30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • Man I need to get started I am so behind
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Then, when my hubby woke up, we decided that we would join the YMCA today! yay! We visited it yesterday to make sure I was ok with the child care. I'm a little bit particular with my 1 year old baby boy. (Aren't all mommas?)

    So, we get there and check Elijah into his little play classroom, and then, we hit the treadmill! Let me just say, I haven't been in a gym in several years, so today's results may seem small to most, but for me, I am so proud of myself.

    We did 20 minutes on the treadmill. I probably averaged my speed at around 4 mph the whole time. !! For a short girl like me, that's a JOG!! WOOO HOO!! Of course I walked at 3.5 for some, and ran at 4.8 for some, so the average I put 4.0. Yay Me!

    But wait, we didnt stop there! We also decided that today we would work arms. We lifted weights on upper body machines for the next 20 minutes! Can you believe it??

    After weights, we wanted to shoot basketball for a while, but the gym was temporarily closed due to a day camp going on for students who were out of school for Fall Break., so we decided to call it quits for today.

    I'm so pumped, but also my arms feel like J-E-L-L-O! (singing that in my head like they do on the commercials! :laugh: )

    I'm so glad that you and your husband worked out together. Me and my boyfriend finally decided to join the gym and go TOGETHER (I HAVE BEEN TELLING HIM THAT WE NEED TO GO TOGETHER but you know men, have to think of it on their own ;] )

    And it has helped so much!! Having the man you love, or even a friend there DOING it is the best.

    I'm happy for you, good for you getting over that hesitation with the child care. I'm sure if your baby knew what was goin on hed be cheering 'GO MOMMY'


    Awww... Thanks girl! I'm so excited about him going with me too! I told him it's what I wanted for my Birthday Present! (I'm gonna be 29 on Saturday! YIKES! )

    Thanks again!
  • Can I join. I know I'm a little later than most but that will make me work all the harder.

    Starting weight: 259
    Goal by Christmas: 229 ( or less--would be totally AWESOME)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Why isnt my little tracker showing up?
    Can you see it or is it really not there. HOW do get it to show up on your posts??

    Im proud of my little 4lbs lost. lol

    Go to the Tools tab > Weight loss tickers...Congrats on your 4 lbslost !
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    As far as talking to my friends about my weight goals and loss I elect not to. Thinking back when I get pressured and people are watching me is when I fail. I know that sounds silly but pressure from people back fires on me. Off to work at 2 pm and taking my calorie counted supper with me. Every one have a great day and lets do this!

    I understand because some family members just become annoying. They have something to say about every little thing you put in your mouth. I have to constantly tell them, I know how many calories I have to spare. :grumble:

    There are some positive ppl who are very helpful in my weight loss journey, such as my wonderful husband. He knows when to back off but be there for me at the same time. :smile:

    Good Luck!
  • Count me in! I am a little late to the challenge... But My current weight is approx 235 (I fluctuate by about 3 lbs daily)..

    ADD ME as a Friend!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I did awsome getting in the water. But the exercise is hard to get in with 3 kids under 2 . Anybody have any suggestions. I also been good with my calories but I have ate after seven which sucks.

    I have two toddler boys (1 and 2). So I bought workout DVDs that are 20-30 mins. I either try to get them to play while im working out or I try to workout when they are taking their naps. Its a challenge because sometimes they just want mommy or they dont take their naps at the same time.

    Just take it one day at a time. Good Luck! Have a Healthy Day!

    On no-nap days, I usually dance with my kids (they're 7, 7, 5, 2, 1)...crank up some music and just dance around the living room for 20 minutes or so at a time. Sometimes I take them on 'nature walks', or do cartwheels in the backyard with them, as well as DVDs or jogging in place after they go to bed. Usually I work out alone, but sometimes hubby works late and I miss my window of opportunity and have to improvize.
  • I'm in!! I know I'm late.. but I'm in!! I'll weigh tomorrow and log my weight then... and i'm starting a water only challenege today too with another friend going thru Halloween atleast... I hope that helps me shed some weight quick... to just jump start this whole challenege!!! I hope tonight my husband will walk with me..
  • kf1115
    kf1115 Posts: 6 Member
    OK, I'm in. Lost 23 so far this year, and just joined MFP to keep the motivation up.
    Starting at 191 on 10-21.
  • SanDiegoUbermom
    SanDiegoUbermom Posts: 36 Member
    Went on my walk already and had my little radio w/me this time and the time just few by.

