Halloween Candy? Yes or No?



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Sneaking!? All will watch me shove copious amounts of candy and chocolate in my face!
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I've managed not to sneak any pieces of candy at all this season (despite a huge opened bag of fun sized candy bars sitting on the living room table the last few weeks). Once I eat one piece it's like eating potato chips and I can't stop. If I don't eat that first piece, then I can't ever eat that 10th piece.
  • Lemmynade
    Lemmynade Posts: 160 Member
    Had to remove the candy pile from my desk. It was out of hand.
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    I don't really crave candy much anymore, so probably not. When I do crave chocolate I have a Quest bar. Yummy :)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    My kids bag is going to be conveniently devoid of anything that says Reese's on it.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I';m not eating candies - I am having a bottle of Hobgoblin Beer - 136 calories for a yummy glassful. Gimmee beer over chocolate anyday!!
    My Grandma used to make toffee apples for Hallowe'en - lovely burnt caramelly toffee - pulled off your caps and fillings - but it was sublime - unfortunately I don't have her recipe, or I might shelve the beer....................
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Im getting all the Almond Joys!!! Glad those are rare in the pot!
    Kisses too!! Love em!!
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    If by "candy," you mean "beer"... haha, any candy I have is going to my roomies! Saving my Halloween calories for the good stuff :P
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Im getting all the Almond Joys!!! Glad those are rare in the pot!
    Kisses too!! Love em!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Not sneaking it. Just eating it. And loving it. And gently caressing it... And...
  • I will probably have a couple pieces. Probably one Reese's and one Butterfinger. We are going to see a band play tonight so I will dance off my calories whilst dressed as a zomBEE...get it!
  • I've had about 10 mini pieces of candy per day. Plus 3 sugar cookies. I plan on having a slice of pumpkin pie at snack time. No harm if I'm fitting it into my calorie goals!
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
    Hershey chocolate bars are my workout fuel for the week..book it
  • Not sneaking it. Just eating it. And loving it. And gently caressing it... And...

    Agreed, lol!
  • Yes!! In fact I have had 3 Reese's cups and I am sure that won't be the end of the candy today. I don't let one day get me down, I am not eating a whole bag.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member

  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    oh yes!!! Almond Joy and Whoppers steady throughout the day!!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I used to buy candy I didn't like so I wouldn't really be tempted. Now I just buy whatever's on sale and I really have a sweet tooth anymore. But I will be suckin' down some good wine while I hand out that candy tonight.
  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    I have been weaving candy into my day to day food intake from day 1 but Halloween presents a special challenge. I love candy above all things and really had to plan a strategy for handling Halloween. I ended up buying full size bars (feeling bad about contributing to childhood obesity :cry: ) with the thought that I would be less prone to eat them than the “fun size”. The problem is that I am going to eat a piece anyway (bag of M&Ms) and had to carve out more points/calories than I would have for a ”fun size” resulting in a meager Lean Cuisine lunch bulked up with extra vegetables. To further stave off temptation, I won’t be opening up the box of candy bars until the 1st trick or treater knocks on the door. Any leftovers will be promptly bagged up to be taken to work Friday. That's the plan anyway!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    Nope. I will not be eating any Halloween candy. One piece is NEVER enough and one I get started I won't want to quit. I've worked too hard to slide down that slippery sloap. I'll stick with my diet ice cream and stay focused on my goal.