DIARY HELP - MFP pros please help



  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40
    I'm also near the low end of healthy for my height. (5'4, 117.5lbs) Trying to reduce BF to get rid of flab. :)

    It's super slow right now for me. But as counterintuitive as it seems, it's really hard to lose weight at a large deficit if you're already in the healthy weight range. If my net is below 1000, I won't lose. Sometimes I gain. If my net is below 1200 very often, I will plateau.

    What is your BMR? Are you consistently netting below your BMR?

    I know this is not what you want to hear, but when you're at a healthy weight, the only "magic" thing is patience. Play with your numbers a bit...try eating 200 more calories a day for a couple of weeks...see what happens.

    Also. I know there is the big debate on weigh-ins. But I weigh every day, and that really helps me. When I look back at the week, I see consistent loss...if I'd weighed once a week, I'd miss that.

    Used to have an ED so hate the scale - it makes me cry and it is depressing! My
    Bmr is 1300-1400 depending on the calculator i used and until
    Now have never NETTED more than 1200

    This was kind of what I was concerned about...I think at this point you should be less concerned about the number on the scale and focus on strength. To do this you'll need to eat at maintenance or more and strength train/maybe try some power yoga. With a history of an ED this could be difficult for you...but if you keep eating at a deficit and just do cardio at a healthy weight you'll keep spinning your wheels and be "skinny fat." Your weight may go up once you add muscle but for you it should be about how you look and feel! Good luck...I had an ED myself when I was younger so I know how the mindset is.

    Thanks :) it has been a hard ride so far and one of the drawbacks to starving your body of fuel is that when you admit you have an issue and go into recovery then body fights back. I am thinking of eating back exercise cals, try to limit processed WITHOUT skipping carbs as i enjoy them in my diet...and ditching the scale for a few weeks to see how i FEEL not how much i weigh...
  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40

    This is great :) except for the weighing part - i will end up putting myself back into an eating disorder if i begin to weigh every day. I usually do 1 weigh a week bar TOM but as no progress in many weeks i am taking a break from the scale and concentrating on the above post's other great points
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    This is great :) except for the weighing part - i will end up putting myself back into an eating disorder if i begin to weigh every day. I usually do 1 weigh a week bar TOM but as no progress in many weeks i am taking a break from the scale and concentrating on the above post's other great points

    That's ok! He does say that if it'll make you freak out, don't do it. SideSteel knows his stuff!
  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40

    This is great :) except for the weighing part - i will end up putting myself back into an eating disorder if i begin to weigh every day. I usually do 1 weigh a week bar TOM but as no progress in many weeks i am taking a break from the scale and concentrating on the above post's other great points

    That's ok! He does say that if it'll make you freak out, don't do it. SideSteel knows his stuff!

    The other info is really helpful too especially the part WHERE IT SAYS IN BLACK AND WHITE TO EAT BACK EXERCISE CALORIES...doh !!
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Diary looks pretty good.
    Are you logging 'the little things' ? 'cause the little things do add up.
    an extra 100 calories a day = about an extra pound in 5 weeks.

    looking thru your diary... dinners sometimes consists of fish, brown rice, corn, boiled potato, broccoli etc. by chance did you use any oil for the fish, or butter / sauce for veggies etc ? also - breakfast was sometimes biscuit or bread. but no butter/jam listed.
    any snacking at work, or nibbling the kid's leftovers... thinks like that.... good to log them all :)

    btw ~ instead of tracking sugar, I track fiber. If you don't have concerns about diabetes, you might consider the fiber..
    It's great for your digestive system (but do make sure you drink enough water) and 'moves things along'. Fiber also helps lower your cholestrol.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member

    Thanks :) it has been a hard ride so far and one of the drawbacks to starving your body of fuel is that when you admit you have an issue and go into recovery then body fights back. I am thinking of eating back exercise cals, try to limit processed WITHOUT skipping carbs as i enjoy them in my diet...and ditching the scale for a few weeks to see how i FEEL not how much i weigh...

    This sounds like a solid plan to me :) It is what I do - I eat about 1700 a day and have my macros at 40/30/30 which seems to balance my body out perfectly :)

    I took the batteries out of my scale :D
  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40
    Holy crap i am 3000 under my weekly net goal :| i know i didnt track properly saturday but...damn. No wonder i am hungry???!!!!!!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    How long have you been at it? I'm 5'6, and started at 135...it took me like, 6 months to lose 17lbs.
  • Whissy
    Whissy Posts: 40
    How long have you been at it? I'm 5'6, and started at 135...it took me like, 6 months to lose 17lbs.

    I was 122 at my lowest and i looked physically ill. Been trying this time for approx a month but was stable weight at 126 for 2 years prior to now