30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning all. I did 50 minutes of cardio at the gym and sweated my butt (and face) off. Went to the mall and did some walking around there. Didn't eat the best but I think all I did exercise and walking wise pretty much canceled each other out. I THINK I drank my 10 glasses of water yesterday.

    For today, my friend is picking me up and we're going to do a "Turbo Jam" class. I've never done it but she absolutely loves it. Then, we just found out one of our friends is in the hospital because her appendix burst so we want to see how she is doing! Have fun everyone and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks so much for all of your awesome suggestions. I am going to start with the stretching.
  • :flowerforyou:
    Found it! I am so po'ed @ myself today. I gave into some cravings, but still under my calorie goal. Still ate 100 more than I wanted :( I sure hope it doesn't bite me in the butt. I've been doing so great. I can do this. I am so sore from walking everyday....any suggestions? Do I continue to walk or do it every other day? I've just been pushing through the pain hoping it will go away.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm looking forward to actually weighing in :)

    KEEP MOVING!!! Here are my top suggestions to help with the soreness:

    1. Stretching!! You MUST stretch. (it helps move the lactic acid (Stuff that makes you sore) out of the muscles!) Do it after walking about 5 minutes... warm muscles stretch better....and then after the workout again

    2. Ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory... (Only use until your body gets used to this new routine)\\

    3. Banannas! Potassium rich foods are supposed to help reduce the amount of lactic acid produced.

    4. If you are in so much pain that it's unbareable, of course take it easy, and don't harm yourself! :flowerforyou: A seriousl injury could set you further back than taking a day off.

    5. Change activity to something a little lower impact. For instance, Yoga or Swimming?? Don't know if you have access to those activities.

    6. It will go away! Your body is in SHOCK right now. Keep moving and it will become easier! :drinker:

    Thanks so much for all of your awesome suggestions. I am going to start with the stretching. It's mostly in my ankles and the top of my feet. I agree, I have definitely threw my body for a loop this week. LOL. It's just mad at me right now, but will be happy in the long run :laugh:
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Already have a game plan for the Halloween candy.
    I am going to buy the candy the day of Halloween and only enough to make sure that it is all gone that night. If any is left over, the last person trick or treating at my house gets the bowl.

    The next challenge is the next day at work. I teach and everyone brings their left over candy and puts it in the staff room. I know just don't go in the staff room for a couple of days. I think I can manage that. Yay plan in place. :flowerforyou:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks so much for all of your awesome suggestions. I am going to start with the stretching. It's mostly in my ankles and the top of my feet. I agree, I have definitely threw my body for a loop this week. LOL. It's just mad at me right now, but will be happy in the long run :laugh:

    Be careful!! If it doesn't get better in a few days you may want to be checked for stress fractures! Just a thought. I don't want to scare anyone, but also don't want anyone to get hurt b/c of my comments!

    Here's to a good weekend and a GREAT weigh in Monday!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Yay! People seem to be checking in on here!

    Ok...check in for the day.

    Ate crappy food, but stayed under calorie goal!

    9 glasses of water so far and I will be up for about 3 more hours, so I will get that in.

    60 minutes at the gym...treadmill, weights, racquetball..

    Oh, and played outside today with my little boy. He LOVES outside. He cries to go out! I've been taking him outside everyday, but I'm sad to see winter just around the corner! wahhh....

    Plus, lots of work around the house today. Tomorrow is my B-Day, but I will be at a Church Fall Festival for 7 hours!!! I am kind of the leader of the whole thing... and I'm running the Men's Chili-cook off booth! Whew... it will be a long day.. Plus, I'm getting ready for a camping trip my hubby and I are taking Monday through Wednesday. (This is kind of my B-day celebration..) I'm so excited that I will be logging hiking for exercise for those days! :0)

    For tomorrow::: 10 glasses water, Under calories, 50 minutes exercise, Game plan to De-candy your house after Halloween! We must prevent self-sabotage!

    HUGS to you all!

    Ugh the end of my day was not good, all though I did exercise and get my water in for the day I totally ate bad, but I did stay under my calories and I did start my lunch with fruit but ended the day with pizza ugh darn pre halloween parties!! LOL

    Happy Birthday PoshTaush!!!

    I am still so sore since my bootcamp on Wednesday, my trainer did stretch my really well before class and I was able to work out but yesterday I was hurting more!! Today not so bad, I am gonna do some more walking and stretching I think.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • :smile: Hooray I found the new link too! Last night I double-dated with my husband and another couple to a NICE restaurant. I was kind of worried I would overeat. Ends up, I had a lot to bring home as my stomach is shrinking and I was able to stop when I was full. My Hubby mentioned I didn't eat, so I showed him what was gone and explained to everyone my weight loss. They were ALL very supportive! What great friends and family. I know I am lucky!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Woohoo! Found the new link. How amazing we have to create a new thread after less than a week - so great to be surrounded by lots of motivated people who want to achieve the same goal - it helps so much!

