30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Found it! I am so po'ed @ myself today. I gave into some cravings, but still under my calorie goal. Still ate 100 more than I wanted :( I sure hope it doesn't bite me in the butt. I've been doing so great. I can do this. I am so sore from walking everyday....any suggestions? Do I continue to walk or do it every other day? I've just been pushing through the pain hoping it will go away.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm looking forward to actually weighing in :)

    KEEP MOVING!!! Here are my top suggestions to help with the soreness:

    1. Stretching!! You MUST stretch. (it helps move the lactic acid (Stuff that makes you sore) out of the muscles!) Do it after walking about 5 minutes... warm muscles stretch better....and then after the workout again

    2. Ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory... (Only use until your body gets used to this new routine)\\

    3. Banannas! Potassium rich foods are supposed to help reduce the amount of lactic acid produced.

    4. If you are in so much pain that it's unbareable, of course take it easy, and don't harm yourself! :flowerforyou: A seriousl injury could set you further back than taking a day off.

    5. Change activity to something a little lower impact. For instance, Yoga or Swimming?? Don't know if you have access to those activities.

    6. It will go away! Your body is in SHOCK right now. Keep moving and it will become easier! :drinker:
  • nuttybuttersmommy
    nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
    I want to give this a try... It will help keep me motivated to stay plan... so lets see... today went very well... I did 30 min of circuit training. And I found out I hit my 10% weight loss goal yesterday... I started this week off at 263 I believe so 30 lbs would be 233 or so... As for the water I have drank about 8 cups and still drinking, I have been very thirsty today....
    Have a wonderful night
  • MMClark80
    MMClark80 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everybody! I think I will give this a try, too! I need all the help I can get!!! Today was great! I ate well & stayed under my calorie goal, I have exercised for a total of an hour today, and I had 12 glasses of water! I started this week off at 200 lbs, so, 30 lbs by Christmas would be 170-what an awesome Christmas present to me!! I got the best Christmas gift in 2008-my son, and what better way to show him how much I love him and myself than by getting back down to my pre-pregnancy weight! Love this challenge!!! Let's do it!!!! :smile:
  • Can i join this group or thread...my family and friends don't help they say i look great and don't have to loose weight..but i'm 207lbs!!!! anyway i need support in this adventure
  • yay found it... :)
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    I haven't done well this week. We travelled 12.5 hours by car on Monday and I spent the rest of the week in a hotel room. My husband was attending a work related seminar and I was left without a car each day. I was so excited because I planned on doing some serious walking while I explored the area. It turned out that we were situated in an area of the town that had 6 lanes of fast moving traffic and no sidewalks :cry: To say the least....my diet and exercise were not good at all this week.
    One positive thing was realizing how accustomed I have become to exercising on a regular basis. So much so, that I found myself in our hotel bathroom with my ipod and headset dancing at 2am. Ha ha...I don't normally dance in restrooms, but I was doing my best not to wake up my husband :wink:
    Well, we are now visiting my family for a week and I sure hope some of them like walking because I'm definitely going to get in some calorie burning ;) And I will plan for and pack food for our return trip (15 hr.s by car),
    Anyway, I just wanted to check in with everyone. Will touch base soon...and wishing the best of luck to everyone :drinker:

  • That would be the best Christmas present ever. I would hit my target! I'm in.
    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." But don't stop there. Faith, without hard work and dieting, is wishful thinking. Keep the faith!
  • I just found this thread and would love to join too! I was using MFP on a regular basis before and it really helped me lose 25 lbs, I've gained some of it back now and need to get back on track. I weighed 203 last week, I'm ready to work hard & I really hope I can be 173 in time for Christmas! :)
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Found you all again! I was on target with my calories, only got 20 minutes of exercise in due to working a 16 hour shift today. Did get all the water plus more in. I really liked my food today it helped me stay full. It is always easier when not at home with a full fridge calling your name. Going for an hour walk at 8 am on Saturday. We all most have one week behind us so lets push thru this week end and see what monday brings!
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I did pretty good with yesterday's challenges: I only logged 30 minutes of exercise, but I walked all over town to run my errands, so I think that would have put me over 50 minutes. I don't know if walking through the park counts as "playing outside", but I'm counting it! I'm not doing so hot with the water. I don't know why, but I"m having a hard time getting my water in, which I usually don't. Guess it is just getting back in the habit.

    Tonight we are going to a cocktail party. Oh man. I don't know how I'm going to stay strong. I'm going to have to plan a filling dinner and lots of water and keep my hands occupied with club soda and lime!
  • Found it. Didn't feel up to too much exercise, but also didn't overindulge with any food. Staying on track. Thanks for being there for all of us.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Does anyone else beat themselves up about not being able to head the the gym today? Or any day?

