

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Read a face book post today from a Mom who is home schooling her kids. She has been putting up perks of home schooling. Today was having fun with math. She has a 9th and 5th grader. She is on a diet. Using fractions they are figuring up in fractions the ratio to how many ounces of water Mom is drinking to the many times a day she goes to the bathroom.! I would love to see that written up as a word problem in a public school textbook!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: It was a wonderful day that included lots of dog walking, a 90 minute nap with the whole family in the king sized bed, making a big pot of pumpkin apple soup, doing a newly revised strength training routine and spending time with friends.

    :flowerforyou: Melody, each day Is a new beginning, but I make resolutions for a month at a time and if I falter, I make a fresh start the next day. You have some awesome and sensible and personal goals

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sylvia, how great that people called you “skinny”

    :heart: Barbie from very foggy NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 22,000 steps today
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning, Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day. :flowerforyou:

    We can do this!

    Tina in Florida
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    morning ladies,'I slept in havent gotten to the gym but am drinking my lemon water and icing my foot. my heel is bothering a bit..
    and I am sorta in a funk , i havent lost anything since I left for vacation .. the scale is stuck:grumble: I figured with all the exercise down in florida I would lose something ,but no.. will have to up my water intake I guess
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Ladies ( new & old)

    Today I have the apartment to myself...so much I can get done with DH gone for awhile....he is constantly telling me that I cant do this or that housework....No wonder I am PLus plus size :noway: And I will get in some exercising in today
    so I can get back to actually lose some weight :grumble: ...I know he loves me and see's what too much housework and exercising does to me ...but Ladies lying around is killing me and now I weigh ++++++...anyway enough grumbling...
    Our dear little GS who is 7 had a meltdown in school..he was crying so much that his teacher went to see what was wrong...my DD is divorced from his father......he told the teacher that he didn't want to go to his dads anymore....that daddy's GF is ..(his words)..*the wicked witch of the west*....she tells the little guy that he cannot have a nite light because it burns too much power....she took the tv out of the basement and told him he couldn't go there and watch tv or play..this is my house and you are only here because your F lives here...I do not want you or your brother here.....there is more ...but you get the poor little guys crying.....Every time they had to go for a weeknd I would be so sick with worry till they got home.....just another thing they did to my GB...they built a cabin in the country and when the boys went with they had to ....sleep outside... in tents ...alone.. that was it...I went to my DD and asked her not to send them back but she said her hands were tied..that he has to get them on his weeknd....I cried could not help it....my GB were being bullied by this women....but since the school got a hold of MD..they red flagged their father and the boys are no longer going ...so far....
    There is so much more I could tell you...but I do not need to growl on here..each one has their own troubles....but I worry so about my GS's....cry for what they are going thru :cry: ..please if any do pray..please pray for them..Thank You :cry:
    Well I must go about and do some work......You ALL have a wonderful sunshiny day!!!!

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I got to sleep little later because I have no early meetings or classes..:bigsmile: it is very very foggy outside so the moon was not visible when I walked the dogs for their "business" walk.:cry: Jake is building a fire in the fireplace (the outside temperature is 38 degrees) and in a few minutes the dogs and I will head outside for our two hour walk.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, my husband has a history of telling me that I can't do something because it's unsafe or too hard and I thank him for his concern and do it anyway.....he used to tell me that I shouldn't walk the dogs so early and little by little I've gone out earlier and earlier and he's gotten used to it....just thank your hubby for his concern and be sure to not let on if the work or exercise is hard for you and he'll get used to it.

    :flowerforyou: Today is a good day to act the way you want to feel and refuse to take things personally.....and get off the couch and get active.

    :heart: Barbie from foggy NW Washington

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Barbie - love the waggly ears on your rabbit!

