30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • 2kmom
    2kmom Posts: 12
    Monday weight - 182lbs
    SW on 10/1 - 190
    Goal by Christmas - 160

    I definitely need to drink more water. 10 glasses a day? I have to force myself to drink 4 glasses a day. I've given up soda, but now I just don't drink much of anything - living in a constant state of dehydration. I'll force another glass down right now!
    See, you're motivating me already :-)
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Did it. Walked 61 mins and drank 128 oz. of water. I love this challenge.
  • Posh! You're gonna "stress" your weight off keeping up with the thread!
  • hellohello! :)
    i want to join as well. i'm kind of new here so excuse my mistakes if i make any. ^_^

    sw: 127 lbs.
    goal weight: 100 lbs! :D
    height: 4'11
  • I'd love to join!

    Starting weight: 164.5 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs

    I'm pretty close to today's challenges, even though I didn't see this thread until now! I've exercised for an hour and eight minutes today, with 48 minutes of continuous walking, and so far I've had eight cups of water. I've got 181 calories left, after exercise, but I went pretty far over my fat limit today (why, oh why must I eat fast food!) so I'm not going to eat too much more. Maybe just some mammoth pecan halves.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 210 Member
    TODAYS WEIGHT.213.8 christmas goal 183.8
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Monday Challenge: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

    *Exercise: 30 Day Shred, Tae Bo and Dance Class (Total time: 1 hr 55 mins)

    *Water: 12 cups of water and still counting

    *Under Calorie Goal: It is my cut-off time for eating so I wont be eating anything else. Stayed WAY under calorie goal. Exercised alot today and I was unable to eat all those calories

    Congrats to everyone who completed the Challenge to day and to all those who gave it a try...Good Luck Tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    ok everyone.
    My weight for Monday is 154.

    Hopefully that will change in the right direction as it has just been staying there for what seems like forever.
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    Start weight is 161 (weighed myself this morning and forgot to post it)
    Goal 131 by Christmas (would be great if I got to 125)
  • swiss13
    swiss13 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join...starting weight 171 - Christmas weight 141. Seems like a huge challenge but I will see what I can do. Good luck everyone.
  • RobertsMommy
    RobertsMommy Posts: 22 Member
    Is it ok to still join. Starting weight 170 lbs gw by Christmas 140.
    Going to Hawaii in Febuary and would like to be 135!
  • DawnMichelle68
    DawnMichelle68 Posts: 38 Member
    first day of challange... 10-18-10 got my hour swim on for just over 700 calories... will get all my water in... at 6 cups now....so one more big ol glass with dinner... well under my calories for the day.. going to have a tuna and peas and a salad for dinner... day one all is well.....
  • would love to do this, but am having so much trouble loosing weight always under my calorie goal yet no change and its been over a month. :(
  • I want to join! I'm 6'2 as of 10/18/2010 I weigh 272
  • Shar39
    Shar39 Posts: 5
    Im new to this site 15 mins ago :)
    What a good way to start by doing a 30 lbs by Xmas challenge
    SW 164
    GW 134
  • I want to join - I'm 5'0 as of 10/18/2010 I weigh 174.4 and I want to weigh 144 by Christmas and 125 by June 18th, 2011. I fall off the diet wagon very easy because I am a caretaker of my husband with a lot of stress in my life so I will need lots of support to do this and I am willing to support everyone else!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • YesSSS!!! I'm in!!!
    So if I understand every Monday we come online for a weight in??
    Starting weight is 175 on 10/19/2010 :/ but not for long! :D
    weight goal is 135
  • is there a way to get a pop up to remind us to log in?
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I'm in! Start weight: 238 sounds like a huge challenge but I love me some "healthy" competition!!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    If it is not too late to join, I would like to. My youngest sister is getting married in May and would like to look good in the wedding pictures.

    SW: 164.2 lbs
    GW: 134 lbs

    I am terrible about taking my meds, so I will start doing that again, along with my vitamins. I will go to the gym tomorrow, start drinking my water, and eating healthier options.
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