Plus size-Super size weightloss support



  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    the ticker and the picture - how do you do them. I am not of the computer generation so I'm really dumb at making anything on the computer work. HELP lol
  • Just checking in with the people who understand!:glasses: I have just started this calorie counting thing (thanks to my doc). I have to loose for my health problems. I took a chance and weighed this morning and..........:noway: :happy: I have lost 2 pounds. I know its a small amount, but for me it is huge! I am not going to weigh again till the 22nd. That will be a week. I am so excited. I am so thankful I found this website. It makes it fun to keep up with what you eat and do for exercise. It just helps knowing there are others out there who struggle and know what its like.

    :wink: I am on my way!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was shocked to read I should lose 50 pounds. My highest weight was 175 lbs.

    My body frame is very petite and no matter how much weight I have gained, my ring size is 6! So when I ran my numbers and was told i needed to be at 115 I almost died. That was 60 lbs and seemed to awsome a challenge, so I dropped out. I remained at 168 for some time.

    I couldnt even think about 50 lbs, so I set a lower, obtainable goal.

    I am so blessed by the support and intelligence of the people on MFP.

    Thanks to everyone.
  • the ticker and the picture - how do you do them. I am not of the computer generation so I'm really dumb at making anything on the computer work. HELP lol

    just go under the tools tab up top and click on tickers, it should walk you through the steps to make one then copy the whole code for forums and go into settings tab when you are under home and after you click settings, go to edit signature, there you can right click and paste the code and click save.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Count me in too...I'm a big girl! It's awesome to see so many other people who have weight loss goals that are similar to mine. It does seem intimidating, but with such a great support group, I know we can all push through!
  • jorlen
    jorlen Posts: 2
    I want to congratulate all you YOUNGER PEOPLE for recognizing that you need to lose weight now. It took me 25 years after having my children to wakeup to the fact that I need to lose at least 50 pounds.
    Guess after reading some of everyone's comments, we all still have the same issues with food. WE SHOULD COUNT ON EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF FOOD TO BE A FRIEND. I am a good listener.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    so just my check in. I have done great today. I lost my weekend weight already and am back on track. I am down to 178.9, yeah.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I need to lose a TON, and tonight I am not kidding I ate almost an entire pizza, minus 1 piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN WE SAY BINGE EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP HELP HELP
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I want to congratulate all you YOUNGER PEOPLE for recognizing that you need to lose weight now. It took me 25 years after having my children to wakeup to the fact that I need to lose at least 50 pounds.
    Guess after reading some of everyone's comments, we all still have the same issues with food. WE SHOULD COUNT ON EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF FOOD TO BE A FRIEND. I am a good listener.

    I know alot of people who wait tell they are older. I think in alot of ways it is easier because most goals I make for my self I have an end goal, like college I worked my butt off an got through it but knew once I got those degree's I was done, no more school. My weight is something I am going to have to fight and work at the rest of my life. I think that is the main reason it took me so long to start. I can get down to my 125 but it only stays that way if I work at it and every time my mom dieted growing up she would lose ALOT then gain it all back +20 within a couple years. It is a life time change. I am mostly doing to be HOTT of course but I want my future children to have a good start and hopefully have healthier habits from day one. Also I want to be able to keep up with them. I want to be a mom who dose things with my kids, watching is boring. I want to climb in the tunnels at chuck e cheese with out the fear of them breaking.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I think we just have to set really small goals in order to eat through the chunks of weight to lose, if that makes sense because if you look at it as a whole it seems overwhelming, but lb by lb the weight comes off and that is the best way to do it.

    At the moment i am losing a pound a week slowly but surely and it is teaching me to learn to beat the demons of yo yo dieting.

    I think it becomes routine and then it begins to be a lifestyle change which is what i am personally aiming for. I find this site a great help and i haven't been able to shift my weight like this for a long time so thank you all :bigsmile:
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    Ugh! I am in the slow slide down and I am desperatly trying to not let that happen!

    I had a good first part of the week, then blew Friday, but I got back on track Saturday and then almost lost on Sunday evening. Now this week, I have lost track of three days, granted I did have a lot going on (spent all day Monday at the airport!), but if I don't learn to deal with these type of days, this is never going to happen for me.

    I want this soo bad this time, and yes I do want it right now! Just call me miss Salt! But I know that this will not happen overnight and I need to just get back on track and get my head back out of my *ss and open my eyes to what is going on around me.

    It's so frustraiting to put so much work into something and not see any results.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Ugh! I am in the slow slide down and I am desperatly trying to not let that happen!