    Liz- our family is always such a worry. I hope all your GK's troubles get sorted.:flowerforyou:

    Felt tired and lacking in energy this morning. It is so dark and wet at the moment, but I went to yoga and got through it somehow. Then some of us and the teacher went to the pub for a coffee and had a lovely girly natter about all our troubles and I felt so much better! Will make a start on the tax return this pm - I know it is preying on my mind, but once I get going it doesn't take long. I'm still waiting to hear about my rental window and the neighbour hasn't been round yet about the car, tho DH says he's coming this evening. It really is none of my business, thank goodness, but it's keeping me awake at night. All very small problems in the great scheme of things!:huh: :wink:

    No sign of my lb dropping. Bother!:noway:
    Have bought my Christmas cards (!) and one or two small stocking filler type presents. DH and I give each other stockings on Christmas morning with a few small things in, but it takes time to find suitable things. Thank goodness for Amazon, but I am starting early! This year, because my my son's family are all coming for Christmas Day I am going to treat myself to something I have wanted for a while - some lovely red silk flowers. I think I have decided on a growing amyrillis but I could go for the red roses. Not cheap, but I can use it every year. Last year the flowers I bought died because I put them near a radiator! These look very real. My DDIL has got one in her office and it was ages before she realised it was fake! !

    Love to all. Keep well and I hope all headaches and pains are shortlived.

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Today is my day to go to yoga and take the skinny jeans back to the store. I’m looking forward to both. I’m taking my boots along so I can try whatever pants on with them. If they don’t work, they don’t come home with me. If they’re not comfortable, they also don’t come home with me. I’m an “old woman” and nobody can make me be fashionable if I don’t want to. :laugh: :wink: So there! :tongue:

    JaneMartin: I hope the pain continues to diminish. And you feel great soon.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’ve been an audio-bookaholic for years. I had to commute an hour each way, and the audio books kept me sane. It didn’t matter if I got stuck in a traffic jam, I’d call work or home to let them know what was happening and settle in with my book. Now that I’m retired I sometimes listen while walking the dog and still listen if I’m driving and DH isn’t with me. I also listen while knitting or crocheting.:bigsmile:

    Joyce: I’m sorry your chicken dinner was a disappointment. Your husband’s being unhappy that his meals were out of sequence made me smile. I hope he enjoyed his dinner anyway.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: My parents were Vitamin V-a-holics for while. Dad would take valium and drink alcohol before driving. :noway: He never had an accident, thank the Lord. :heart: He had a stress filled life back then. MIL took Librium. That stuff was nasty and she was often in her own little world. When I was in college I was having pain problems and the University heath clinic doctor prescribed it for me. NASTY stuff. :mad: I never took a second dose. A roomie I had at the time correctly diagnosed my problem as lactose intolerance. I quit milk products, and my symptoms all went away. :bigsmile: It is good to know your friend is doing well and will be moving to a regular room soon.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Meg: I loved the story about Benny Beagle’s “pup.” Thanks for sharing. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Melody: Welcome to the group. I hope you will enjoy yoga as much as I do. The more yoga I do, the more I realize how helpful it is.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m so happy for your good experience visiting your pottery friends. Your ticker tells an amazing story of success all by itself, but it really feels good when friends notice how well you’re doing. Congratulations!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Critter Sue: Prayers for your FIL. I hope things go well for him. Congratulations on the too big jeans. Great NSV.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: The weight comes off when it comes off. As the Plateau Queen, I know that well. You’re doing great. Drinking enough water usually helps me wash a pound away. Eventually. :wink:

    Liz: I’m happy your DGS had a meltdown in school and they were able to put a stop to the wicked stepmother visits. What is the matter with their father? Maybe he’s like a cowbird that lays eggs in other bird’s nests and never actually raises the chicks. (No personal connection or responsibility.) :grumble:

    Barbie: I love this, “Today is a good day to act the way you want to feel and refuse to take things personally.....and get off the couch and get active.” :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick note for Michele............on the Hersheys cocoa---the directions for one cup cocoa are on the back (I don't add the salt or the vanilla).........the beauty of it (for me,anyway) is: 1. That it is 100% pure dark chocolate. 2 You get to add as much or as little sugar as you want, depending on your own personal taste. I use just a t. of real sugar, but you could use stevia or an artificial sweetner; I imagine you could even add honey for sweetness after it's made (although that option would not appeal to me). I use skim milk; but that would be open to other types too. Sometimes I add a drop or two of flavorings: almond, mint, orange, etc. whatever I'm in the mood for. This is found with the baking stuff in my store; a container, dark brown with "Hershey's Cocoa" on the front in gray (or maybe they were aiming for silver, lol), about 4" high, 8 oz., also says 100% cacao and "natural unsweetened". 10 calories /Tble.

