1200 Calories or Less! Please Read!



  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    Not trying to tell people what to do. Just trying to be informative. People on this thread have said "oh i have tried upping my calorie intake to 1400 or so but it just makes me gain weight" MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP EATING JUNK. If you EAT CLEAN you will CONTINUE to lose weight. Maybe not right away because your body is so used to processing junk food. Its a proccess you have to be patient with it.

    And yes MFP says its okay to eat 1200 Calories but if you eat even a calorie less than that my APP tells me i'm putting my body into STARVATION MODE.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I was going to tell you starvation mode was a myth, but I think this explains it 100 times better than I could:
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    ~rolls eyes~ Why would MFP give calorie counts of 1200 if it didn't work? And to force yourself to eat a spoon or whatever of peanut butter just to get in those extra calories is just crazy... I listened to all the jabber of people on this site saying others are not eating enough or not eating the right food or blah blah! Just do what YOU want, only YOU know how your body reacts to the calories and types of food you are taking in. Everyone is so preachy here. =S

    Yes but if you eat LESS which you probably are because no one eats EXACTLY 1200 when you hit complete it tells you flat out on the APP that you are putting your body into STARVATION mode no? thanks. I am just concerned with peoples health which is why i am becoming a nutritionist.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    There is no such thing as starvation mode, unless you're ACTUALLY not eating for 2 months. Your body goes through 3 different stages when it has a restrition, the first is to burn all the glucose/sugar/carbs, the second is to use fat as its energy source ( ketones / ketogenic diet, which I am on ) THEN when it has dwindled away all the fat it has, it'll look to muscles, and eat away at your heart.

    Eating less does not equal a starvation mode. I'll find some studies if you want them :)

    WRONG it turns to MUSCLE FIRST.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have been seeing alot of message board posts asking if it is okay to eat 1200 calories or less. THIS IS NOT OKAY. let me repeat. IT IS NOT OKAY TO EAT 1200 CALORIES OR LESS.

    People will say they see results. Yes this is true. SHORT TERM you will see lots of weight loss. LONG TERM when you decide to start eating normal you will gain all your weight back or if you CONTINUE to eat 1200cals or less a day forever you will eat up all your muscle and destroy your body.

    I am 4'11" starting weight 160. I've lost 31 lbs eating a 1400-1700 diet. 14/1500 on days i don't workout and around 1700 on days that i do. FOOD IS FUEL. people hear me say this all the time on MFP, EAT MORE TO LOSE MORE. Yes it will take alot more time than you want, but it will last. This is a lifestyle change. NOT A DIET. if you EAT CLEAN and EXCERSIZE REGULARELY you will see the results you are looking for in time, and they will be there to stay.

    I am not a nutritionist (yet) but i have a lot of knowledge on the subjuct and am very passionate about it. When i get out of the service i will be going to school for nutrition. Please let me know if you have ANY questions. or just want some advice. like i said i am not a professional but i am here to help.

    Please read the article below if you still have your doubts. Thank you.

    WHY DO YOU CARE???? I am really so sick of this ****. We're all adults here, quit telling everyone else how to run their lives. Worry about yourself.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    thank you!
    unfortunately these people won't all listen to you
    its so frustrating!

    Yeah, everyone should take advice concerning their dietary intake from anonymous individuals with no credentials and no accountability.

    I certainly can see no potential issues with that.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    ~rolls eyes~ Why would MFP give calorie counts of 1200 if it didn't work? And to force yourself to eat a spoon or whatever of peanut butter just to get in those extra calories is just crazy... I listened to all the jabber of people on this site saying others are not eating enough or not eating the right food or blah blah! Just do what YOU want, only YOU know how your body reacts to the calories and types of food you are taking in. Everyone is so preachy here. =S

    Yes but if you eat LESS which you probably are because no one eats EXACTLY 1200 when you hit complete it tells you flat out on the APP that you are putting your body into STARVATION mode no? thanks. I am just concerned with peoples health which is why i am becoming a nutritionist.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    There is no such thing as starvation mode, unless you're ACTUALLY not eating for 2 months. Your body goes through 3 different stages when it has a restrition, the first is to burn all the glucose/sugar/carbs, the second is to use fat as its energy source ( ketones / ketogenic diet, which I am on ) THEN when it has dwindled away all the fat it has, it'll look to muscles, and eat away at your heart.

