So...what HAVE you stopped eating?



  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I gave up soda even though I was drinking diet, so not really for calorie reasons. Just makes me feel bloated from the carbonation. I still have some rarely if we go out, but usually I'll get like a strawberry lemonade or maybe a daiquiri or something...

    Other than that, nothing. I chilled out a LOT on butter and cheese but still use both in moderation..
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I had Kraft Mac and Cheese for the first time in over a year. But one cup has 400 calories!! I could have easily scarfed down that much in the past, but now I just had 1/2 cup. It was good, but I could spend those cals on so many other things.

    When I make it, I just do FF milk and no butter... still tastes just as good and not quite as bad on calories... My kids would cry if mac and cheese was taken away altogether! Although, I prefer velveeta, my hubby is a weirdo and likes the powdered crap better :huh:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Not really anything, although the portion sizes have gone way down. Probably the only thing I have really cut back on, to the point I eat them maybe 3-5 times a year is french fries. I still love the way they taste, but the calories are usually not really worth it.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
  • erikmsp72
    erikmsp72 Posts: 137 Member
    Taco Bell. Not that I used to go often; but we stopped there to feed my partner's craving and when I looked at the actual (lack of) protein and various vitamins in their high-calorie food I was kind of appalled.

    So that one is way off my list.
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Juice, like a lot of people!
  • TheFairyJester
    well i don't eat chips but then i have never much liked chips. i always get sores in my mouth when i eat them. LOL don't know why

    now on food i do like its more not that i wont eat but don't eat regular, if i really want something i am going to eat it . i do not believe having one thing on a rare occasion is going to mess you up really.

    as a normal basis i do not eat breads , startches or other carb type stuff. but it for some reason at some meal I want it , like if its a special type bread i will eat some.

    i do not normally eat fruit, but if for some reason i really want that apple i will eat it.

    oddly enough with that mind set of if i want it i will eat it, havent really wanted those things.

    except that piece of texas toast last week , and i ate it and moved on , and still at 10pound in two weeks.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I stopped juice unless I get a blood sugar dip or have a bad cold or flu and I'm having trouble getting my calories in. I used to have juice with breakfast and lunch every day at work.

    Since I started couting calories, juice is too many calories and carb loads me without making me feel full or satisified. I also stopped drinking sugared sodas for pretty much the same reason.

    I ~do~ save calories for the occassional glass of wine, beer, or cider though. :) I think those are some calories worth drinking. :drinker:
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I can honestly say I haven't given up anything completely. I just find a way to fit it in to my calories for the day or eat smaller portions. If anything, I eat things I enjoy guilt-free now because I know how it's affecting my weight management efforts. I definitely drink less non-diet soda than I used to since I used to drink up to one liter a day but I still enjoy it here and there. I still eat fast food, I just will skip the fries or have the kids' size or something instead.

    I have started drinking my coffee black, but not because of diet, but because I've acquired a taste for it and find I enjoy it better that way.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    The only thing I've totally cut out throughout this whole thing (weight loss and now maintenance), has been regular soda. Now I just drink diet.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member

    Except I'm pickier on when I eat it, and try to eat it only when I really want it and it fits.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    My diet itself didn't change much, but the balance and portions of it has. In the past I was more carbs and sugar, less vegetables and protein. Now it's more produce and lean protein, less carbs and sugar. But the selection of foods in the grocery cart didn't change drastically.

    I've also cut down on alcohol a lot.
  • nataschalouise
    I still eat the same, just in more moderation with the unhealthy foods, better portion control, and more importantly knowing when to stop. I don't eat crisps (US: chips), drink coffee, or eat sugary sweets (I'm scared of fillings) really anyways so I didn't have to give it up. I love chocolate though.

    I know going on a "ban everything except water" type of diet wouldn't work for me, so I just exercise a heck of alot instead.

    Yesterday I had a chocolate brownie (I had 2/3 of it, and gave the rest to my boyf), PASTA (oh no she didn't!) and still maintained a deficit.

    For me I am lucky my boyfriend is sporty and eats like a pig. I can just eat bites of the stuff I crave and pass the rest to him. Job done!
  • nataschalouise
    I ~do~ save calories for the occassional glass of wine, beer, or cider though. :) I think those are some calories worth drinking. :drinker:

  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    I realize i could eat anything if i fit it in. BUT - i decided early on that some things were just not worthy.
    I gave up butter. NowTHATt I love, but its just too many calories to make sense. I used to have it on rice, veggies, bread, etc.
    But now i only use spray butter (zero calories) on veggies.
    Bread - This is just not good enough for me to fit in. If i were at certain restaurants - then it would be - but for now - I have given up those restaurants. Just for now.
    Pasta - another non worthy thing. It would only be good with some yummy creamy sauce that would be loaded. No thank you.
    Ice Cream - my biggest vice ~~ no more. Can't bring it in the house. Have not in 6 months. Have had about 3 Oreo McFlurrys over this time period though. And they are good - but not as good as i remembered them being.
    Pepperoni Pizza - another biggie for me - don't think i have had that in 6 months either. I will again - in moderation - just not yet.
    No fast food. I was never a big fan of it anyway and did not have it often - now - NO
    Cheese - this is another good food but calorie wise - did not make the cut.
    I have not given up my half and half in coffee though - some things are worthy!
  • tjthegreatone
    Wish I could quit peanut butter..I eat 80-100g of the stuff daily.
    But even when I don't have it in the house I have to go out and get more. Whoops.

    Things I gave up because I never really liked them:

    Juice (not worth it, I prefer real fruit)
    Sugary sodas (don't really like them anyway)
    Alcohol (does nothing for me and talk about wasted calories...I'd rather eat)
    My daily mocha and muffin (I now drink mostly tea and coffee - unsweetened - and I prefer those breakfast biscuit thingies for my sweet tooth. I occasionally eat cake though)
    Crisps and chips (except on occasion - don't like them that much)

    Things I tried to eat because they are supposedly 'good' and failed:
    Tomatoes (only tolerated on occasion)
    Rice cakes (dry and tasteless)

    Things you'd probably have to pry from my cold dead hands:
    Peanut butter
    Roast chicken

    I'd love to say that I practice moderation but that would probably be a lie :laugh: Limitation never worked for me; I prefer to exercise a lot instead.
  • exercise2day2
    exercise2day2 Posts: 46 Member
    White bread. I try to stick with only whole grain.
    Sugary granola bars. I swapped these out for a proper nutritious breakfast.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    White bread, pop and fruit juice.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    As I have never been a "everything in moderation" kinda gal, I find it easier to just not start eating certain foods that are extremely difficult for me to stop eating once I've started. So for me it's Fritos (I can eat an entire bag even though it makes me sick later) and any kind of sugary crap food.
  • MickeyCastello
    Other than drive-thrus, and foods I don't like, nothing really. I just make sure I weigh/measure and log everything. If my macros have room for it, I eat it. Putting too many conditions on eating, kinda takes the fun out of the journey to lose and maintain weight..