Cutting down on weed, weight gain

I've smoked weed for three years now near enough everyday. I have decided to cut down on my weed intake as it contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle. Weed has caused me to be extremely skinny, and I hate it! I was wondering, if I cut down my smoking to once or twice a week, would I still gain the weight that is expected after quitting weed? Hope someone can help answer this for me, otherwise I'll have to just quit for good!
Many thanks,


  • Veganmafia
    Veganmafia Posts: 54 Member
    quit for good. if you smoke a lot and its speeding up your metabolism or causing you to not eat, cutting down is still gonna maintain that to a certain degree. Its' like smoking cigarettes, if you cut down cigarette smoking you probably won't be affected weight wise because your holding out for that cigarette. But when you quit, that's when your body starts recooperating and starts healing. That's when you either gain weight* (which usually happens to any kind of smoker) or you lose weight. Give it a couple months and see what happens (90days to 6months).
  • So weed actually CURBS your appetite? I think most OTHER users will say it enhances their appetite.

    ETA i'm an occasional toker and I find that I have no appetite on the days I do not smoke.. my husband is the same way. I find it interesting that it's the opposite for you!
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    No, I get the munchies and I eat a whole lot, but it speeds up my metabolism I guess.

    So, even If I go to smoking one day a week, you think I will still have problems putting weight on? I know I should quit for good anyway, since it's not helping me do anything positive. Just hard to imagine never ever smoking again! But I know I need to do it!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    No, I get the munchies and I eat a whole lot, but it speeds up my metabolism I guess.

    So, even If I go to smoking one day a week, you think I will still have problems putting weight on? I know I should quit for good anyway, since it's not helping me do anything positive. Just hard to imagine never ever smoking again! But I know I need to do it!
    are you sure that's what's keeping you from gaining weight? what made you assume that? could you put on weight before?
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    this is honestly the first time I have heard this so congratulations!

    hi, my name is hayleyd and I am the resident ganja expert here at MFP. I do not think that weed is affecting your metabolism one way or another. I would be skeptical if you experienced a weight fluctuation from stopping smoking alone (without any other change in your diet or exercise habits). please let me know if you have any further questions.
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    Definitely! I've been to the Drs about it and everything, and it seems to be the only thing that is causing it. Also, I know a few other people who have the same issue with smoking weed and gaining weight. Before I smoked weed, I was a little bit podgy, now I feel like I'm extremely underweight, and I'm not comfortable with it at all.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Are you sure you're not just eating way under your tdee? I've never heard of this before. It definitely had the opposite effect when I used to
  • I don't smoke, the cutters they use these days as compared to the 70-80 is very frightening. I wont smoke this new GM crap.
    and back in the days, smoking gave me munchies. I cannot relate at all
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Definitely! I've been to the Drs about it and everything, and it seems to be the only thing that is causing it. Also, I know a few other people who have the same issue with smoking weed and gaining weight. Before I smoked weed, I was a little bit podgy, now I feel like I'm extremely underweight, and I'm not comfortable with it at all.

    are you sure you are smoking weed?

    eta: I would also be interested in what strains you are smoking and what amount.
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    I am sure I'm smoking weed, what a question? ahah... I smoke about a ten a day now, but haven't smoked for a few days because I want to cut down.
  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member
    I heard that smoking too much weed inhibits testosterone which is needed for muscle growth and that's what makes some skinny. I don't know though, that's just something I heard
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I think Doritos was created FOR weed.

    Seriously, no chip was safe around me after a few hits.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    sorry for being sarcastic, I am genuinely blown away by this question. I know a lot of smokers and I have NEVER heard this.

    to be honest, smoking does not affect my appetite but food does taste a lot better afterward. so there's that. I do not think that weed is making you thin or keeping you from gaining weight, I would be more inclined to say that it is a combination of several different factors. do you exercise? more so on the days you do or do not smoke? how much exactly are you eating? there's a lot at play here so I cannot be 100% confident in saying quitting will cause you to gain weight. weight gain (and loss) is a calories in, calories out equation so either scenario requires careful attention to intake in relation to your TDEE.
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    Smoking definitely increases my appetite, and I eat a lot when I'm high. My diet is extremely healthy, but I do eat a lot of fried chicken, going through phases of eating it every day in an effort to gain weight, and it doesn't work! One thing that did help me gain weight is Dunn's River Nutrient shakes, but I can't really drink them because it messes with my stomach. I exercise everyday (that's a lie, I try to exercise everyday), and it does somewhat bulk my muscle. But it's not muscle I really need, it's fat. I smoke everyday at night, after I exercise. Some days I eat ALOT of food, but stick to healthier snacks like nuts and fruit. Sometimes I binge on fried chicken on an effort to gain fat, but it doesn't work. One thing that does work for me is Dunn's River Nutrient drinks, but I can't drink them everyday because it messes with my belly. I want to cut down on smoking for a variety or reasons, but don't want to stop smoking completely. This is why I a wondering, that if I did cut down to just one day of smoking, will it effect my weight, or will I need to stop completely before any change happens. Some days my eating can be abit poor, but most days I eat around 5-6 times a day.
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    Well, there's this....

    "Smoking reefer can help you better metabolize fats and carbs."
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    Aha! See I told you guys, it's the weed making me thin!... back to the question though, if I cut down to smoking one day a week, do you think that it'll have the effect of quitting??
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I think that you should try upping your calories before quiting weed.
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    Trust me, I've tried! Just get frustrated with the results.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    nobody should have to quit weed. period. I agree with a previous poster, up your cals first.
  • jmkhoy
    jmkhoy Posts: 10
    Nah, weed has a negative effect on my life in general, not just with my weight. And I just said, I have already done that.
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