Lose 5 pounds a month OCTOBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    I am starting a little late, but there is still a week left right? I have lost 2.6 so far this month. Lets see if I can push it a little farther. Definalty in.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have to laugh at the forgetfulness of the male species. They just seem to have a different view of the world than we do. They can remember who played in last years Superbowl or World series but not birthdays or anniversaries. I should be used to it by now but it does not make it any easier. Even my 11 year old son is getting into the male mentality. I told him the other day to pick up his bioncles and put them away. A little while later I walked into the room and the bionicles were arranged in a battle scene on the table. His response "I got them off the floor." To him that was picked and and put away.

    Anyway I have a crazy day a head. Not sure if I will get in a workout or not. That has been my problem lately. My son wants me to run with him every night after dinner....I hate running outside in the dark. I really do not like this time of year when it gets dark so early. Tonight is the state True Team meet so a couple hours sitting in the car and several hours sitting and cheering at the meet.

    Have a great day!

  • ammayse
    ammayse Posts: 15 Member
    Oct. 1-140.0
    Oct 22-142.6

    Well I am just gonna blame this weigh in today on being my TOM. Looks like I'm heading toward gaining 5 lbs. this month instead of losing! Well I am gonna stay positive. Still have 9 days, maybe I can atleast make it to my starting weight, hopefully lose a pound after that! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • glyndam
    glyndam Posts: 18
    So ladies and men....question of the day....Its now 7:10 on my birthday...my husband has now mentioned my birthday at all. Should I mention it to him or should I wait until he remembers and then make him feel really bad for forgetting? I can't believe I even have to ask this question at all!!!!

    About 10 years ago, my husband forgot my birthday. I was determined not to remind him. At the end of the night, I did. He left and went to the store and bought me a flower and a card. He shouldn't have done that because I wnet off on him. I told him I never forget him and with all that we do for each other, I shouldn't be forgotten on my one special day. I cried a lot that night, but he did make it right the next day. AND he had never forgotten since. Hope you had a great day!

    I think I may be at my goal, but I won't weigh in until next Friday. Good luck to everyone.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hallo-hallo. Checking in here.

    Oct 1: 150
    Oct 7: 149
    Oct 14: 148
    Oct 22: 147

    I've been home this past week visiting my parents during Fall Break. So I haven't been on MFP as much. My weight loss is a little slower than it was in September. The closer I get to a healthy weight, the harder I have to fight for each pound, it seems. But people who hadn't seen me for a couple months at home, really noticed the change in me. It feels so nice to be complimented! I'm pulling clothes out of the closet to wear that I haven't been able to wear for years. Three more pounds until I'm considered healthy! I can do it!

    I'm rooting for you guys too! Rah rah! Go October 5lb Group!
  • mrsoverload
    1st October 185lbs

    8th October 184LBS

    15th October 182LBS

    22nd October 179LBS

    i questioned these results but i'm taking
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    scale went the wrong way this morning. 149. I have to really shake things up next week and buckle down and do this
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    10/01/10 210.0 lbs
    10/08/10 206.6 lbs
    10/15/10 SKIP - CRUISE
    10/19/10 215.0 lbs REALLY? Good God! AND I worked out all but ONE day! I'm hoping its mostly the sodium retaining all the water weight! Oh well...it was a fabulous vacation! 10 days in the Caribbean....wish I could be there 100 more!

    10/22/10 212.0 lbs Its going down....up a bit yesterday from my birthday....hopefully I can get down to the loss column for the month!


    CJ did not remember my birthday :sad: However he of course called me like normal & then was teasing me because he asked if I had went out on my run or to the gym & I said no....he thinks I'm the workout Queen so any chance he can get he teases me about it, especially if I don't go. So anyway - I finally had to tell him I felt I deserved a day off since it is my birthday. Then he was like - OH:noway: ....Well that would be a good reason to do that! :laugh: Oh well. Its ok since I knew he was working anyway & I wouldn't see him at all. Maybe he'll make up for it this weekend since he is off Sat - Tuesday! :happy:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello all,

    I did really well last night. My boyfriend baked cookies, but I didn't have any. Night time snacking is my pit fall, so this was huge for me. I just kept telling myself that the first few days of eating healthy is the hardest. It can only get better. On the scale I am down one lb, not sure if it really means I lost or if it is just a fluke, but hey, it makes me want to stay strong again today. I'll give it a week before I change my "check-in" number but I feel better just trying to be healthy again. I am trying to think of a goal to work on, but for now I would like to start moving again. I was so great about exercising everyday before, gotta get back into that mind set. DDS Apt today, I hope that I can leave with some money still in my purse. :tongue:

    Have a good one!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello!, my challenge is to stay at 119 pounds (or as close as possible) for all of October....... I reached goal weight of 119 pounds the middle of August and i am struggling to stay there!!!!! After having a really bad time last week ....this week has been a lot better and i'm back down to 19.5 pounds......big sigh of relief :happy:


    Good Luck to you all .
  • AmandaB4588
    Welcome back, Jenn!!

