curvy vs slim... Finding a balance



  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    24 lbs in 9 weeks seems like kind of a lot. You could be losing muscle along with fat and that's what's affecting your body shape, too. Are you doing strength training? That can definitely help build up curvy areas, like your butt and waist. Even with a slimmer waist, if it's toned, you'll still look like you have more of an hourglass figure.

    And you know how you're happiest with your body, but personally, I would prefer healthy over "curvy". But then again, I'm not you.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    I love how everyone is looking at whether or not you should lose more weight, instead of what you asked.

    Yes, up your calories, but not by much, try starting out by adding only 250 a day and then change it if you need to. Lower your cardio, and continue with the weight lifting. Unless you have a high level of testosterone, you can lift higher weights without getting "bulky" and the increased muscle mass will not only be a health benefit, but almost everyone can agree that someone with nice muscle tone looks good too!

    Hope that helps!

    thanks so much!! Yep feel like I'm in a debate on whether to lose more... I don't mind losing a few pounds more but I've been losing 2-4 lbs a week so I am looking at the next step!!! Haha!!!
    I'll try your advice.. Thanks!!!
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    Oh.... Just to note... I've been doing 60-80 mins of cardio 5 days a week and using handweights and using a step so perhaps. Can change some of this time to more strength
  • I have started exercising..I do Tae Bo 3 to 4 times a week...and also walking and jogging about twice a week...still not seeing the results. I joined MFP a couple of weeks has helped so many people, I hope I get to be on that list. I have accepted ur friends request...thx.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Oh.... Just to note... I've been doing 60-80 mins of cardio 5 days a week and using handweights and using a step so perhaps. Can change some of this time to more strength

    Yes I would lower that to 30-45 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and try doing strength training for the other time you would have spent on cardio. Good exercises would be flys, push ups, chest presses, squats, lunges, any core and arms. So if you do lose more in those areas you will build muscle there and they will be firmer and perkier.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member

    Yes I would lower that to 30-45 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and try doing strength training for the other time you would have spent on cardio. Good exercises would be flys, push ups, chest presses, squats, lunges, any core and arms. So if you do lose more in those areas you will build muscle there and they will be firmer and perkier.

    thank you.. That's more the kind of advice I was looking for!!!
  • tbernard
    tbernard Posts: 54 Member
    Just a quick note...there are all these post which seem to refer to the choice of cardio versus weight training as If each is the holy Grail and as If they have nothing in common. While you shouldn't completely abandon your cardio you should know that proper weight training has a cardio effect. Like cardio it also works your heart and gets your blood pumping.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    If I were you (which would be hard, 'cause I'm a guy :D ), I would go to maintenance calories, less cardio and up my strength training a bit. I'd try it for a few weeks and see what happens.

    Or you could do something completely different. The key I think, is to test whatever you end up doing for 2 or 3 weeks then see where you are at and what is happening, then adjust as needed.

    This would be my advice as well! Good luck've come SO far already!! Such a source of inspiration....♥
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just a quick note...there are all these post which seem to refer to the choice of cardio versus weight training as If each is the holy Grail and as If they have nothing in common. While you shouldn't completely abandon your cardio you should know that proper weight training has a cardio effect. Like cardio it also works your heart and gets your blood pumping.

    Yes, but unless you're doing circuit training, your heart rate won't stay sustained at a higher level for the entire time. It will return to normal between sets. For cardiovascular health, you need to have a sustained elevated heart rate for about 30 minutes straight, 4-5 days per week.

    If she does circuit training, then she'll achieve both.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    boobs and butt are not always the first to go. I am still a DD and well I still got back. Each person is different on how they lose weight. I am actually losing the most from my thighs, hips and lower abs while my butt and boobs might have gone down some they are making up for it in perkiness.

    my loss is def affecting my shape, "back" is ok!! Wanna fit into clothes well... That for me is filling them!!! Hubby would not be impressed if I lost the shape he fell in love with!!

