Boyfriend always too skinny and doesn't try to gain weight



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thanks a lot
    I already have low self-esteem
    and now everyone is bagging on me rather than just helping me see the better way through this situation
    there. you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.

    You aren't a young lady. You are an adult. Part of being an adult is recognizing when you have inappropriate feelings and doing something about them. Sorry.
    She's an adult with serious emotional problems who needs professional therapy. An Internet messgae board is probably not the best place for her to be.

    I was just thinking that the OP really should have taken things down a few notches with her first post. But you are probably right, and I can sympathize with that. Also, I believe she admitted that to some degree a couple of pages back.

    She said she was actively bullimic this year, so she's nowhere near healthy. he rissues with her boyfriend clearly aren't about him, but her need to cnotrol someone's eating. She's trying to not be so controlling over her own, so she's transferring to him. She probably shouldn't be in a relationship at all right now.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sorry, but it's a personal choice what you choose to eat or not to eat. He's happy as he is - that's a gift. This is your issue not his.


    As usual, some people have been unecessarily harsh in saying this, but that is internet message boards for you, and if you express any opinion or ask for any advice in such situations you need to have the backbone to take it :smile:

    However, I agree with the sentiments behind many of the harshly worded comments - if he's healthy and happy as he is, you shouldn't try to make him change. By trying to control him, you will push him away, and you are not recovering from your ED issues you are transferring them onto him. I mean this in the nicest possible way: go see a shrink :smile:
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    It sounds like there are a lot of things you dont like about your boyfriend. Why are you with him again?
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    He's a grown *kitten* man. Let him eat what he wants. If my boyfriend tried telling me what I could or couldn't eat I'd clock him.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    and it may help to talk to a therapist about this instead of total strangers on a forum board. works for me, anyway
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Read that quote edited to sound like a fit guy talking about his more heavy (but still healthy) girlfriend to realize that you sound like a horrible human being
    Thanks a lot
    I already have low self-esteem
    and now everyone is bagging on me rather than just helping me see the better way through this situation
    there. you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.

    honey it's an internet forum, what do you expect? most people are either just stupid or ignorant, or bored at work.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    How would you feel if you found out that he was posting on a public message board about your body and your habits, and how you need to change for him? This is not OK.


    If you're this committed to controlling your bf, you need to break it off until you're mature enough to be in a relationship.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Your basis of assessing your boyfriend should be his condition on the day that you agreed to be in a relationship within him. If you didn't like the attributes of him on Day 1 in terms of looks, motivation, hygiene, intelligence, and personal habits, you have made a mistake and shouldn't have engaged in the relationship. If all of the sudden your boyfriend’s body is a problem, that is your problem, not his, and he is under no obligation to change himself.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You need to realize you have absolutely no control over what anybody else eats. You never have and you never will. It sounds to me like you struggle with control issues (restricting what you eat, bulimia, etc.) I am glad that you are getting healthier. But you need to let go of your boyfriend's concerns, because you have no control over him. It sounds like he is happy where he is and if you are not happy with him where he is, you need to either change yourself, or let him go.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Read that quote edited to sound like a fit guy talking about his more heavy (but still healthy) girlfriend to realize that you sound like a horrible human being
    Thanks a lot
    I already have low self-esteem
    and now everyone is bagging on me rather than just helping me see the better way through this situation
    there. you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.

    honey it's an internet forum, what do you expect? most people are either just stupid or ignorant, or bored at work.

    it couldn't POSSIBLY be that they are ACTUALLY correct.

    She's go massive issues. If she isn't attracted to him- she needs to leave him.

    My BF isn't in shape at all. I started dating him he was kind of soggy. He used to be in amazing shape. He showed me a picture once... and since that day I hated him for it- because I wondered what in the world could possible make him go from the way he was- to the way he is now.

    it's maddening. And I got even MORE serious about working out- I was already serious about it -but it went off the deep end- and I LOVE IT.

    it drives me insane he could care less about how he looks. But. He is wonderful- treats me well and has a lot of other things going for him. So when he talks working out- I'm 150% enthusiastic and supportive.

    When he talks about being lazy- I just tune him out. I also keep my workouts vague- just tell him I did them and move on.

    She needs to get counselling instead of transferring her issues to her BF.
  • I don't think there is such a thing as "too skinny". Come on! And how dare you post about his body in a public forum. Unless to say something nice.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I agree with another poster, maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship yet. It seems you still need help with your own issues and becoming healthier. Projecting your issues on to someone else is not good and not fair to the other person. Honestly, I'd say your need to control his eating is definitely your own issue and that you clearly don't have a good grasp on it yet.

    Just like how you made the decision to get help for your ED, you were the only one that could really make that decision. No one else could. No one could change you.

    I really hope you seek help. You've come this far from where you were...Keep striving to get better so you CAN have a healthy relationship with your boyfriend and food.

    Who doesn't want a buff boyfriend? This girl. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just not for me.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    I hate being like a mom for him, but I feel like if I don't shove food in front of his face, or buy certain foods for him or make big meals, he wouldn't eat a lot. It nags me so bad because I am the girlfriend, not his caretaker or his momma.

    No matter what I say, he doesn't listen. Help!? How do I really make him get his butt off his computer games and cellphone games that he plays nearly 24/7 and do what I ask for his own health!?

    And it bothers me a lot because I can't stand the fact that my boyfriend is skinnier than I am. I need him to really help me mentally get out of this previous bulimia/anorexic mindset and eat more. If I see him eat more, then I will feel okay eating more instead of feeling the need to punish myself. He needs to be a man!