    When I make it, I don't follow their procedure exactly...........I put the sugar-- 1 t., and cocoa--2 T.,....... in the mug and add a little milk, stir until smooth, then add the rest of milk and stir again,,,,,,,,,,,then I microwave it..........2 min. in mine....and add any flavorings, stir , and drink.

    Off to the hosp. BBL.

    cloudy, cool mid-Atlantic
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues to you all.Thanks for all the well wishes about my groin/hip.Got a call from my dr checking up on me.I have a fantastic dr.I go back sat.
    The pain is there but not as bad.With all the exercise I did yesterday the pain was tolerable.
    Cold wether and possible snow .Burrr .Where`s our fall and the 60`s.
    Take care everyone.
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Marking my spot. Been away for 4 weeks.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbie for your encouragement to get off the couch and get active.

    I did go to Jazzercise at 6:15 AM. Talk about dripping sweat! I will have to figure out which classes I want to attend, the early morning or after work. For either ones I am tired, but what else in terms of available time is there working full-time. So I must continue to bite the bullet, if I want to get my workouts in.

    It has been very foggy here every morning. Today the sun is burning it off, so it should get nice by lunch time. This afternoon I will walk to an appointment and back, about 20 minutes each way; so a bit more activity. My back continues to bother me, so I should make a dr. appointment to have it diagnosed.

    Liz fr Halifax NS - I am so sorry about the issue with your grandchildren. I can identify and it is heartbreaking.

    Have a great day!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Marking my place. I've been MIA for a week. Maybe I can catch up later.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    Just caught up to page 5. Not sure if I will have time to catch up more than that. Maybe tomorrow. Sorry I can't respond to each of you, too busy! This is my last week at work here in Cookeville. Next week is pack the truck and move week so I probably won't be on at all! I have to do 2 weeks of school work in one, then at least I have a week off of that. :yawn: so tired of all this stress!!!:ohwell:

    Well off to do more "stuff"!

    Rita from TN (3 days to moving truck then on to new adventures in CT!)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This morning was a little scary. I got a call from my son saying my sweet little granddaughter (age 7) was at the emergency room. She had a seizure at school. She was asking for me to come, so I did. They did a cat scan and xrays which were normal and a lot of blood work. They want to take more blood tomorrow after fasting, to check for diabetes. Poor baby has never had blood drawn before and of course it hurt her. She had been in the cafeteria for breakfast and fell with her arm down between the metal rails where they slide the trays, so her arm was bruised. They xrayed it and it wasn't broken. A teacher grabbed her and laid her down on the floor, and they called my son. They live right across the street so were there pretty quickly. By the time they got there she was OK, but they went to the ER just to be safe. She was feeling so much better the nurses were calling her Chatty Cathy. She said she was awake and heard everything, but couldn't respond. That must have been scary for her. She's not had any seizures before, so hopefully it turns out to be nothing.

    While son waited for test results, I went to take the little guy (age 4) to his preschool. That was a lot of fun. He is a real jabberbox. He loves going to school, so I'm glad he didn't have to miss because his sister was sick.

    When I was leaving the hospital my son actually hugged me! It was the first time in over 6 years that he's hugged me. I cried all the way to the car.

    My other job is freelance drafting, working for a local company, and they haven't sent me work in almost three months and today they sent me four jobs. Glad to have the work, but I had to choose between drafting and going to the hospital. Guess which one I chose. The drafting can wait.

    Well, I'm off to the gym. Have a great evening.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I had my first session with Reneee the manager of the wellness center at the Y. She is starting me off slow, I appreciate that. basically what she started me out doing is at home exercises with my 3 pound weight, I really need to go to Walmart and get me a second one. There are about 6 different things I do with my arms. Then she gave me a whole bunch of stretching exercises. I have to admit I have never done any stretching at all. When I am ready in a couple of weeks she will start me on some of the machines. I think she is assuming I am going to the beginners strength training group. So I really need to do that. I have been waking up earlier in the day lately so I may join the group that meets 3 days a week. Then I went to CJ Banks. I don't know if that is just a regional store or not but it is a womens fashion. There is CJ for the plus size woman and then Christopher Banks for the regular sized woman. I hope some day to just be able to go next door. I bought a lot of MIL clothes there and the staff at the NH always said she was the best dressed woman there. Today everything in the store was the last day it was 40% off. I have been eyeing this tapestry vest that has multiple colors in it . I already have a top from there that is one of the colors so I bought 2 more and also I nice Henly style tshirt.. Total bill was $80. I had already 'shopped' on line so I knew immediately what I wanted. They had some khaki pants that would have matched the vest and tops but that my be pushing it to much for this jeans and t shirt woman!:laugh:

    Even though it is cool outside the sun is wonderful.

