October Cycling Challenge 2013



  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    10/01 - 8.08 miles
    10/02 - 9.32 miles
    10/03 - 8.31 miles
    10/04 - Rest day
    10/05 - 12.0 miles
    10/06 - 7.0 miles
    10/07 - 7.0 miles
    10/08 - 8.49 miles
    10/09 - 7.28 miles
    10/10 - 6.12 miles
    10/11 - 6.31 miles
    10/12 - Rest Day
    10/13 - Rest Day
    10/14 - 18.24 miles
    10/15 - 7.0 miles
    10/16 - 8.49 miles
    10/17 - 7.0 miles
    10/18 - 9.12 miles
    10/19 - 7.28 miles
    10/20 - 7.28 miles

    MTD - 144.32 miles
    Goal - 200 miles
  • lmaharey
    lmaharey Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new to My Fitness Pal & loving it! So far have lost 2kgs.
    I bought a new (cheap) bike to get some exercise & the first day I loved it. Then after the second day I have hardly been able to sit as my tailbone is sooooo sore. I'm worried I won't be able to contunue biking! Any suggestions? this was over a week ago & I'm still in pain.
  • Madone438
    Madone438 Posts: 16 Member
    Getting in on this challenge a little late in the month but I would like to shoot for a goal of 200 miles by the end of the month. I think that's achievable. About 20 miles a day for the next 10 days. Riding a road bike so no excuses.
  • Madone438
    Madone438 Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure how cheap of a bike you bought but paying a little more for a bike that is properly fit by a bike mechanic/professional can sometimes make all of the difference in the world. If you have a local bike shop go to them and ask if they can assist you in properly fitting you on your current bike. They may be able to help you adjust your seat height, handlebar reach and seat position (forward or back and tilt). If they can't do it I'm sure they have someone they can recommend. Most bike shops will assist with a very basic fitting at no cost or very little cost. The fittings can range from free and basic to quite extensive and expensive. The basic bike fit will generally get you on the road, pedaling effectively, efficiently and comfortably.

    A very quick fix might be to try some padded cycling shorts. Again I recommend spending a little more at a bike shop and getting a pair specifically designed for gender specific cyclist. The large athletic store chains sometimes carry padded shorts that are very generically produced and may even cause further issues as they are not always designed and constructed with the best materials.

    Hope this helps to get you back on the road and cycling again. Good luck!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I'm new to My Fitness Pal & loving it! So far have lost 2kgs.
    I bought a new (cheap) bike to get some exercise & the first day I loved it. Then after the second day I have hardly been able to sit as my tailbone is sooooo sore. I'm worried I won't be able to contunue biking! Any suggestions? this was over a week ago & I'm still in pain.

    In addition to the advice above, I would just add to get a saddle style (wide) seat for your bike.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.
    10/8 - 1.3 miles.
    10/9 - 0
    10/10 - 5.9 miles a little faster than usual.
    10/11 - 0
    10/12 - 6.2 miles.
    10/13 - 0
    10/14 - 6.2 miles. The Black Keys.
    10/15 - 0
    10/16 - 6 miles. Jack White, The White Stripes.
    10/17 - 0
    10/18 - 6.3 miles. Evanescence, The Pixies.
    10/19 - 1.5 miles (just a quick trip to the dollar store). Jack White.
    10/20 - 0

    MTD = 54 miles.
    Goal = 75-90 miles.
    Remaining = 21 miles minimum.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    10/2 - 12*
    10/3 - 12
    10/10 - 17*
    10/11 - 37*
    10/13 - 32*
    10/18 - 14*
    10/19 - 31*
    10/20 - 26*

    Total: 181 miles

    *fixed gear rides

    It's definitely getting chillier. It's still not that bad, but when you have to slog home into the wind at the end of the ride... ugh. Maybe it was made worse because the group portion of the ride was plagued by breakdowns including this flat tire:
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    With the highs 50s and lows 40-ish, I am about to quit riding this year.
    When the October challenge began, I thought I can ride more but it's too cold for me.
    Today, however, the high was just about 60 and sunny, I did go out and rode the Nashua River Railway Trail.
    It brought the MTD up to 130.
    The remaining 110 for 10 days is not impossible but if I ride when it's warm enough for me, I don't think I'm going to complete the challenge this month. Yes. I'm a wimp. I hate cold weather!

    BTW, I bought a road bike as a LSB wants to dump off inventory heading into off season.
    For the today's ride, I was averaging over 16mph, and felt like it's too fast to enjoy the scenery.


    MTD: 129.58/240
    10/05/13 6.91
    10/09/13 7.09
    10/09/13 9.42
    10/10/13 7.11
    10/10/13 9.42
    10/12/13 30.93
    10/12/13 17.38
    10/16/13 7.11
    10/16/13 9.49
    10/20/13 12.46
    10/20/13 12.26
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Oct 5th 64 Miles
    Oct 6th 16 Miles Commuting
    Oct 7th 16 Commuting
    Oct 21st 16 Commuting

    MTD 112
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Oct - 17.14 miles
    2nd Oct - 34.65 miles
    3rd Oct - 34.99 miles
    4th Oct - 34.70 miles
    7th Oct -17.43 miles
    9th Oct - 17.43 miles
    15th Oct - 34.88 miles
    16th Oct - 34.94 miles
    21st Oct - 17.49 miles - wet and windy...

    Total October: 243.65 miles
    Target: 500 miles - I was going to decrease my target but thought better of it, I'll leave it there to taunt me... Grrr....!
    Remaining: 256.35

    September Miles: 273.53 Cycle
    August Miles: 571.26 Cycle
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Haven't posted an update since late last week so here goes. Rainy day this past Saturday and I took my daughter to Busch Gardens yesterday so plenty of walking there...