    Stop acting like his mom. No one makes you, that was your choice. if he wants to eat, he will.

    If you are not happy with who he is, find another boyfriend. It's not your job to change him nor is it his job to gain weight to make you feel better.

    You need to fix you. (You don't need to fix him nor is it his job to fix you.)
    Sounds like you need to work on you a bit more before being in a relationship.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't think there is such a thing as "too skinny".

    No? Plenty of anorexics in the world would probably agree with you.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Hi! This is actually my first time posting on the boards, although I've been a MFP user for many years now.

    I used to be really skinny back in undergrad (borderline anorexic), but now I am a pretty healthy weight since I started to eat more and not exercise so much. I still am restrictive on what I eat, and I am trying to tell myself that it's okay when I feel I ate a little too much. I suffered a bit from bulimia the past year, but now I'm trying to change my mindset to say its okay to gain a little fat here and there because it looks good on me.

    One thing I struggle with is comparing myself with others, especially my skinny boyfriend. He is about 5'5" and only 115 lbs. He has varied very little around 115 lbs ever since high school. He tells me that no matter what he did in high school, he never got any heavier. He said he played some basketball and sometimes went to the gym with the guys. I look at his wrists and arms and notice that they are about as skinny as mine. His wrists are a little thinner than mine.

    I really want him to eat more and work out so he can bulk up. I mean, what girlfriend doesn't what a kinda buff boyfriend? But he never really listens. I tell him to eat breakfast, to snack throughout the day, to eat nut butters, cheese, more protein. But he is soo resistant. He'll nod or sit there like he's actually listening, and maybe he'll do it cause I put the food in front of him, but when I leave him on his own, he ends up eating a small lunch at like 2, then eating the dinner I make him later in the evening. And today, I asked him if he only ate a cup'a'noodle for lunch, and he lied and told me he also ate a bagel, which I totally saw uneaten in the fridge. Lies!

    I hate being like a mom for him, but I feel like if I don't shove food in front of his face, or buy certain foods for him or make big meals, he wouldn't eat a lot. It nags me so bad because I am the girlfriend, not his caretaker or his momma.

    No matter what I say, he doesn't listen. Help!? How do I really make him get his butt off his computer games and cellphone games that he plays nearly 24/7 and do what I ask for his own health!?

    And it bothers me a lot because I can't stand the fact that my boyfriend is skinnier than I am. I need him to really help me mentally get out of this previous bulimia/anorexic mindset and eat more. If I see him eat more, then I will feel okay eating more instead of feeling the need to punish myself. He needs to be a man!

    No. My husband is 6' and 135. He does not need to "man up". You need to accept who he is or find someone else for your shallow self.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    OP - I think the sentiment of this thread can basically be summed up like this:

    1. You haven't recovered mentally and emotionally from your ED.
    2. If your boyfriend isn't making himself sick, then leave him alone.
    3. You are not a bad person for caring, but the way you care is not right. Fix it!
    4. You are making your relationship toxic.

    If you love yourself and you love him, you will step back from this relationship and get some more help with your ED. I'm not saying you have to break up. If he cares about you, then you can explain to him that you feel like you need to deal with some things before your relationship can move forward, and he will understand. And be specific about what things you feel like you need to work on and why you think it is interferring with your relationship. Trust me, if he is the right one, then everything will work out.

    Best of luck, OP, and don't let people on the forums get you down. Everyone has their own way of communicating and some are just less tactful with their words. You and your boyfriend will be fine.
  • WTF ha ha ha ha

    Poor guy let him free so he can be with someone who loves him the way he is.

    Go find yourself a nice hunky guy at the gym then everyone can be happy.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    This sounds like you are pushing your insecurities on him. You want him to gain weight so you do not feel as heavy. You need to stop focusing so much on HIM and his body and think about yourself and your insecurities. Remember that anorexia and bulimia are mental disorders and those do not just go away. Sure you may be at a healthy weight but maybe your mind is not completely there yet.

    And sure maybe you are just worried because you see signs your bf may be anorexic. If you feel THAT is the case, you need to have a serious talk. Don't dance around the subject, don't try to get him to eat...ask him straight out...
  • kowskey
    kowskey Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks a lot
    I already have low self-esteem
    and now everyone is bagging on me rather than just helping me see the better way through this situation
    there. you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.

    You aren't a young lady. You are an adult. Part of being an adult is recognizing when you have inappropriate feelings and doing something about them. Sorry.
    She's an adult with serious emotional problems who needs professional therapy. An Internet messgae board is probably not the best place for her to be.

    Therapy is doing something about it. It doesn't magically happen on its own. It's a decision (and a hard one, I know from personal experience). But OP, you are an adult, and no one is going to choose it for you other than yourself.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Read that quote edited to sound like a fit guy talking about his more heavy (but still healthy) girlfriend to realize that you sound like a horrible human being
    Thanks a lot
    I already have low self-esteem
    and now everyone is bagging on me rather than just helping me see the better way through this situation
    there. you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.

    Everyone *IS* helping you see a better way through the situation. They aren't lying to you, coddling you and telling you what you want to hear. They're saying, it's a YOU issue, and YOU are the only one who can help yourself.

    I have a son your age, and I can tell you RIGHT NOW that if he said something like that, I'd tell him that he was being a terrible boyfriend and that he should let that girl go. (and I've done just that before)

    On a separate note, my 22 year old has a toothache. Guess who's going to the dentist today?
    He isn't crying and blaming ME for his dental issues.

    Need resources to help you get therapy? Ask for that. It's out there and available.