

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Wessecg I just love horses n riding one used to be my fave activity, despite a couple of tumbles….
    Your horse reminds me of some I have ridden….. Sultan,he was the first time I went out of the riding school and galloped like the wind.
    Then there was Prince, so regal in its bearing, all of us ladies in the riding club would try to reach the earliest to bag him for the ride 
    You have gone through quite a bit……. But here u r a new day and a new journey !
    Yanniejannie how innocent n sweet kids can be! How’s the foot?
    Katla Wow! Great going….. please share some more tips, I need to shed 10 kgs but am hovering here since the last year.Kudos to you.
    I was very glad to know u managed your hubby’s emergency as well as you did. He’s a lucky guy. Why do men always act tough?
    Meg so glad to know u r doing well. I would be proud of a daughter like that too and crowing about it from the rooftops. Bless her.
    Michelle whats the secret of your never ending energy? After reading each of your posts I feel charged up to attack my chores 
    Linda wish u a very Happy Birthday!
    Robin the grand kids are such dolls 
    Sylvia your dog is so cute. And u have such a knack of narrating all his adventures. He must have thought he would be rewarded for getting the giraffe n his bowl out in the front yard…. Maybe he was playing marooned on a lost island

    The first change I made this week was to exercise everyday, however little time I had. Now have to stick to it. I am saying no to sweets, mostly successful. Biggest difficulty is to get over the host feeling bad..... Guess have to practice hard and be ready with a strategy.
    Have a great sunday everyone.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Sunday Morning Ladies! Busy Day today, Church this morning, coming home to finish making Elizabeth's costume (little red riding hood) then off to Daughters BD dinner, wish me luck on eating right, I looked at the menu on line, very little to choose from that is healthy, actually looked like only side salad :frown: . But I will figure it out, maybe just order veggies. But NO cake :sad:

    Linda--Happy Birthday

    Katla--Glad your Hubby is doing better.

    Michele-- Daytona is about 1hr east of where I live. Titusville about 1.5 to 2hrs, depending on traffic. I work in Daytona every other week, and have a friend that owns a condo over there that he rents out, but when it is empty we stay over there for the weekend on occasion. Thank you for the Daughters BD wishes.

    Meg--I'm diabetic too, it will get easier as you go.

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day. :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Really, really, REALLY didn't feel like gymming this morning. Oooohhhhhh, so tired. But I got up and at it and completed it all, even if a bit on the slow side. Even did some strength training afterwards. Not bad for a Sunday morning!
    It's always hard when I take an antihistamine to help me sleep. Takes ages to wear off.

    I think I'm ready to drop another lb. Everyone hold their breath for me. You will be able to hear the clang across the world when it drops. It's hovering on the brink.:laugh:

    My DDIL asked me if I was going to lose any more. I said 3 more lbs. Really I think it will be 7 to take me to 60 lost. 3 will be 4 stone, which is a nice round figure, but so is 60!!! :laugh: . If I can get into the nine stones it will be the first time since 1989!:bigsmile:
    I think some people are worried I am aiming to go too low, but my BMI will still be very healthy. They are just not used to seeing me look like a gym bunny!!:laugh: With my clothes on I do think I look quite good, but naked is a whole different story! I have to keep telling myself I am 64. A year sgo I felt 74, now I feel 34!:drinker: :bigsmile:

    I looked up some partridge recipes, but I have asked DH to cook them. I just have had enough planning and cooking. I have done nearly all the cooking in the last year and a half as I can keep a check on the calories, but he can't go too wrong with a game bird. Very lean. The bacon it's wrapped in will be greasy, but I shall not have potatoes, just veg.
    Going to pull the carrots we have been growing in a crate all season. Hope they are good - when it was hot we had to water them every day.

    Going to plan our trip to London in January for my friend's 60th party. As we are not having an 'exotic' trip in Feb I want to make a special couple of days of it. Nice hotel, posh meal out, gallery trips etc. I have 2 for 1 vouchers for exhibitions, so must get organised. Even though I lived there for 40 years I still love London and there is always a wonderful exhibition to go to. Flashing the cash at my favourite restaurant, with the best service in the world, is always a treat, but you do have to book months ahead! I will try not to feel guilty about the money by telling myself we are not going to Sri Lanka, which is what I really wanted to do. This is the last time I am going along with DH's feelings though or I will get very resentful and that is NOT GOOD!
    I am still up for NYC for my 65th next October. Should have my ex's money by then!!:bigsmile: Soon as New Year is over I will start planning.

    Love to all. Sun and showers here, but still nice and warm.

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Heather- If you come to NYC in October, maybe any MFP friends who could could meet up for a quick get together. I don't know what your plans or time-frame would be, but would love to meet you in person. I am about 5 hours away, but my son lives in Manhattan and we try to get down to see him frequently. With enough notice I could get there. I love hearing of all your travels and the delicious meals you fix. Your strength and attitude are very motivating!!