    10/01 - 06.25 @ 15.8 mph (AM)
    10/01 - 10.01 @ 15.8 mph (Noon)
    10/02 - 06.17 @ 16.9 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 10.05 @ 16.2 mph (Noon)
    10/04 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/04 - 10.04 @ 15.7 mph (Noon)
    10/05 - 22.10 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    10/06 - 14.06 @ 15.3 mph (Noon)
    10/07 - 10.47 @ 17.5 mph (PM)
    10/08 - 06.20 @ 17.6 mph (AM)
    10/08 - 07.69 @ 15.3 mph (PM)
    10/14 - 06.17 @ 16.8 mph (AM)
    10/14 - 10.02 @ 16.3 mph (Noon)
    10/15 - 06.16 @ 16.2 mph (AM)
    10/15 - 10.51 @ 15.7 mph (Noon)
    10/16 - 06.15 @ 16.6 mph (AM)
    10/16 - 10.48 @ 16.2 mph (Noon)
    10/16 - 10.15 @ 16.0 mph (PM)
    10/17 - 06.21 @ 15.9 mph (AM)
    10/17 - 10.43 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    10/18 - 06.26 @ 15.7 mph (AM)
    10/18 - 10.43 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    10/21 - 06.26 @ 15.6 mph (AM)
    10/21 - 10.51 @ 16.6 mph (Noon)

    MTD - 225.08
  • Tmsmith007
    Tilt! I tilted my ticker at 132 today. After all, it is just spin, right? But, still I am emphatically happy and thankful for the challenge and now I know what I can do and what I can't with Spin @ 3 times a week.

  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    10/01 - 8.08 miles
    10/02 - 9.32 miles
    10/03 - 8.31 miles
    10/04 - Rest day
    10/05 - 12.0 miles
    10/06 - 7.0 miles
    10/07 - 7.0 miles
    10/08 - 8.49 miles
    10/09 - 7.28 miles
    10/10 - 6.12 miles
    10/11 - 6.31 miles
    10/12 - Rest Day
    10/13 - Rest Day
    10/14 - 18.24 miles
    10/15 - 7.0 miles
    10/16 - 8.49 miles
    10/17 - 7.0 miles
    10/18 - 9.12 miles
    10/19 - 7.28 miles
    10/20 - 7.28 miles
    10/21 - 6.12 miles

    MTD - 150.44 miles
    Goal - 200 miles
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    17 MILES
    20 MTD 306
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    Great miles everyone, shooting to break 450 this month, have increased steadily since the end of July, broke 400 last month and I'm at 300 so far this month, switching between mountain and road. Finished my first 100 miler this month and felt great, need to start earlier in the spring now that I've taken on road cycling.
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    10/2 - 12*
    10/3 - 12
    10/10 - 17*
    10/11 - 37*
    10/13 - 32*
    10/18 - 14*
    10/19 - 31*
    10/20 - 26*
    10/21 - 13*

    Total: 194 miles

    *fixed gear rides

    It was a short ride tonight, 13 miles, but at least I got out and rode. The season is changing. Our winds typically blow out of the south but tonight they are out of the north at about 12 mph. The temps are in the 50s, but after the long, hot summer, wearing long pants and a sweater seems like the right move, especially when riding into that north wind.

    I took this picture holding the camera in my hands, at a 2.5 second exposure. It's a little jittery, but not too bad.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.
    10/8 - 1.3 miles.
    10/9 - 0
    10/10 - 5.9 miles a little faster than usual.
    10/11 - 0
    10/12 - 6.2 miles.
    10/13 - 0
    10/14 - 6.2 miles. The Black Keys.
    10/15 - 0
    10/16 - 6 miles. Jack White, The White Stripes.
    10/17 - 0
    10/18 - 6.3 miles. Evanescence, The Pixies.
    10/19 - 1.5 miles (just a quick trip to the dollar store). Jack White.
    10/20 - 0
    10/21 - 0

    MTD = 54 miles.
    Goal = 75-90 miles.
    Remaining = 21 miles minimum.
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Oct 5th 64 Miles
    Oct 6th 16 Miles Commuting
    Oct 7th 16 Commuting
    Oct 21st 16 Commuting
    Oct 22nd 16 Commuting

    MTD 128
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Pretty sure my biggest issue with the cold weather will be my ears. Any suggestions? Can't wear much under my helmet because it barely fits already (it's adjustable and I can't adjust it any bigger).

    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.
    10/8 - 1.3 miles.
    10/9 - 0
    10/10 - 5.9 miles a little faster than usual.
    10/11 - 0
    10/12 - 6.2 miles.
    10/13 - 0
    10/14 - 6.2 miles. The Black Keys.
    10/15 - 0
    10/16 - 6 miles. Jack White, The White Stripes.
    10/17 - 0
    10/18 - 6.3 miles. Evanescence, The Pixies.
    10/19 - 1.5 miles (just a quick trip to the dollar store). Jack White.
    10/20 - 0
    10/21 - 0
    10/22 - 4 miles with Gary Clark, Jr. on the Walkman.

    MTD = 58 miles.
    Goal = 75-90 miles.
    Remaining = 17 miles minimum.
  • Tmsmith007
    Tired and burnt out, two days of cycle and I am just not feeling the joy. Probably started shorting the caloric intake too much and my grumpy got stuck. Now I got the grump. I hate grump! Anyway here is the ticker.
    Maybe I should skip a day between cycle and try to shake off that funky grump. Anyone have a grump be gone spray?
