Boyfriend always too skinny and doesn't try to gain weight



  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm not sure if someone posted this link, but there is a group on MFP for relapse prevention for ED:

    That doesn't take the place of professional care, but it might be worth checking out. People have posted that your BF deserves someone who is happy with who he is right now and that's true--we all deserve that. But YOU also deserve to be really truly healthy, and that means that someone else's eating habits, especially when they are innocuous, don't trigger such a self-destructive relapse.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    maybe if you slimmed down a bit he wouldnt look so small
    You just made a young lady think that she's fat and wish that she never existed. Are you happy?
  • Lexandreia
    The problem's you, not him. He isn't a crutch for you. You're trying to force him to do something to make yourself feel better and that's not fair to him.
  • Hegemone
    Hegemone Posts: 12 Member
    For support around restrictive eating, I highly recommend Kathleen DesMaison's program at She has a specific group to support people with a history of restriction. (I'm not paid to say this, lol, and the information and the online support group is free.) I'm just really sending you a wish that you focus on you and your healing, and put that recovery at the center of what is going on. You cannot control another human being. Often people with a history of addictive behaviors find themselves struggling with codependence: if I can just control this one person everything will be great. That kind of thing. Not saying that's you, just wondering. Is your boyfriend kind, sweet, funny, loyal, supportive, smart, caring--? What are the ways the two of you connect and have fun? Hoping you are happy and that you both love each other unconditionally, because that's a really special feeling that I wish for everyone. Bless you and take care of yourself!
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Didn't make it past the OP. :noway:

    WTF are you with this poor man????? Geesh.......he needs to run.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    My boyfriend works very hard, burns a huge amount of calories every night he goes to work, and does not eat enough to 'bulk'. But, he'll wolf down his food quiet happily and eat whatever is cooked for him. The man eats! He just has a huge calorie burn.

    This is the man who he is, and the man he was when I fell for him. If you do not love the man your boyfriend is, then you do not love your boyfriend.

    The problem is with you, not him. I am sorry to be mean. But I'm a fatty with a skinny bf, and I kinda get where you're coming from, but just like I wouldn't like him squishing my chub and saying, "I wish you'd slim down, sweetums!" He wouldn't like me touching his slender body and saying, "I wish you'd bulk up, babe!"

    It's mean either way. Don't expect your partner to change for you. I'm changing for myself. If your bf decides to change for himself, fine, but you can't force feed him. And if you have food issues, don't expect his behaviors to solve your food issues. :\ Sorry I don't have any kinder advice.

    This. How would you like it if he kept harping on YOU to lose weight all the time? Nice double standard.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    you made a young lady cry and wish she never existed.


    Off topic: this makes me laugh every time.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    The ****? How would you feel if your SO started slagging you off about your body on the internet?

    Grow the FUC.K up. No one needs that ****, ever. It is his body and only his. If he wants to gain, lose, jiggle with it that is up to him. You make me ashamed >: now go back to the corner you came from and consider the consequences of your actions to how he would feel if he seen this post!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I just read the OP and skimmed the rest of this thread. Seems everyone has the basics covered.

    Best of luck, OP.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    1. Go to gym solo
    2. Scope out buff guys
    3. ????
    4. Profit.
  • PeaceHappinessBalance
    get him to smoke some weed, lol.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    What was it that attracted you to him in the first place? Maybe I'm just shallow but there has to be more than a great personality for me to want to take a relationship to the next level. I can understand that you have a concern for him and his health, but how do you know he's unhealthy? Maybe it's time for you to find someone who's lifestyle is more in line with yours.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    maybe if you slimmed down a bit he wouldnt look so small

    Also an excellent reply!

    Great reply to someone who had anorexia or bulimia! YAY! :|
  • guroprincess
    maybe if you slimmed down a bit he wouldnt look so small

    You're telling an anorexic that? You're seriously disgusting.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    get him to smoke some weed, lol.

    pfff, light weights. put heroin in his food, so he's even more sedentary, and then he will have to keep eating your "brownie" to stave off the withdrawl.

    problem solved... and larger problem created!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    get him to smoke some weed, lol.

    pfff, light weights. put heroin in his food, so he's even more sedentary, and then he will have to keep eating your "brownie" to stave off the withdrawl.

    problem solved... and larger problem created!

    Ah recreational heroin use! Wait..that's not a thing. >_<
  • paul7799
    paul7799 Posts: 98 Member
    MMMMM no. Mouth will be shut.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    buy him a dress and switch roles! problem solved!
  • berry83sweet
    berry83sweet Posts: 44 Member
    You outgrew your bf and now you need a new one? This is a none issue. Really. Why don't you game with him? What do you actually like about him?