Feelings after a cheat day?



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    No guilt or sadness. I just start all over again the next day. In fact I over ate tonight but forgot til I saw this thread.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    Eating above maintenance once in a while is the best thing you can do for your weight loss, in my opinion. You got rid of your pizza craving, and you did your body a favor. Don't beat yourself up or ruin pizza night with bad feelings the next day.
    Why not just budget the pizza as is? You don't have to eat the entire thing...
    A lot of people around here already eat "cheat meals" regularly and are losing weight.

    A whole pizza is the perfect food to boost leptin levels, and that's a good thing. There are a lot of hormone-related things happening in your body when you restrict calories, and there are some things you can do to make the process a little easier. Luckily, pizza night is one of those things.

    Where do you get this information that pizza will boost leptin levels? And if leptin levels are low due to fasting or very low calorie diet, wouldn't it be better to increase calories in a healthier and more moderate way than eating a large cheese pizza in a single sitting?

    To the OP, I don't feel terrible. I try to reflect and figure out WHY I ate more than I should have of those "trigger" foods, but what's done is done. Log it and move on, regaining ground where you can by making small cutbacks elsewhere and/or being a bit more active (push harder or increase time).
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I've been reading responses, and I wanted to throw in my two cents. When I "cheat" AKA eat something that sends me WAY over on calories or eat comething that i know is bad for me (like white bread, white gravy and canned chicken...all three servings), I do feel bad. Physically. Since I've been eating healthier (and not MUCH, mind you) some foods just make me feel physically sick/sluggish. I learn from it and move on. It won't ever NOT eat the chicken/gravy/white bread combo again. It tastes too good and reminds me of good memories of Nana and learning to cook and such. I'll just NOT eat the entire pot of it. All things in moderation. Granted, I haven't wanted this dish since I ate it, knowing it made me feel physically ill and sluggish. But I do have the ingredients (tho, I need to buy white (maybe whitewheat) bread). I will have it again when the mood strikes.

    Also, I just adjust down for going over. ...and if anyone has looked at my logs--they're all over the map. There are days I make up for sleep lost working my crazy night schedule, so those are WAY under cals. :huh: :grumble:
  • Giovanna_Isabella_Santarelli
    Thanks everyone :smile:

    It is nice to know that there are others who feel the same as i did yesterday. Today i feel much better and i am going to eat healthy and workout,

    I don't allow myself pizza because i can't have it in moderation, same with cheese. I eat too much of it so i rather cut it out of my diet...
  • Messier108
    I always just feel like it wasn't worth it. I think cheat days are good when maintaining but when you're losing it jsut really halts things for a couple of days.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Where do you get this information that pizza will boost leptin levels? And if leptin levels are low due to fasting or very low calorie diet, wouldn't it be better to increase calories in a healthier and more moderate way than eating a large cheese pizza in a single sitting?

    Carbs elevate leptin (for the short short term, in the long term it is tied to fat stores). Google it and you'll get a lot of hits. Picking a paper at random:


    Leptin declines with any calorie restriction, not just fasting or VLCD.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Had one yesterday I feel FANTASTIC! There was great food... there were cocktails... I wore heels and laughed a LOT. :-)

    Only 1lb heavier today. TOTALLY worth it. :bigsmile:
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Fortunately I do feel awful when I don't do what I say I will do. Otherwise I'd do it more often.

    ^^Best answer.^^ ;)
  • Sobeone
    Sobeone Posts: 72
    You did it, own it and move on, you filling bad is great, that means you care.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Thanks everyone :smile:

    It is nice to know that there are others who feel the same as i did yesterday. Today i feel much better and i am going to eat healthy and workout,

    I don't allow myself pizza because i can't have it in moderation, same with cheese. I eat too much of it so i rather cut it out of my diet...

    And this is why you binged. :flowerforyou:
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    You can't change it. Move on. Make a mental note "feel bad when whole pizza is consumed; don't do that again."

    For me personally, 'cheat' days negate the work I'm trying to do in gaining moderation. But I don't deny myself. If I want to eat out or have pizza (we had Banquet fried chicken and mashed potatoes the other night, a RARE treat) then I do, but I use it as an exercise to flex my moderation muscle. I had two small pieces of fried chicken instead of half the box. That made me feel good.