    I had a good first part of the week, then blew Friday, but I got back on track Saturday and then almost lost on Sunday evening. Now this week, I have lost track of three days, granted I did have a lot going on (spent all day Monday at the airport!), but if I don't learn to deal with these type of days, this is never going to happen for me.

    I want this soo bad this time, and yes I do want it right now! Just call me miss Salt! But I know that this will not happen overnight and I need to just get back on track and get my head back out of my *ss and open my eyes to what is going on around me.

    It's so frustraiting to put so much work into something and not see any results.

    It is really hard but it does get easier, you will learn new habits. I slip off sometimes but at least you know to start over. That is all it takes. I dont do free days because it ends up being 3 to 4 instead. But I do have treats once in a while but in moderation. Its funny because I find myself talking to myself, encouraging me to do 5 more min. on my walk or telling myself that I cant have that today. But not giving up this time is the best reward I can think of. You can do this. keep telling yourself this all day long if that is what it takes. YOU CAN DO THIS :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hey all,

    So this week has had it's ups and down's, Thats for sure. I binged only 2 times this week, ugh! Last night I ate 2 cheesy bean burritos from Taco Bell.

    On the good side I have been smoke free for 48 hours now. I think I was craving more food because of the whole quit smoking thing. I need to start to get ready for work here in a bit. I'll post later for sure on how things are getting back on track!

  • skks
    skks Posts: 8
    Don't feel bad I don't know how to do it either. Maybe some will help us both!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    partly a bump partly and update. not w whole lot is new. I did not make it in to the gym today so I am alittle pissed off at mysel but tomorrow is another day.
  • Laurziemoo
    Laurziemoo Posts: 18
    I feel i've had a bad week this week. I haven't managed to do much excersise and i've gone over my calories on 3 occasions (by no more than 100 cals but i still shouldn't have gone over!!)
    I just hope i dont gain weight this week :(
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    ive having a week off the scales to see if i relax a bit and become a bit less obessesed about the numbers on the scale.

    I have been ding far more exercise and i think this is why my weight is currently maintaining so i will leave it a few days before trying again.

    On the other hand my measurements have dropped significantly, so i am very pleased with that and i have been shopping for a few new items to tie my over until i lose more and i have lost nearly 2 dress sizes since i started MFP.
  • annex1
    annex1 Posts: 31
    I feel i've had a bad week this week. I haven't managed to do much excersise and i've gone over my calories on 3 occasions (by no more than 100 cals but i still shouldn't have gone over!!)
    I just hope i dont gain weight this week :(

    Hey Sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself. Do the best you can each day, and when you slip, just pick yourself up and start over. What we are doing here is not an all or nothing thing, it is a lifetime of small choices we have to make. So you blow it one day - who doesn't, forget it and start over. The scale is just a tool in this process, it is not the end all be all in your life, what really matters is how you are feeling , are you eating healthy, doing the best you can with excersise, the numbers will take care of themselfs. If you let the scale rule you, you're in for a bumpy ride, as women our weight will change daily because of water. So only weigh once a week or every 2 weeks and you will get a truer picture of what is going on. From your note it doesn't sound like you are doing all that bad, so be kind to you, you're worth it. Be Blessed, Connie
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Hey kiddos....
    Well I am sitting here eating leftovers....and it sent me over my calories for the day.....I am not binging per say just eating 1 cup soup and a slice of bread...yeah...killer meal for me when I don't work out.

    I am hoping I don't gain weight this weekend. My workout schedule is gonna be all out of whack next week cause we have house guests downstairs where I usually work out....rrrrr.....

    I am wanting to lose as much as I can before 8/10 which is when my fiance gets back from gains are not good right now. Its also around that time of the month so I am hoping to hold it together.

    anyway, that's my update
  • scrumpy21
    scrumpy21 Posts: 19
    I need to lose a TON, and tonight I am not kidding I ate almost an entire pizza, minus 1 piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN WE SAY BINGE EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP HELP HELP

    Pizza I love Pizza, but when I want to eat lots like last night, I had a small piece, had my salad, drank to glasses of water, and told myself what I learned by reading on this site, I can have anything I want just not tonight, I will have more pizza, etc, just not now!
    read posts, write in a journal, go out, watch a fav movie, drink a hot drink, low cal...

    The more I read on this site the more I learn, everyone inspires me to keep going

    think about why you binged, plan for next time you feel that way, what to do, do something that makes you feel good today, be nice to yourself, you deserve it!

    forgive yourself and move forward....

    keep us posted
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