    Happy Birthday to Terri and Kelly! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I haven't been around the past few days. School and my nephew are keeping me SO busy. I am actually holed up in my bedroom right now while my boyfriend (thank goodness for him!) is watching the baby. I needed a breather!

    I haven't been doing so well lately. It is fundraiser time, and my house is filled with cookies/cakes thanks to my parents. I am sad to say that I have been binging on them! That said, I am up 2 lbs. Siiiiiiiiiigh. I wish I had more self control!

    On another note, my sister's birthday is coming up soon. I would really like to do an art project with my nephew that he can give her for a gift, but I have NO IDEA what a 15 month old can do. Does anybody have any ideas?
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Welcome back, Jenn!!

    Happy Birthday to Terri and Kelly! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I haven't been around the past few days. School and my nephew are keeping me SO busy. I am actually holed up in my bedroom right now while my boyfriend (thank goodness for him!) is watching the baby. I needed a breather!

    I haven't been doing so well lately. It is fundraiser time, and my house is filled with cookies/cakes thanks to my parents. I am sad to say that I have been binging on them! That said, I am up 2 lbs. Siiiiiiiiiigh. I wish I had more self control!

    On another note, my sister's birthday is coming up soon. I would really like to do an art project with my nephew that he can give her for a gift, but I have NO IDEA what a 15 month old can do. Does anybody have any ideas?

    My mom printed a sweet poem on really nice paper and had my daughter put her hand prints on it with pink paint. She added a pink bow to the top and put it in a frame. She had my daughter give it to me (wrapped in paper she had been drawing on) for my first mother's day. It is still the best gift I have ever gotten. I have seen lots of cheap frames around so it doesn't have to cost a lot. Us mom's love the cute stuff like that.

    One more cute idea would be to cut out the shape of a tea pot and glue a tea bag with a saying about how she deserves some time for herself with a cup a tea and a good book. Same thing would work for a hot bath, replace the tea pot with a bath tub and the tea bag with some bath salts. :flowerforyou: So nice of you BTW, I love getting things from my kids and when they are young they just can't do it themselves. Your an awesome sister!

    ps Thanks for the welcome back.
  • 2boys2girls
    SW- 149
    CW- 145

    goal is 142
  • AmandaB4588
    Those are great ideas, Jenn! Thank you!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Oct 1st 203.6
    Oct 8th 2 201.4
    Oct 15th 200.8
    Oct 22nd 200.6
    Oct 29th
    Oct 31st

    3lbs... which is better than last month for me and it's a loss reguardless. I expected to slow down, I was just hoping I'd slow down after I was out of the 200s..

    Anyway, I woke up with a sore throat yesterday and it's getting worse :/ And today is my friends' wedding.. I plan on going and dancing the night away, I'm sure I'll pay for it tomorrow but that's ok. Have a great weekend everyone :)
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Good Morning Ladies! If you decide to do a November challenge I would like to be part of it. BTW, Jenn those are awesome ideas! I got the tea and kettle from both of my girls long ago, about 10 yrs ago!! They went to the same nursery school. The oldest is going to be 16 on Monday and I could make a hand cutting for like a manicure!! That can be one of her gifts!! Cool.

    Make it a great day!!
  • BMW6Series
    4 to go.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm proud of how good I have been the last few days. Saturday is a hard day and I was really good today. I did let myself have a treat of frozen yogurt but it was in the calorie range so I am ok with that. Tomorrow I am taking my kids to a Halloween party so I am a little worried about the food that I might want to snack on there. I'll just try to make smart choices and not sit down near a bowl of candy or nuts. :tongue:
    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. It's rainy here, but that's good for my plant.
    Cheers :drinker:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone Im still doing good weigh in tomorrow : ) Im still doing sunday weigh in's I really hope im below 165.

    So i found an exercise equipment mat on walmart.com for just 20 dollars so im really excited, my husband is going to buy it for me and it will take about a week or two to get here so during the november challenge i will be able to work out 3 times a week if not more : ) during nap time the kids nap for an hour so i can manage at least a 30-45 minutes : ). I need the mat so that i don't hurt my new laminate wood floors in the office where im stationing my elliptical :heart:

    Hey jen great ideas. Its a little chilly but we are thinking of taking my 3 year old out to collect pretty rocks and stuff and making a zen garden. appearantly he really likes smooth rocks they were out gathering rocks in the yard and he picked all the smooth ones. we also want to do finger painting and stick collected fall leaves on it for grandma at her request to have a pretty picture hanging on her wall from him : )

    bru its great your are soo close to being below 200. thats so awesome i bet you make it this week by the end of the month.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Jenn~ LOVE those ideas! When my younger sister left for college I had my son color pictures to wrap her care packages in and she still has most of them :smile:

    Tomorrow is my weigh in & I'm sure it's going to be ridiculous, I spent ALL day yesterday (about 10 hours) at a festival with my son. I didn't eat as badly as I figured I would but I'm sure my sodium was at least triple what it should have been.

    Good luck to all!! See you tomorrow!