    I stepped on the scale yesterday and was not happy, I had gained 2 pounds. I'm going to wait till Monday to weigh in again and hope it will be better.

    I need to work on the "grap and go" foods. I'm always on the go and find that I don't have time to make something. I did this in the past so I know it works. Just need to do it!

    Way to go everyone, you all are doing a great job!! KEEP IT UP! WE ALL WILL DO THIS!
  • Off to do some Zumba at home :D

    May sound crazy, but I'm going to do my hair and make-up first (I am goin out afterward to a softball game/dinner)
    Plus when I like the way I'm dressed and how I look, I can enjoy my workout that much more!

    There's a lot of mirrors in the GYM! haha

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this! :tongue:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Exercise - check. Only 45 minutes instead of 50 but HRM showed 675 calories at the end of the step class so pretty chuffed! Water - check. 12 glasses! Healthy dinner with loved one - check! Went to our favourite italian restaurant with my boyfriend and did NOT have a glass of wine - water only! Under calorie goal - check! I

    'm loving these little challenges and it's great to see how you guys are doing - helps a lot with the motivation!
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all!! Just checking in. I have been doing pretty good overall. I have been working hard to get my 45 minutes of execise in and I'm managing to stay under my calories. YAY!! I'm having trouble getting all of my water in though. I work in surgery and I can't break out and go to the bathroom when ever I want, so I try to watch how much water I drink. I drank a bottle this morning and by lunch I had to pee so bad!! I guess I will figure something out. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well. Our group is expanding so quickly and everyone is working so hard. Great job everyone!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Great job everyone! I love the daily check ins!

    You motivate me!

    HUGS and cheers! Guzzle guzzle....off to drink more water.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Exercise - check. Only 45 minutes instead of 50 but HRM showed 675 calories at the end of the step class so pretty chuffed! Water - check. 12 glasses! Healthy dinner with loved one - check! Went to our favourite italian restaurant with my boyfriend and did NOT have a glass of wine - water only! Under calorie goal - check! I

    'm loving these little challenges and it's great to see how you guys are doing - helps a lot with the motivation!

    Congrats on surviving the challenge today and not having that glass of wine! Question: If you dont mind me asking, what HRM do u have, does it work well and how much does it cost? Im considering buying one but I'm low on funds right now. However, whenever I purchase one I want to make sure it is a good one. Thanks!
  • meggo1
    meggo1 Posts: 14
    I am in ! I would like to get rid of about 14lbs but if I am following a plan with others I think it will help out a lot.
  • Exercise ~ Check
    Water ~ check
    Dinner ~ check

    We took a different route this afternoon on our bikes, bad choice, busy time of day and too much traffic. I usually ride in the mornings, not much traffic.
    I use a POLAR heart rate monitor. I've got 2. I really like mine, I've had it for years. Mine doesn't calculate the calories, but I'd like to get one that does.
    Is it me, or does everyone else wish the 'most recent' messages would be in the beginning? That way we wouldn't have to go all the way to the end of ALL the msgs. Before long, there will be oodles of msgs. Just sayin'! 8 ~ )
  • This is my only day off this week, so I have been pretty lazy. But I've been on my feet, doing laundry. And recovering from my intense work out yesterday. I will be going out later to work out as well...

    I'm excited because I've actually motivated my mom to go with me! She'll be going to her first class!

    :D Yay.

    The real challenge is going to be tonight after my boyfriends softball game when we all go out for pizza and beer. But I'm going to enjoy my NICE BIG SALAD and going to have lots of water instead of the beer. Seeing as today wasnt a big workout day.
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Exercise - check
    Water - Almost done
    Dinner - Son and Dad at son's football game...but dinner with daughter and wii time!
  • Darka
    Darka Posts: 24 Member
    Just got home from my belly sculpt class --58 mins done. Am eating dinner alone :( since my family ate while I was out at the gym. Water all accounted for. I'm excited for Monday to come around so I can weigh in. :)
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