    Eating less does not equal a starvation mode. I'll find some studies if you want them :)

    WRONG it turns to MUSCLE FIRST.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    No, your brain uses a certain amount of glucose first, then when your body has no glucose it turns to the fat stores, ketones, to be exact. Once your body has eaten all its fat stores THEN it goes to muscle. It takes 2 months. Not 2 days to die of starvation.
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    ~rolls eyes~ Why would MFP give calorie counts of 1200 if it didn't work? And to force yourself to eat a spoon or whatever of peanut butter just to get in those extra calories is just crazy... I listened to all the jabber of people on this site saying others are not eating enough or not eating the right food or blah blah! Just do what YOU want, only YOU know how your body reacts to the calories and types of food you are taking in. Everyone is so preachy here. =S

    Yes but if you eat LESS which you probably are because no one eats EXACTLY 1200 when you hit complete it tells you flat out on the APP that you are putting your body into STARVATION mode no? thanks. I am just concerned with peoples health which is why i am becoming a nutritionist.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    There is no such thing as starvation mode, unless you're ACTUALLY not eating for 2 months. Your body goes through 3 different stages when it has a restrition, the first is to burn all the glucose/sugar/carbs, the second is to use fat as its energy source ( ketones / ketogenic diet, which I am on ) THEN when it has dwindled away all the fat it has, it'll look to muscles, and eat away at your heart.

    Eating less does not equal a starvation mode. I'll find some studies if you want them :)

    The stages may be correct, but how will personal experience will that do for a study?

    February 2012 I had a bod pod done to measure my body fat % and body fat to muscle mass ratio. I went on deployment and stuck to a 1400 calorie diet. I came back 6 months later and did another bod pod.
    I had lost weight (yay)
    WRONG... I lost weight and most of it was muscle mass. I was I was even doing variations of workouts throughout the week; lifting weights, running,crossfit metcons, and swimming. Plain and simple, I wasn't eating enough and it took the dietician and these numbers for me to FIIIIINALLLY get it! & let me tell you... being told to eat more was not fun for me!
    I understand this is my experience and it may not be the case for everyone, but it is not rocket science. Fuel your body. Do not starve it.
    I currently eat between 1600-2000 calories depending on the day, training etc. & I am seeing results. ((The scale can be the devil sometimes when it doesn't move quickly, but progress photos have kept me motivated))
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    ~rolls eyes~ Why would MFP give calorie counts of 1200 if it didn't work? And to force yourself to eat a spoon or whatever of peanut butter just to get in those extra calories is just crazy... I listened to all the jabber of people on this site saying others are not eating enough or not eating the right food or blah blah! Just do what YOU want, only YOU know how your body reacts to the calories and types of food you are taking in. Everyone is so preachy here. =S

    Yes but if you eat LESS which you probably are because no one eats EXACTLY 1200 when you hit complete it tells you flat out on the APP that you are putting your body into STARVATION mode no? thanks. I am just concerned with peoples health which is why i am becoming a nutritionist.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    There is no such thing as starvation mode, unless you're ACTUALLY not eating for 2 months. Your body goes through 3 different stages when it has a restrition, the first is to burn all the glucose/sugar/carbs, the second is to use fat as its energy source ( ketones / ketogenic diet, which I am on ) THEN when it has dwindled away all the fat it has, it'll look to muscles, and eat away at your heart.