    Rita, that is some special doctor you have that would personally call you

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member

    Popping in to say thus far I am keeping up with activity goals for the month. Today I stopped in the park to play in the playground and oh yes, I did slide down that slide. Sometimes it is good to not act our age. I actually got the idea to play from a blog here on MFP. It was listing exercises you can do on the playground. Didn't mention sliding but when you turn a year older you want to see if you still got it. Picture is my baby grandson; just in time to bake me a birthday cake.

    Life is good! God is good! and I sure hope you are enjoying yours :bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Slyvia.how scary.Hope everything checks out ok.
    Hubby took me to lunch,to a buffet,did ok,no desserts and fresh fruit instead.Had a shrimp stirfry.
    We had snow,can`t believe it.It was coming down,but melted right away.
    I want our fall 60`s weather back.
    Have a good night.
    Hope to check in tomorrow,son`s computer was acting up.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy howdy! Well my piece of good news is that I lost 2.2 pounds this morning when I weighed in. That started my day off well. I taught for 4 hours straight…..boy that’s a long time. I end up exhausted afterwards! Spent the rest of the day grading stuff and taking care of little pieces of this and that. Tomorrow will be a good day because I’m not teaching so I have the whole day in my office.

    I wish I could figure out why my blood sugars are so much higher the last 2 weeks. I’m not exercising quite as much as before, but that shouldn’t make that much difference; at least I don’t think so. Maybe time to investigate more medications or increasing this one. I need to get back into my good exercise routine; it’s hard when my schedule changes. It always takes me a week or
    two to figure out a new routine.

    Benny beagle is much better today, so I think that’s all over with!

    Melody: you have some great goals! They are very reasonable.

    Sue you are so right; tomorrow is always another day and the opportunity for a fresh start

    Crittersue: what a great nsv! Congratulations! So Sorry about FIL…I’ll be sending prayers for him and your family

    Sylvia: wowowowowowowwow what a great nsv!!! Sending prayers for your GD and family!

    Michele: your milk dilemma is why I make everyone make lists! I do not make extra trips. Otherwise I’d be going to the store daily. Everyone only has had to go without once and they never forget the list!

    Joyce: now that’s some practical math!

    Barbie: ooooh a 90 minute nap sounds delightful!

    Grandmallie: oh my I hope that foot doesn’t start bothering you again

    Liz: oh you poor little GS. How sad that a grown woman acts that way. It’s unconscionable . Sending prayers for their situation,

    Heather: omg I love that expression….a girly natter! That is fabulous. I’m going to start using it. That describes it to a T!

    Katla: the fashion fighter! I love it. I can see you in the store yelling “You can’t make me fashionable!” while you are being chased by sales ladies carrying stiletto heels!

    Janemartin: we may be having sleet tomorrow!

    Renny: I admire people who can get to exercise classes that early. I already get up between 4:30 and 5 to go to work. I do well with exercise classes that are right after work, but if I go home and have to go out I’m sunk. I am going to try a water aerobics class at 7 on Monday evenings. We have leftovers on Mondays so it will be easy to eat early enough to go. I didn’t go yesterday though.

    Rita; good luck on your new adventure!

    Texasgal: hooray for not acting your age and having fun!

    Well DD#2 is cooking a great buttermilk broccoli soup for dinner. We’ll have a pumpernickel bread with it but somehow we are out of lettuce so no salad tonight! Tomorrow we are supposed to have the carpet installed downstairs. I sure hope they come. We have all sorts of stuff in the gym so I can’t even get to the elliptical. Even worse trying to get to the bowflex.

    OK I’m outta here! Take care and enjoy the rest of the evening. Meg from Omaha where it is getting cooler by the day.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, has your stress level been up knowing it was time to get back to school with the students again? I know as a student mine was but I don't know how my instructors felt!!:laugh: Anyway, that could make your blood sugars go up.
