buu to Goku. Bahaha, yep. Sir you are awesome.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I'm a programmer/developer and enjoy learning new programming languages and design patterns in my spare time, and even got my Master's in IT.

    I studied film as an undergrad and still write screenplays and make short super8 movies and both 35mm and digital photography as hobbies.

    I'm a cinema geek and watch pretty much any genre, but I love classic horror movies, westerns, classic American dramas and comedies, and European movies from the 50s-70s especially.

    I'm an avid gamer (mostly consoles, occasionally PC games like Civ, Diablo, or Torchlight). I put over 400 hours in Skyrim. I still have my original consoles: Nintendo, SNES, N64, XBox, and XBox 360. Unfortunately I also had an Atari 2600, PS, and PS2 that I no longer have. We even had Goldeneye tournaments at work not too long ago.

    I'm passionate about Star Wars, and also love Star Trek (TOS and TNG).

    I read the Harry Potter books a few times.

    I also read classics by people like Joyce, Faulkner, Burgess, Hemmingway, etc... as well as plays from Greek times up through modern times, and the occasional poem.

    I love Marvel comics, but also enjoyed Watchmen and Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

    I have a Sword of Omens tattoo on my forearm, and still watch most of my favorite cartoons and shows from the 80s and 90s (including my Thundercats DVDs, as well as my complete Boy Meets World collection).

    Is that enough to qualify me?
  • ewizard
    ewizard Posts: 1 Member
    10 years of evercrack, followed by 10 years of all things xbox and soon just the one....exactly why I need mfp in my life!!! That and the troll....in the dungeon!! Bazinga! Nice to see some fellow nerds around! And totally into all things forgotten realms!!!
  • You all are hilarious, and totally AWESOME. Feel free to add me, too! SeaQuest DSV, Stargate Atlantis, and computer geekiness rock my world.
  • jasonalvear
    jasonalvear Posts: 72 Member
    Fellow nerd checking in *pushes up glasses* played plenty of mmos, love me some rpgs, sci-fi, and more! :D
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    Do you even deathnote?
    Full metal alchemist?

  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm excited that my female Pikachu has a heart ish shaped tail... Oh, hai I'm a nerd. Friends me!! My husband and I watch GoT, True Blood (last season was meh), South Park, TMNT, Digimon. .. I'm currently obsessed with Pokemon X and Skylanders Swap Force... I could go on... xmen, avengers. Spaced out. Back to Pokemooooon! :3
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    <Raises hand> Me!

    Gamer, check. Almost since there's been such a thing...
    Bookworm, more checks than can fit on this screen...
    Obscure hobbies, check.
    Math and science nerd, check.
    Academic overachiever, check.
    Glasses, freckles, and naturally red hair, check.
    That kid who took everything apart to see how it worked, check (and don't think I still do this occasionally as an adult).

    Do I get extra points for being a former aerospace worker? You wanna talk about a building full of nerds... Or being able to program a logic controller? I'm sure there's something in my resume to qualify me as a mega-nerd...
  • lafilleavectoi
    lafilleavectoi Posts: 125 Member
    More of a film, History, music, languages nerd. I dislike that the default "nerd" has to be limited to liking sci-fi, comics, video games, and star wars. But I do loooove Start Trek OS. And I am very fond of Streetfighter 2. Love Blanka!