    Linda- Happy birthday a little late! Hope you find many more golden items in your life!!

    Meg- It sounds like your dd has become a very good cook.

    Katla- Glad your DH is okay. That can be scary.

    Cheryl- Welcome back! I love your horse stories and pictures. DH has a friend with horses that has invited us to ride, but we haven't made it yet. I would love to , but have virtually no experience with horses. It is on my bucket list. Will remind DH and see if we can get there soon.

    I have been in such a funk lately that I haven't been logging. Exercise has been more sporatic than it should be. I have hurt my back, but I know walking helps it. I have backed off on the weight training until it is better because I don't want to injure it further. I do see a chiro regularly, but it is still not quite right. I just got new walking shoes that are more supportive. The old one had way too many miles on them!! Today is beautiful outside. I am going to go for a very long walk in between laundry, chores, lesson plans and grading! Best get moving!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Daughters BD dinner, wish me luck on eating right, I looked at the menu on line, very little to choose from that is healthy, actually looked like only side salad :frown: . But I will figure it out, maybe just order veggies. But NO cake :sad:

    If you are going to an actual restaurant that serves dinners, you can order a meal that is healthy. If there is anything on the menu with a chicken breast you can order a plain grilled chicken breast. If there are any sorts of fancy salads you can order a side of sliced tomatoes and/or sliced cucumbers......also asked for plain steamed vegetables...and if you order a side salad or dinner salad, make sure they leave off the cheese, bacon bits, and croutons and bring the dressing on the side.

    If you're going to a fast food restaurant, then eat a healthy meal first and just have water and enjoy your family.

    :bigsmile: Barbie
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy Sunday All :flowerforyou:

    Heather---your DH said you looked 42..that is fantastic...LOL...now can you bottle whatever helped you thru this and mail it to me...Take Care!!

    Deb---you sound like you enjoy walking..my DH can walk for 3hrs...goes thru a lot of walking shoes :noway:

    Linda--- Happy belated birthday wishes!!! :drinker: (water toast)

    I am sorry I haven't been on much.. personal issues I am dealing with has set me back some :sick: :cry: ........had my DGS's over for a night..that can always give me some laughs over their antics..I was even giving the youngest a ride on my walker..he thought it was a hoot..later we all had a stuffy throwing battle...the oldest on one side my youngest with me....that was a wonderful playtime ...I thank God everyday for my D..S...and GS...and my DH...I am a hard person to live with....And they understand me...they also can get ...frustrated...confused....but I know they love me ...we haven't done anything this summer...oh wait.... my hubby has been going to the hockey games with MD and her BF makes me happy to see him enjoying himself.....I have my books

    October Goals;
    To get my B**t out of its flunk and begin to take this losing weight thing serious :grumble:
    To lose any amount of pounds

    We will see how this ones does...Everybody have a happy Sunday :smile:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump til after church. Been away too long and need to reconnect. Happy Sunday:heart:
    Sue in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz: I am happy you had a good time with your grandsons. They are lucky to have a grandma who will play with them. Years ago I slid into a funk after my mom passed away without even realizing. i went to a psychologist who prescribed a medication. It turns out that this medication is used for depression, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder. I still take it every day after 17 years. It is still helping with both ADD and stress. I am not advocating this particular medicine for you, but there may be something out there that could help with things. It may be worth investigating with your doctor. If you want to know the medicine name, i'll be happy to share it privately. I was also troubled by seasonal affective disorder, SAD, and solved that with a combination of daylight temperature light bulbs in my home, exercise, and calcium citrite/vitamin D (which is also good for bone density.) Calcium carbonate, like is in TUMS, doesn't help the bones as much. I've only encountered one thing in the past few years that is as powerfully helpful, and that is this group on MFP. Good luck to you.:bigsmile:

    Katla, who lives better through chemistry.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.Still having issues with hip pain.Opted to stay home and rest and skip walking to church.
    Barbie.this was the 1st time my cholesterol was up,so that is why I opted to do more with diet and exercise.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    jane (FR IL)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello ladies! I hope everybody is well this morning. I was sitting at the breakfast table reading all the posts and glanced outside to see the giraffe out in the yard again. It wasn't there five minutes ago, and I didn't hear a thing. I'll send Bill out to get it later.

    Meg- I had a similar experience in a store called 5-7-9 in Wichita many years ago. I was looking for a gift and a snotty sales clerk came up to me and announced loudly that they didn't have anything for me in their store. I ran out in tears. I'm glad the playoffs are over. I used to love baseball so much that I planned my enlistment in the Air Force to fit around the 1973 World Series. In recent years I haven't watched much, but I do enjoy watching the series. As a teen, my goal in life was to be the first female in the majors, and to be the catcher for the Oakland A's.

