


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Are we still waiting?

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Hey how come no one has mentioned colonics yet???
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I was going to post a gif but the internet doesn't even have one crazy enough for this thread....

    Yeah it does. IT has a really fun toxin tampon animation.

    see here it is. so colorful. but alas, it's in french what does it means?


    Oh, fun, a diagram of what causes cholera. Vibrio cholerae for the win!

    Hey, vibrio actually does produce toxins. Does that mean this gif is actually relevant?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Hey how come no one has mentioned colonics yet???

    'cuz soooo 90s....

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    The terms "cleanse" and "toxins" are used liberally when it comes to fitness so trying to figure out what people mean by either is going to be a never ending search that just goes in circles. There are medical reasons for cleanses like a colon cleanse before surgery and there are people out there who have GI systems that do not work was well as a healthy persons GI system does so it does not clean out the excess iron or other things in their bodies and the body will view this as a "toxin" even though other people have not issue (the person who posted about how their system does not process iron introduced to their body like your body does and it causes medical issues for them). So certain "cleanses" would help those people keep their GI system function to the best of its ability. Some people find that doing a cleanse helps clean them out when they are constipated; just like some people find that coffee will clean them out. I believe the whole idea of "cleansing to remove toxins" started from real medical reasons and people saw it as a quick way to lose weight and it has gotten out of control. Just because your body does not have a problem processing what is introduced does not mean everyone has a health GI system and to those people what their body cannot properly process is considered a toxin to the body. Example Gluten is a toxin to people who have Celiac Disease but it is not a toxin to majority of people. This is a prime example of how an actual medical condition has become a diet craze; people saw that other people lost weight when they had no choice but to stop eating Gluten (because it is toxic to them) and said "hey if I stop eating Gluten I will lose weight because it is unhealthy" when in reality its only unhealthy to the person who has the allergy. There are different types of "cleanses" and different definitions of "toxins" but the terms are again used liberally a lot.

    NO, to the bit in bold

    Not processing iron is not your GI system not working as well, something that a cleanse can help - it is an actual medical condition that can only be fixed by giving blood periodically to remove the excess iron.

    Claiming certain cleanses could help this is nonsense and dangerous - this is one of the reasons I dislike cleanses - people claim they can do stuff they simply cannot do. Some people read these stupid claims and do them instead of getting the medical treatment they require, puting themselves at great risk of complications and death.

    NO cleanse in the world is going to make these people suddenly treat iron the same as everyone else. :noway:

    (source: my brother has hemochromatosis)
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Well, I was busy all evening last night and I had hoped to come back here this morning and find that my question had been answered.

    But I see that despite 5 pages of discussion, the only "toxin" names that have been mentioned are:

    1. Mercury (but we all knew that and a cleanse won't help)
    2. Food Coloring (but we all knew that and a cleanse won't help)
    3. Second Hand Smoke (but we all knew that and a cleanse won't help)
    4. Iron (but only if you have hemochromatosis)

    So, nothing else then?
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
  • MrsBingley
    Poop? I hear juice cleanses give you wicked diarrhea.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    I hope these toxins- whatever they may be- don't throw off my mitochlorian count.