    Well, I know the hubby factor is important - but MOST IMPORTANT is what YOU WANT! If you like your curves, but are just as happy losing more weight to see what you can accomplish - then you should go for it! If you want to remain at your current weight because YOU are happy with it and not everyone else around you, then go for it! Sometimes those areound us feel insecure when they see changes. Make sure you do what makes YOU happy! In the end, that's what all this is about. Congrats of the weight loss by the way!
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I am worried about the same thing too and people have noticed the changes in those areas on me since I have been on this new journey. I am having a problem with the waist part also and and starting to read Dr. Oz's You On A Diet. It talks about waist size so maybe that can be an option. I am only a couple chapters in but I would be glad to let you know what I find out =)

    Great job by the way!
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    This topic stuck in my head. I posted some general comment about maintaining cardio but increasing caloric intake, but I now wish to amend what I wrote.

    I dislike the concept of maintaining a certain weight just to please a man or men in general. As a man I'm physically attracted to a certain shape and size, but I would never want any women to compromise her health and long lasting fitness to meet my specific tastes.

    I love my woman but I only appreciate her physical beauty. She will get old and the traditional concept of beauty may fade, but I will still love her. The wrinkles will only be a representation of the years we will have had together.

    If a relationship is bound only by physical attractiveness than a man would leave as soon as another slimmer and younger tart skips by. Sure, that does happen sometimes, but good riddance to the loser.

    Some may think that my viewpoint is not typical for a man. But don't let guys swagger and nonchalance fool you. There are more of us who appreciate a good wife and partner than those dead-inside jerks who are looking for a showpiece.
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    This topic stuck in my head. I posted some general comment about maintaining cardio but increasing caloric intake, but I now wish to amend what I wrote.

    I dislike the concept of maintaining a certain weight just to please a man or men in general. As a man I'm physically attracted to a certain shape and size, but I would never want any women to compromise her health and long lasting fitness to meet my specific tastes.

    I love my woman but I only appreciate her physical beauty. She will get old and the traditional concept of beauty may fade, but I will still love her. The wrinkles will only be a representation of the years we will have had together.

    If a relationship is bound only by physical attractiveness than a man would leave as soon as another slimmer and younger tart skips by. Sure, that does happen sometimes, but good riddance to the loser.

    Some may think that my viewpoint is not typical for a man. But don't let guys swagger and nonchalance fool you. There are more of us who appreciate a good wife and partner than those dead-inside jerks who are looking for a showpiece.

    Ahem... not really sure why you wanted to state that a man would leave.... my husband loves my curvy figure.. after 8 years together and one year of marriage i am not insecure about our relationship.. It is not relationship advice I am looking for... nor reassurance.

    I have decided myself that I have found a balance between being a weight I am happy with and keeping my curves... and my husband agrees...I am a size us 6-8, and I want to maintain that size while toning up. I am 5ft 1.5 and I am fairly broad for that size (i.e. not petite framed) , I want to fill my clothes not be straight up and down.. and I am almost there with some toning work.

    I wanted advice on toning, maintaining fitness and maintaining my current weight. I have been doing alot of cardio and wanted to see how others have moved to maintenance.

    This is about me, nobody else.. and I feel I have found a balance I am happy with.

    Thanks for taking time to reply.. I actually wanted to delete this post as I felt that instead of getting advice on maintenence and toning that it turned into a debate on wether I should lose more weight.. which as you have stated is my own personal decision...

    I am aware that comments and advice are given in good faith.. I am just glad I am not easily swayed from what I believe is right for me.. and being encouraged to lose more weight than is right for me. I found your reference to 18% body fat astonishing and I am definitly not on the same wavelength. ..but I do thank you for taking the time to reply.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Not exactly sure how/why this topic went so wrong! lol

    As she said, she wasn't looking for relationship advice or whether to lose more weight or not, she wanted advice on how to maintain and tone up. Period. It's kinda funny how just becuase her husband was mentioned people took that in a weird direction. In fact, it was said that her husband enjoys her shape.

    I think a FEW people gave you some good advice for what you asked for, MAINTAINING & TONING. I have every confidence that you will find exactly what works for you and it will give you the results you want. You know I'll be around to support ya and kick ya in the butt if need be. :wink:
  • LauraAkaTigger
    LauraAkaTigger Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks armywife!!!

    Good to see someone is on my wavelength!!!

    I'm actually laughing out loud!!!
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