    Eating less does not equal a starvation mode. I'll find some studies if you want them :)

    WRONG it turns to MUSCLE FIRST.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    ~rolls eyes~ Why would MFP give calorie counts of 1200 if it didn't work? And to force yourself to eat a spoon or whatever of peanut butter just to get in those extra calories is just crazy... I listened to all the jabber of people on this site saying others are not eating enough or not eating the right food or blah blah! Just do what YOU want, only YOU know how your body reacts to the calories and types of food you are taking in. Everyone is so preachy here. =S

    Yes but if you eat LESS which you probably are because no one eats EXACTLY 1200 when you hit complete it tells you flat out on the APP that you are putting your body into STARVATION mode no? thanks. I am just concerned with peoples health which is why i am becoming a nutritionist.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    There is no such thing as starvation mode, unless you're ACTUALLY not eating for 2 months. Your body goes through 3 different stages when it has a restrition, the first is to burn all the glucose/sugar/carbs, the second is to use fat as its energy source ( ketones / ketogenic diet, which I am on ) THEN when it has dwindled away all the fat it has, it'll look to muscles, and eat away at your heart.

    Eating less does not equal a starvation mode. I'll find some studies if you want them :)

    The stages may be correct, but how will personal experience will that do for a study?

    February 2012 I had a bod pod done to measure my body fat % and body fat to muscle mass ratio. I went on deployment and stuck to a 1400 calorie diet. I came back 6 months later and did another bod pod.
    I had lost weight (yay)
    WRONG... I lost weight and most of it was muscle mass. I was I was even doing variations of workouts throughout the week; lifting weights, running,crossfit metcons, and swimming. Plain and simple, I wasn't eating enough and it took the dietician and these numbers for me to FIIIIINALLLY get it! & let me tell you... being told to eat more was not fun for me!
    I understand this is my experience and it may not be the case for everyone, but it is not rocket science. Fuel your body. Do not starve it.
    I currently eat between 1600-2000 calories depending on the day, training etc. & I am seeing results. ((The scale can be the devil sometimes when it doesn't move quickly, but progress photos have kept me motivated))

    Probably because of your carb intake. Having a high fat, medium protein ( to protect the muscles ) and low carb will enable weight loss, and no muscle loss. A magic number has no power over weight loss, but macros and nutrients does.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    This is all just TOO FUNNY!!!!!! Let's beat this horse to death, then revive it, then beat the hell out of it again, just for fun!!!!

    MYOB!!!! Unless you have MD after your name, don't worry about what anyone else is doing. See your doc, who should be monitoring whether something is working for you or not. Not some stranger on a message board. But the entertainment is priceless!

    Actually, when it comes to nutrition and exercise advice, I'd prefer the person doesn't have MD in their name.

    My thoughts exactly! DOCTORS ARE NOT NUTRITIONISTS!

    FOR EXAMPLE: My nephew has leukemia and his DOCTORS tried to tell my sister that she should be giving him soda and candy and pizza and not to feed him fruits and vegetables..... PLEASE someone tell me how that makes ANY sense.

    I call BS. No doctor said this.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    thank you!
    unfortunately these people won't all listen to you
    its so frustrating!
    i just end up deleting them if they are on my friends list, i can't motivate and support someone who doesnt eat.
    my favorite are the people who say they physically can't eat more, makes me LOL

    I do a high fat diet, I have up to ten carbs a day. I am satiated and I cannot eat anymore. If you tried the same diet you would get it. Stop making assumptions about someone just because you think you know everything. There are hundreds of lifestyles and it is entirely up to those people on what they eat.

    10g carbs per day? :indifferent:
    I've had 10g of carbs just reading this thread.

    i just snorted out loud! thanks for the laugh!
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    There is no absolute right or wrong in the diet world. There are doctor supervised and recommended diets of 1200 calories. There are diets that work at 2000 calories working in a deficit. Everything in between is doable. With "Clean" "Whole" "Fat" Bad Food. The nutritional value on these diets is truly what is in question. You can eat a 1200 calorie a day diet and get the nutrients you need. You can eat a 2000 calorie a day diet and not get the nutrients you need. So next time someone makes one of these posts just ignore it because more than likely they don't know what they are talking about and have no idea of what nutrition is.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    This is all just TOO FUNNY!!!!!! Let's beat this horse to death, then revive it, then beat the hell out of it again, just for fun!!!!

