They Just Don't Get It... What Do You Tell Them?



  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I'm actually fortunate in that the guys I deal with most frequently at work are reasonably fit. The guy over the cube wall from me is way ahead of me; he lost serious weight over the last year or two and now is maintaining. Good for him. He didn't talk about it much at the time, but now that I'm doing similar things, we can discuss it as if it were a common hobby.

    My cubemate is ex-Navy and a runner. He could stand to lose a few (just a few) pounds and he knows it, but you would never look at him and call him fat. He's just a reasonably fit middle-aged guy. He's actually interested in my MFP experience and downloaded the app, but not committed enough to start seriously tracking his food and exercise calories. But he's sympathetic. The guy in the other cube adjacent to mine is a diabetic and has to watch what he eats. He's pretty fit, too.

    Around this office, there's a tradition of "Donut Rules" where, if you buy a new car or get promoted or brag about your kids too much, you have to bring in donuts for the office. We don't vigorously enforce those rules anymore; in fact the diabetic guy brought in donuts recently and by the end of the day, several were left over.

    So at least in my work environment, I'm fortunate that I don't have to deal with the naysayers.
  • I heard this from another poster a few weeks ago. I've yet to use it but am waiting patiently (impatiently) to do so.

    "You weren't there telling me what to eat when I was fat so you don't get to tell me now that I'm skinny."
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Ooh, I like that.

    Of course, that wouldn't work with my mom ("Eat! Eat! It's good for you!")
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.

    This is pretty much my approach anymore. My wife is supportive so I talk about it with her, but other than her, I don't talk about it too much. People just notice I'm losing weight and I just say well I'm just trying to eat healthier and exercising more. I don't get into it anymore with people, because like you said, they generally don't care and usually have nothing much to add to the conversation anyway.
  • I love your post! I needed that !
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    I tell them I switched from Marlboro Reds to Marlboro Lights.
  • squishybarb
    squishybarb Posts: 72 Member
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.

    THIS! Man, this is great. I hate when I go out and have "saved" my "calorie-money" and wish to "spend" it on ice cream, or chicken fingers, or fries, whatever, and get weird looks. How in the world do you think I lost weight? I obviously know what works for me... I LOVE FOOD! I have just learned to control what and how much goes in my mouth, and how often!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I don't talk about it. I just do my thing. Nobody cares, really. I went to dinner a year ago with a bunch of women talking about how they were doing low carb/eating just green things/not doing this/only doing that. I smiled and nodded as I ate a crapload of Mexican food and they all looked at me like I was killing kittens. Saw them all again recently. I'm 3 sizes smaller and they are still talking about low carb/eating only green things. I just smiled and nodded. Nobody wants the science, nobody wants the reasoning, nobody wants to hear about it. So I stopped talking about it. At all. That's what my mfp friends are for. Everyone is much happier now.
    this . exactly this.

    I don't understand who are these "people" that you need to explain/justify your life to?

    I talk about my diet only with people who i know are either struggling themselves (and we support each other), and with my son. that's it. it's nobody's business what i eat, how much i eat, why i eat...
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    I talk about mfp and how I'm losing weight at work, no big deal. I've tried to get a couple of friends to try it out. There is a colleague at work that uses weight watchers and is obsessed with carbs (smh) no matter how much I explain that carbs are not bad, she won't have it. I would argue with her but I can't be bothered.
  • kjauthier
    kjauthier Posts: 24 Member
    Hahaha, when I read that, it was like that's so true and to the point. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • LinOtt
    LinOtt Posts: 82 Member
    People marvel at my weightloss, then I say - "and do you know what? For the first time ever, I haven't had a cold or the 'flu all winter." Go put that in yer pipe and smoke it! Results speak for themselves.....
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I'm getting pissed at the people who ask how much I weigh now. Why is that any of their business? Or the people who literally lean in quickly & asked how I did it. I now bluntly tell them I don't do any fad diets or diet pills & just focus on calories & exercise.