Pastry Chef: Immoral and Unethical?



  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? So she will be preparing pastries and directly contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. What’s next, should I congratulate the Marlboro man on the new gourmet cigarette brand he is coming out with? I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes. And even worse, these are gourmet treats which people are likely to eat even more of!

    I don’t know. If it were me, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I knew I would be harming people like this long term. They are throwing her a going away party in a few weeks and she is going to be providing a sampling of her work for us. I’m still undecided if I should attend with these concerns. I’m not sure what kind of message that will be sending ya know?

    What you guys think? Am I right? Or should I ease up, be happy for my friend and go to the party even if I feel like I’m compromising on my morals and ethics?

    Didn't read the first 13 pages of comments, all that came to my mind was-it's not like she's cooking crack into her cookies. She's not harming people-people are harming people by not exercising some self control. There's nothing wrong with pasteries, if you eat a reasonable amount once in a while. That's like saying McDonalds is unethical.

    If you want to go after someone, get that guy who opened the Heart Attack Grill. I believe people actually HAVE died after eating there.

    THIS ^^^
  • MrsBingley
    I am not a professional pastry chef, but I did own my own coffee shop for a few years and can out bake and out cook some of the best. I don't have a sweet tooth and so I look for recipes that use less sugar and butter or find substitutes (olive oil and applesauce are my go-to replacements in lots of recipes). I also tend to stick with fruit-based tarts, cakes, etc. My son didn't know what frosting was until he went to a birthday party at 5. I don't like frosting so never put it on my homemade cupcakes and he never missed it. Have you SEEN how much frosting some of those commercial bakeries add?

    You can make healthier pastries and desserts AND the key is moderation and portion control - a regular Cinnabon could feed 4 people!!

    Thats a great start...And good for you making healthier options available. I wish there were more options like this out there.

    ETA: That still does not help with my dilemna as the pastries in question are not that.

    Okay. This is really getting painful. I'm going to put this as clearly as I can.

    There is no dilemma here. Really.

    You have your moral convictions regarding food, and that is fine. Try thinking about it as you would religion.
    Your convictions
    Your business
    Not anyone else's business
    Don't make it their business
    Especially if you want to keep your friend.

    You are treating your convictions as absolute truth. They are not.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I don't want to sound rude or mean.....

    but YOU sound mean!

    There are plenty of people in this world that deserve a damn pastry! Each one of us has to make our own damn decisions. If I know that pasty is bad for me, I wont eat it. Or maybe I will and it will be MY problem, not hers!

    THIS is the problem with our country! It is always someone elses fault! The makers of Doritos and f*cking chocolate did not make me fat! My poor decision making made me fat.

    Get over yourselves people!

    I will not get over myself until the children of the United States of America are protected from this Appetizing Axis of Evil.

    Do your part, save America.


    Haha...Love Braveheart...Great Movie.

    OMG. I die.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    OK I've read up to page 7 and now I want to go to my local patisserie and shove every delicious sugar-and-fat-laden treat I can afford into my mouth. And it's YOUR fault, OP, YOURS. I hope you're happy.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    OK I've read up to page 7 and now I want to go to my local patisserie and shove every delicious sugar-and-fat-laden treat I can afford into my mouth. And it's YOUR fault, OP, YOURS. I hope you're happy.

    remember....only YOU can prevent forest fires.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I still can't figure out if the OP is serious, or if this is just a very long drawn out joke?

    Still...I'm a classically trained chef, so any recipe that starts off with a pound of butter, heavy cream or bacon fat pretty much wins in my book. But I agree with most of the responses...I can choose to serve whatever I want, its up to my guests to decide if they want it. Some choose to share dishes that are exceptionally rich, other choose the salad, and still others decide it fits in their macros to have it all. I expect my patrons to behave like adults and make their selections for themselves.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I would go and be supportive of your friend but bring a veggie tray with low fat yogurt dip so that there will be healthy options. You should NEVER eat pastries if you're trying to lose weight. I feel sorry for the po' uneducated pastry eaters that are going to get the diabeetus :(
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I would go through her baking supplies and replace her sugar with salt.
    Then patiently wait for her to get fired.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I would go through her baking supplies and replace her sugar with crystal meth.
    Then patiently wait for her to get fired.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I am not a professional pastry chef, but I did own my own coffee shop for a few years and can out bake and out cook some of the best. I don't have a sweet tooth and so I look for recipes that use less sugar and butter or find substitutes (olive oil and applesauce are my go-to replacements in lots of recipes). I also tend to stick with fruit-based tarts, cakes, etc. My son didn't know what frosting was until he went to a birthday party at 5. I don't like frosting so never put it on my homemade cupcakes and he never missed it. Have you SEEN how much frosting some of those commercial bakeries add?