    Had a bit of a lazy day today but forced myself to put on a DVD this evening and do some aerobics. Went out with friends last night and stayed on the soda waters all night. My boyfriend was supposed to support me and not drink but he gave in after 5 minutes. I'm glad I was able to resist but I got so tired very early on, which normally the alcohol takes care of. Maybe have a diet coke next time?
  • ladybugss
    ladybugss Posts: 135 Member
    Just did my 88 min walk with hills. I feel great. Really didn't want to go today but so glad I did. Now off to complete some work for my classroom. And maybe some laundry. Hoping to get on the bike later we will see. Hope everyone has a great Saturday.
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    Found it!

    Anyone have any good advice on how you get all your water in daily?
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 584 Member
    Hi Every1, I hope your all well. Im glad i found u again
    well im finding it hard to keep to my cals (keep going over) & i think my Wii exercise(biggest loser) thing is not counting my cals right as i used a different Wii (your shape)exercise & it gave me more cals burned. i think its the remote, so i will try & sort my board out . Im not sure what my weigh in will reveal but i know im using my stomach mussels as they ache.
    Anyone else finding it hard to keep motived at the mo
    I keep forgetting to add in carrying my daughter around. (22 months) as she is not feeling well :cry: im sure she will be fine soon. What is the challenge as im not sure?
  • YAY. I found it!
    Okay so far. Been doing really good on staying under my calories had some troubles yesterday because my husband brought me cookies and they sure didn't eat themselves, Doing better today had a big breakfast. Going for a long walk later with my hubby. It has been a little hard for me to get all 10 cups of water in everyday but I have been getting about 6-8 everyday. Working on 12 today hopefully, Been doing OK on exercise I just got the biggest loser game for the Wii tried the first exercise last night after my cookie manifest, boy oh boy, that was just moderate and my calves were soar...Gonna do today's workout a little later tonight after everyone leaves. I am a shy workout person.
    Anyways. trying not to look at the scale everyday because it fluctuates in between the days so waiting for Monday to come so I can see how I have been doing.
    Hope you all are doing great.
  • I have drank 8 glasses of water today, I also been eating right other than I missed lunch due to being at the ranch with my child for her horseback riding. So I had subway for lunch/ dinner. I am getting use to drinking more water now. Just happy I am not drinking soda anymore. I hope everyone is having a great day
  • janeam
    janeam Posts: 16
    Doing pretty good. I went to the movies and actually ordered a small unbuttered popcorn and diet dr. pepper. My husband had a large buttered popcorn. I was able to resist it! Went to McDonald's this morning and only had a yogurt parfait and water. My problem is getting more than 30 minutes of excercise a day. I don't belong to a gym and my dog and my legs can't take walking longer yet. Can't wait to get on the scales on Monday! Really excited.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Found it!

    Anyone have any good advice on how you get all your water in daily?

    I use a glass with a straw.
  • Found it!

    Anyone have any good advice on how you get all your water in daily?

    I use a glass with a straw.

    I find that it is also easier to get down all those glasses of water with a straw. Not sure why but it works.
  • I started the C25K program today. It was very hard for me being that I haven't run in probably 7 years or so, but I did it! I might have to modify it slightly, but we will see. I also rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes today. I will be under my calories for the day and will get all my water in. I am not going to bring much candy in the house for Halloween, but whatever small amount my kids bring home will be hidden by my husband!
  • lmdance
    lmdance Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! 30lbs in 10 weeks would be amazing! I'd love to join in! This maybe just what I need to keep me on track...
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I just finished a 45 minute exercise video, and earlier today I did a little walking and a little cleaning! I got 10 cups of water in, and I'm under my calories. My plan for getting rid of halloween candy is just not to have any to begin with. I live in a third floor apartment, and don't think I'll have many trick or treaters anyway.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    BLAHHHH>>>>>>...... Ok... bad day! I had a good birthday, but...... I didn't really eat much today, didn't log it, and didn't get enough water in! SO SORRY!!

    The reason.... We had a Fall Festival today at church that I was in charge of...yes, on my birthday! haha.. Oh well... It went amazing though, but I was there for over 9 hours, setting up, running a chili contest, helping run games and booths, counting money...etc etc....

    So...I'm sure I burnt a ton of calories!!

    My goal for Candy: Give it to my kids in Church class on Wednesday nights!

    Tomorrow's goal:

    10 Water, Under calories.... For me, Sundays are going to be my off days. But if you want...choose your own exercise goal.

    Plus... Find time to relax for 20 minutes today and read. Choose any book, Bible, magazine, Health article....Try this outside if weather permits!
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