    MYOB!!!! Unless you have MD after your name, don't worry about what anyone else is doing. See your doc, who should be monitoring whether something is working for you or not. Not some stranger on a message board. But the entertainment is priceless!

    Actually, when it comes to nutrition and exercise advice, I'd prefer the person doesn't have MD in their name.

    My thoughts exactly! DOCTORS ARE NOT NUTRITIONISTS!

    FOR EXAMPLE: My nephew has leukemia and his DOCTORS tried to tell my sister that she should be giving him soda and candy and pizza and not to feed him fruits and vegetables..... PLEASE someone tell me how that makes ANY sense.

    I call BS. No doctor said this.

    Call my sister and ask her yourself.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • It took me changing to 1200 calories to finally start losing weight and end my love affair with food. My doctor gave me the green light to continue with it as long as I continue to feel good and it doesn't affect my energy levels. Please don't tell me how this will ruin me for life. I want to get to a lower weight before I start the muscle building. I know I won't eat a 1200 calorie diet for the rest of my life. There are even days I do feel hungrier than others and I (gasp) go a little over. This is all about learning and making progress that works for me. I don't go to bed hungry and I don't feel like I am going to pass out from starvation. I have however, learned that sometimes I will feel hungry and that doesn't mean I need to eat something every time. I have lived the past 20 years eating way too much because I was "hungry". At this point in my mission to lose weight and get healthy, eating 1200 calories is working for me. I am learning to recognize the true feeling of hunger, not the bored, emotional, because it's there, it tastes so good or just a little more kind of hunger (I really wasn't hungry)

    If you don't believe in 1200 then don't do it. Don't discourage people to stop doing what works for them.
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    It took me changing to 1200 calories to finally start losing weight and end my love affair with food. My doctor gave me the green light to continue with it as long as I continue to feel good and it doesn't affect my energy levels. Please don't tell me how this will ruin me for life. I want to get to a lower weight before I start the muscle building. I know I won't eat a 1200 calorie diet for the rest of my life. There are even days I do feel hungrier than others and I (gasp) go a little over. This is all about learning and making progress that works for me. I don't go to bed hungry and I don't feel like I am going to pass out from starvation. I have however, learned that sometimes I will feel hungry and that doesn't mean I need to eat something every time. I have lived the past 20 years eating way too much because I was "hungry". At this point in my mission to lose weight and get healthy, eating 1200 calories is working for me. I am learning to recognize the true feeling of hunger, not the bored, emotional, because it's there, it tastes so good or just a little more kind of hunger (I really wasn't hungry)

    If you don't believe in 1200 then don't do it. Don't discourage people to stop doing what works for them.

    Just an FYI you need muscle in order to burn fat. you said you wanna lose more before putting on muscle? in my personal experience that doesnt work but if it does for you go on ya.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • natashabamford7
    natashabamford7 Posts: 26 Member
    if its so bad then why has my fitness pal set this as a goal for me ?
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    This is all just TOO FUNNY!!!!!! Let's beat this horse to death, then revive it, then beat the hell out of it again, just for fun!!!!

    MYOB!!!! Unless you have MD after your name, don't worry about what anyone else is doing. See your doc, who should be monitoring whether something is working for you or not. Not some stranger on a message board. But the entertainment is priceless!

    Actually, when it comes to nutrition and exercise advice, I'd prefer the person doesn't have MD in their name.

    My thoughts exactly! DOCTORS ARE NOT NUTRITIONISTS!

    FOR EXAMPLE: My nephew has leukemia and his DOCTORS tried to tell my sister that she should be giving him soda and candy and pizza and not to feed him fruits and vegetables..... PLEASE someone tell me how that makes ANY sense.

    I call BS. No doctor said this.

    Call my sister and ask her yourself.

    This is the perfect example of what's considered verifiable information on this site.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    if its so bad then why has my fitness pal set this as a goal for me ?

    because mfp is designed for you to eat back burned calories, so you're netting at least 1200.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    Doing some reading as we speak...so far, burning calories comes from fats and carbs before muscle.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    OP you are really young. You will no doubt learn someday that not everyone is the same. Not even everyone of the same height is the same.