    Absolutely! I'm very hard on myself, about all things, but especially my weight loss plan. I don't find that it works for me, in fact, I'm trying a "kinder, gentler" approach with myself. It is hard to change my mindset, though. So, when I mess up (which I did big time this summer), I try to keep telling myself that "yesterday is gone, forget it and move forward" or "today is what counts, do something positive today," etc. I'm trying really hard not to let myself sink into beating myself up, because I just get discouraged and depressed. I'm sure this is pretty normal, I think we are all hardest on ourselves.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    For tomorrow::: 10 glasses water, Under calories, 50 minutes exercise, Game plan to De-candy your house after Halloween! We must prevent self-sabotage!

    I've got another 15 hour day today at work, but I'm confident I can get the water. My meals are planned out and under my calorie goal.

    I'm not feeling so great. I had planned to do 45 min. this morning but I think I'm going to cut that down to 20 min. I'll still be walking and moving a lot at work so it will be okay. Maybe I'll go on a walk during my break or something.

    My plan for Halloween is simple, no candy to begin with. I live in an apartment so there is no need to buy any.

    I have been struggling at work this week though to not eat things that are there, I'm still under my calorie goal but it's frustrating. Also, the fact that it's been a fairly high stress week is irritating. I think I'm going to end up being behind on my goal this week, bummer.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Im so excited about this thread. 30lbs is so doable in 10 weeks. I need super extra motivation right now until I can find my groove. Im so scared of failing...again.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Scratch that. I decided that with two 15 hour work days sleep was more important. I might try and get something in today or I might just give myself a break from exercise.
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    HEy ct1986 I also work 15 and 16 hour days as a nurse. I took my lunch and got a 20 minute walk in and really felt better when I got back to work. We can only do so much on those days but make up for it on a day off. I dont know what your job is but i bet you get some sort of exercise there also. Maybe not as beneficial but you are not sitting on the couch all day. Do what you can today and be glad you can do that much. Beating yourself up is no good. Look at that glass half full not half empty! Have a good day!
  • I am so excited about losing weight which is weird for me, but I worked out last night for the third day in in a row and I woke up this morning wanting to do it again. Before I startefd three days ago I never did any excersice, so I am glad that my mind and hopefully my body are changing...we will see how today goes.
  • IngeS18
    IngeS18 Posts: 36
    Yesterday went surprisingly well even though I had a chocolate binge and drank 3 bottles of beer. We were doing a sort of treasure hunt with friends through town. So even though there was lots of booze being passed around I still burned over 400 calories because I ran/walked for an hour and a half!
    So in the end I was only 25 calories over my limit!

    It's weekend, they are usually slow for me. Husband made me awesome breakfast this morning, but this does mean I'll have to do some sort of exercise today so I can at least eat dinner ;) Maybe some light cleaning will do the trick! Lots of laundry to do!
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    KEEP MOVING!!! Here are my top suggestions to help with the soreness:

    1. Stretching!! You MUST stretch. (it helps move the lactic acid (Stuff that makes you sore) out of the muscles!) Do it after walking about 5 minutes... warm muscles stretch better....and then after the workout again

    2. Ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory... (Only use until your body gets used to this new routine)\\

    3. Bananas! Potassium rich foods are supposed to help reduce the amount of lactic acid produced.

    4. If you are in so much pain that it's unbearable, of course take it easy, and don't harm yourself! :flowerforyou: A seriousl injury could set you further back than taking a day off.

    5. Change activity to something a little lower impact. For instance, Yoga or Swimming?? Don't know if you have access to those activities.

    6. It will go away! Your body is in SHOCK right now. Keep moving and it will become easier! :drinker:

    Thanks for this advice. I did 20 minutes of cardio, basic punching, a couple of squats, kicking etc. plus 4 push ups and 20 sit ups. It's now just Sunday morning (1219 am) and my abs are still sore, my wrists are sore, my shoulders and legs are sore. It's been 3 days! It's just ridiculous. :sad:
    I'm hoping tomorrow, I'll wake up feeling a bit better. I did some mad housework tonight, when I should have been doing my assignments, but it needed to be done, and now that it is I feel a bit better. (I just moved house, so boxes are still everywhere, and it's not helping me concentrate on my assignments at hand either. Grr.
  • 2kmom
    2kmom Posts: 12
    For tomorrow::: 10 glasses water, Under calories, 50 minutes exercise, Game plan to De-candy your house after Halloween! We must prevent self-sabotage!

    With 2 kids it's tough to de-candy the house, but I have found something that works. The "Halloween Witch" comes in the night, takes all the candy and leaves a small gift in its place. The kids get a surprise and there is no candy to sabotage mom :happy:
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