    And sometimes I fail and eat the whole thing. It's a learning process. Forgive yourself and try to do better next time. :)
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Forgive me for sounding harsh but a whole large pizza? Isnt that a little much even on a cheat day? I had a "cheat day" the other day and felt guilty about eating a whole personal pan pizza. I don't know maybe its just me but I think even on cheat days I would hate to throw out a good two-three days of workouts for a whole pizza.
    On the other hand feeling quilty is probably good because this isnt your normal habits.

    A WHOLE LARGE pizza? is y thoughts exactly, didnt make you sick? That is a little obsessive. I think the problem is in your head and not your stomach. Please talk to a professional.

    Settle down, no need for drama.... Really.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I feel awful when i binge, but what's done is done. the best thing to do is realize that you're human and move on. at least you didn't get a good feeling from it. this will hopefully prevent any other slip ups.

    ^^^^ (nodding)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Hmm nope. I cheated last night for the first time and it felt amazing. Just got to realize it's a once in a while thing.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I have those feeling sometimes of "what in the heck did I just do" ???!?!?!?
    But as far as pizza is concerned. I LOVE IT TOO ... and store bought just WON'T DO! So, I go to Pizza Hut, order a large Supreme Pizza on regular crust (instead of the thick that I use to drool over, because bread is my ultimate weekness) and I eat two slices (which equals 700 cals total) ... and luckily for me, I live in a town house and no matter how much I work out (because I do 5-7 days a week, I still hate CLIMBING UP AND DOWN THOSE STAIRS), so I take my pizza upstairs with a large glass of water and enjoy every little morsel of my two slices! It kills the craving and keeps me in my calorie range for the day.
    NEXT, My husband, kids, and I have gotten really good with making homemade pizzas and I use the low cal flat bread from walmart (its rectangle shaped) and it has like 190 cals with around 8-9 grams of fiber (whole wheat too) and I use just a little cheese and a whole lot of veggies along with some chopped up cooked chicken breast and it really gets rid of the craving too!
    Either way, this is not the end of the world, PICK UP THE PIECES and get back at it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't consider any foods in groups of good or bad... I eat whatever it is that I want and fit it into my day. If I know I am going out for Pizza and Beer (which we are heading to the bar at 3 for the OSU game) then I will have a light breakfast and a small snack for lunch, got a good workout in this morning and save my calories for this afternoon so I can enjoy so Pizza and Beer and maybe a few wings.... Nothing worse than demonizing food, I eat alot of Lean meats, veggies, and grains but I also enjoy my ice cream, Pizza, and whatnot....... . Best of Luck...
    This 100%. I have whatever I want pizza/ice cream/fast food, I just plan for it, fit it in and I never need to feel deprived or guilty. :drinker:

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am just going to add that pizza did not make you fat, overeating calories did..

    That being said, IMO I think you are better off trying to plan for these things so that for the day you eat in a deficit or at your maintenance level. That way you can still eat the foods that you want and do not restrict them so that you are "craving" them and then end up binging on them.

    Then again, overeating once a month or every six weeks is not going to kill you. I was over on Friday night by few hundred calories, but I know that I am under for the week...just as long as the "cheat" meal does not become a daily habit you will be OK...
  • papa369
    papa369 Posts: 31 Member
    I say use it as a learning experience. My birthday a few days ago I ate a big cheese burger and milkshake The next day I was so determined to get rid of the fat and then some that its been a few days now so don't let it get you down. you channel that anger or upset into a positive to make even bigger and better strives to improve.
  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    Pizza has always been one of my trigger foods...every week my family would order pizza and I would have one all to myself...I would literally eat until I was ill, but I couldn't stop myself. Now we buy our pizza frozen and I always make sure that one is a thin crust and on that day I usually eat less during the day so that if I want I can eat the whole thing if I want knowing that it is only 900 cal and that will not derail my budget as it is built in to my day. What is nice is that I am now under control enough to only eat about half of the pizza as I am learning better impulse control!! And who wants to be bloated and sick after eating...not this girl! :)