    Michelle - I wish I had a group of friends to play mahjong with. I play it on the ipad all the time, but it would be more fun with friends. I have a group of friends who used to get together once a month for "game night" but we have only done it once in the last year. We usually play Farkle, Apples to Apples, or scrabble. I'm not one who appreciates Dr Oz. I watched a few of his shows and he seems to be somebody who advocates trying all kinds of weird stuff to lose weight, every show seemed to be about it, but then one show he was criticizing a woman for using laxatives for weight loss. He said he couldn't understand why somebody would do that, and I thought, doesn't he realize the pressure the media - especially HIM - put on women to lose weight? I thought he was kind of a hypocrite. So I don't watch him.

    Tazgirl - I get a flu shot every year, and it makes me feel invincible! I hate to get the flu.

    Jmkmomm - I ordered a bedspread from Penneys once and the color was not as pictured, so I took it back to the store. The clerk told me it didn't reach it's true color until it was washed, so I took it home and washed it. It still wasn't right, so I took it back again. The same clerk said she couldn't take it back because it had been washed! GRRR!

    Jane - I'm sorry about your hip pain. I have that problem too, and the last few days have been especially bad. I'm hoping it's the weather.

    Cheryl - I love horses! More pictures please!

    Kayla - amen to the better living through chemistry. I would not be here without my meds.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Thank you for all the lovely compliments.. Sometimes I wish I could inspire myself as much as I seem to inspire others!:wink::tongue:

    My dress turned out to be fine so I took home the 12 and got a refund on the 14. M&S sizes are big so I guess that is a US size 10. I have rarely been that size since my teens. I will wear it with thick tights and boots. And some kind of necklace.
    Unfortunately as we were coming out of our drive the daughter of next door backed out of their drive in a rush and banged into our wheel arch area. Some body damage. Of course she said that daddy would sort it so we have left it for now, but daddy hasn't come round yet. He may try to pay us off without an insurance claim, but it will be a body work job and a hired car while it is being repaired. What a hassle. Just because some kid wasn't looking where she was going.

    Cooked some beetroot this pm so I'm looking forward to my salad with whole grains tomorrow. I've just ordered five more from Amazon, along with ten packets of the porcini mushrooms. They are ready cooked so I just add them to an omelette or stir them into some half fat creme fraiche for an instant sauce. Magic! They went out of stock so now they are back I ordered a lot!

    Bye for now folks,
    Heather UK
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Daughters BD dinner, wish me luck on eating right, I looked at the menu on line, very little to choose from that is healthy, actually looked like only side salad :frown: . But I will figure it out, maybe just order veggies. But NO cake :sad:

    If you are going to an actual restaurant that serves dinners, you can order a meal that is healthy. If there is anything on the menu with a chicken breast you can order a plain grilled chicken breast. If there are any sorts of fancy salads you can order a side of sliced tomatoes and/or sliced cucumbers......also asked for plain steamed vegetables...and if you order a side salad or dinner salad, make sure they leave off the cheese, bacon bits, and croutons and bring the dressing on the side.

    If you're going to a fast food restaurant, then eat a healthy meal first and just have water and enjoy your family.

    :bigsmile: Barbie

    Barbie--No going to nice sit down restaurant, Thank you for the advice that sounds like a great idea, I am going to give it a try.

    Tina in Florida
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    Linda- Happy Belated Birthday!!!
    well I went grocery shopping this morning,came home put that away, baked some cookies for the DH,got burgers made and in the freezer, bless the DH , he finished the lawn, im getting dinner together.. my neck and shoulders are very sore so maybe will get out the heating pad...
    I start getting antsy if there are to many people in a store so I got out just in time... I didnt get to the gym today, and have only gotten about 4,000 steps in so far, I am beat from traveling and soreness and all..
    I did spend 75.00 at walmart on myself though, bought some polar fleece yoga pants, 2 bright lighweight hoodies for when I walk early morning and another pair of work out pants that match one of the hoodies,, and a fleece nightgown for fall/winter the others I had were 2 x- all the stuff I bought today was 12-14 , what a difference:smile:
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Happy Sunday, All!

    Another gorgeous day. We are getting spoiled. I did hear colder weather is moving in later this week, ugh. Why is fall so darn short? I just adore the leaves changing colors, the crisp mornings & warm afternoons, and the fresh apples.

    We are celebrating here in the Boston area. Red Sox are going to the World Series! I stayed up until 1am watching. I feel tired and hung over today-and all I drank was water! I remember when I was a lot younger I could stay up all night-and go to work no problem! Those days are sure over...

