I am looking for friends to go through 100 lbs weight loss



  • myst036
    myst036 Posts: 19 Member
    This is for all you ladies that have 100 pounds or more to lose. I KNOW it seems frustratingly unachievable, but I know for a fact that it isn't. I started out at 330 pounds and now sit at 178 and have about 13 pounds to go until I have lost half my body weight.
    I too thought it was impossible, but being overweight was literally killing me. My health was the pits and I could barely walk because my feet were such a mess it was massively painful to walk. But one thing led to another and I got the help I needed to make me realize that losing the weight was not nearly as hard as living the life I was.

    So as tough as you think it is to cut back on the things you love, you have to ask yourself which is harder, losing the weight or being fat? Your weight affects not only yourself but those around you and believe you me you are self punishing yourself for things in your past and stresses of the present. Give yourself a break and realize that you are well worth the effort of improving your life.

    My entire life is better now. I feel fantastic and my relationships are all for the better. I hear constantly how good I look and how amazing I am. I can now cross my legs and cut my own toe nails, and am not bumping in to furniture because of my sheer size. I went from a 24 to a ten and it took me over two years, but it was worth every minute of journaling, exercise and sacrifice.

    You can do it ladies. PLEASE have faith in yourselves and if you need support please feel free to add me. =]
  • My goal is 80lbs weight loss. Like you I can hardly recognize myself. Over the last few years having 3 kids, it's been hard to get back to the size where my husband and I met. I never ever take body photos, so I am desperately ready to do that again. I want to feel good about myself again. YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • That's awesome! I love to hearing inspiring stories like this because I know if someone else can do it so can I!
  • Atarahjoy
    Atarahjoy Posts: 10 Member
    I have 80 pounds to lose. Let's connect and support each other.
  • I have 88 lbs, so please add me. Dont want to go on this journey alone!!
  • natasha8812
    natasha8812 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all I am 24 years old and would like a baby but I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome and the doctor said to improve my fertility I have to lose weight. I started out with 90.6lb to lose I now have 83lb to lose and could do with all the friends and encouragement I can get. I will do this because I want a baby so bad. Please feel free to add me xxx
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    I have an initial goal of about 50 lbs, then I'll re-evaluate. I could use and give some support alonf the way. Feel free to add me