    Going now to walk dogs. Tons of stuff to do around house, but it is too nice out! Going to enjoy it while I can. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Critter Sue
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Blessed Sunday Morning, Ladies- I missed church this morning because I woke up with such a nasty headache. I went back to sleep, and the second wake-up was better, but I had missed singing with the choir. Oh, I might be in trouble w/ the other sopranos..:wink:

    I did not have a good day yesterday. I was overly-critical of myself, other people, my projects, and my eating was totally out of control. I am not sure why I was such a mess, but I will be trying to figure it out so I don't have to repeat it!

    I have two cleaning projects that I have been putting off that really need to get done. I have to pull my refrigerator and stove out of their cubbyholes and clean behind them, and I have to go out and clean out the extra freezer in the storage room. Yuck! Nasty! Icky! :sick: I want to win the Lottery and hire someone to do both of these jobs!!! Ok- I am done whining now. I have to make room in the extra freezer because I volunteered to store some of the turkeys the church needs to buy for the community dinner. It seems as though the industrial sized freezers at the church are not large enough when three different groups at church all decide to do fund raisers and missions that require accumulating frozen foods during the same month of the year! Communication would be a good thing! :laugh:

    Mom- Welcome! I only have 1 cat at the moment, but my son tells everyone that he knows I will eventually turn into the Crazy Cat Lady w/ 40 cats & he Does Not want to have to clean out the litter boxes! :bigsmile:

    Linda- You are right, my Guardian Angel was working overtime to keep me from falling. I think God gives some of us (can you say "Klutz") a couple of extra G.A.'s because He knows we are going to need them! Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: The Gold is in the Grandkids and all of your memories..... The Golden Years are what we make of them, I believe, but a little real gold (coins, bonds, stocks, necklaces, whatever!) would surely be fun to have at our age, wouldn't it! :laugh:
    Have fun at your party. Glad you met your goal of seeing numbers in the One-derfuls!

    Renny- Congratulations on your chip trail run! :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie- Welcome Home! :flowerforyou: Glad you enjoyed your vacation. Now, don't work yourself sick trying to catch up with everything to do around the house! Tell Hubby to take care of himself and get better soon!

    Sylvia- Giraffe? What am I missing? :huh:

    Ok- Time to go and do something efficient and productive. Have a great day, Ladies.

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pat - Bruno dragged a huge stuffed giraffe out through the doggie door the other day. It's three times his size and twice as big as the door, but he is one determined little guy. We talked about it and he said he wouldn't do it again, but this morning he did.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We went into Portland this morning so DH could take his cell phone into the genius bar at Apple, and the drive in was cold and foggy. We encountered roadblocks everywhere we turned one we arrived in Portland. :angry: Today was evidently the Leukemia Run. I wish they’d post alternate routes when they close off a bunch of roads. :grumble: The last time we went in for a Genius visit it was the Portland Marathon. The marathon route was a LOT less disruptive. We eventually found our way there but were late. It took the genius about 10 minutes to teach DH how to fix the problem he was having with his phone. We love the Genius bar folks. :heart: And we eventually found our way home. Now the sun is out and the day is promising to be a good one. :bigsmile: DH is still working on the boat in the driveway. He’s completely redoing the wiring before trying to start the engine. He believes his older brother wired it, may he rest in peace. The amazing thing is that it worked for years with that rat’s nest of wire. When DH finishes with it, it will be good for another 40 years and it will be easy for the next person to understand the wiring system.:wink: (NOT me, of course.)

    Sylvia: On the same Dr Oz page as you. A little over a year ago he was promoting green coffee extract tablets for weight loss, and I tried it. I lost weight, but was chronically tired and spent a lot of time in the bathroom. It was a diuretic and the weight loss lasted until I drank water. The next thing he was advocating was a raspberry product. I think the man is for sale to the highest offer and recklessly promotes useless items to the public.:devil: :tongue:

    Grandmallie: Buying smaller clothes is the best NSV ever in my book. It is VERY motivating. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    ate under 1000 calories today, I know I know that could cause something horrible, but was just not up to it today...
    Michelle- those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies sound good, can I get the recipe?
    well gonna go to sleep early, because it is back up early and to the gym... and back into the swing of things for work and home..
    My DD and DGD will be here thursday night, they are in a friends wedding this saterday.. dont know how much time I will get with them,but will take what I can get...
    skyped with them this morning and I am hoping maybe sunday we as a family can go out to breakfast or something before they have to fly home again...
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Happy belated birthday Linda!

    Grandmallie - glad you made it home safe & sound. Sounds like you had a great time.

    Pat - I'm so glad you didn't fall

    I went to the Y both yesterday & today for aquafit. My DD actually did the class this morning with me. I think she liked it. Weigh in was this morning and lost 0.7 lbs. Not much but at least it's in the right direction. Only about 1.5 lbs and I'll be back down to what I was when I joined the Y 6 weeks ago.

    Somehow I've strained my neck and shoulder. I haven't been able to do much since.

    Can't believe the weekend is over so soon and back to work tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.

    :heart: Sandy from ON