    You can make healthier pastries and desserts AND the key is moderation and portion control - a regular Cinnabon could feed 4 people!!

    Thats a great start...And good for you making healthier options available. I wish there were more options like this out there.

    In keeping with this trend, I was hoping to maybe develop a recipe for pastries that uses cauliflower instead of flour, butter, and sugar. Any suggestions ?


    hahahaha...too true...I tried one of those cauliflower pizza recipes once...No thanks.

    I can't imagine it being any better with desserts...Have people actually tried this?

    Also, how do you post those video picture clips on here?
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I would go through her baking supplies and replace her sugar with crystal meth.
    Then patiently wait for her to get fired.

    And if she doesn't get fired, well, at least meth makes people skinny.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I have an idea.

    I will be your date to the party and eat your share of the pastries.:love:
  • fortinfitness
    fortinfitness Posts: 12 Member
    Um, not sure why you feel disdain with such a holier-than-thou complex, but I believe you're wrong by being upset at this person's career choice. I mean, you're upset that they are "contributing" to obesity? Seriously?


    First, education is powerful. Education, not fat shaming, is what will help curb obesity. Second, people need to grow up and stop blaming others for their inadequacies and shortcomings. I used to be an emotional eater. I don't blame my own psychological problems or emotional instability on food, let alone those who prepare it.

    By your logic, that person is knowingly committing fraud or some kind of criminal offence. What if your friend wants to pursue a career path as a bartender? Oh, noes! That person is contributing to alcoholism! How about bankers? They circulate money. Oh, oh. They contribute to gambling. See my point?

    Unlike other addictions, food is a necessary part of life. Cigarettes are not. Alcohol is not. You can choose to smoke, drink, or not. But you can't "choose" to eat. You can only choose what to eat.

    I respectfully believe that your position is ludicrous, presumptuous, misguided, and rude. You can talk to your friend about alternatives. Even then, I think it's still wrong. Heck, I know many a gourmet chefs, even pastry chefs, who are health-conscious and often cook healthy versions of popular pastries. But should they get trampled on, too?

    I'm a foodie and I love food. And I have cheat days and cheat meals, and yes I enjoy pastries and doughnuts. So if I become obese, should I sue the pastry chef that "contributed to my obesity"? But you see, that's what a message like yours implies.

    C'mon, folks. Educate, don't denigrate.

    P.S.: No, you shouldn't go to that party for your friend. Trust me, you're doing them a favor.
  • teaparty75
    You should kill her to save the others. It's the right thing to do.

    THIS ^^^^
    LMAO - if any one of my friends ever became a pastry chef that would definitely progress the friendship to the "next level" :love:
    actually - i understand your concerns but i'm thinking about it on a more personal level and how it would affect ME - so i'd probably ask her to NOT ask me to "taste" anything UNLESS i was the absolute last person on earth , don't bring none of your "leftovers" to my house UNLESS specifically asked to do so - and said request can ONLY be made twice per month !!! good luck w/that !!:laugh:
  • teaparty75
    I would go through her baking supplies and replace her sugar with crystal meth.
    Then patiently wait for her to get fired.

    And if she doesn't get fired, well, at least meth makes people skinny.

    i am literally LOL'ing right now !!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    I . . .um. . . uh. . .

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?
  • paulstephenmarshall
    original poster is either jesting or a total control freak, each tot heir own
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Um, not sure why you feel disdain with such a holier-than-thou complex, but I believe you're wrong by being upset at this person's career choice. I mean, you're upset that they are "contributing" to obesity? Seriously?


    First, education is powerful. Education, not fat shaming, is what will help curb obesity. Second, people need to grow up and stop blaming others for their inadequacies and shortcomings. I used to be an emotional eater. I don't blame my own psychological problems or emotional instability on food, let alone those who prepare it.

    By your logic, that person is knowingly committing fraud or some kind of criminal offence. What if your friend wants to pursue a career path as a bartender? Oh, noes! That person is contributing to alcoholism! How about bankers? They circulate money. Oh, oh. They contribute to gambling. See my point?

    Unlike other addictions, food is a necessary part of life. Cigarettes are not. Alcohol is not. You can choose to smoke, drink, or not. But you can't "choose" to eat. You can only choose what to eat.

    I respectfully believe that your position is ludicrous, presumptuous, misguided, and rude. You can talk to your friend about alternatives. Even then, I think it's still wrong. Heck, I know many a gourmet chefs, even pastry chefs, who are health-conscious and often cook healthy versions of popular pastries. But should they get trampled on, too?

    I'm a foodie and I love food. And I have cheat days and cheat meals, and yes I enjoy pastries and doughnuts. So if I become obese, should I sue the pastry chef that "contributed to my obesity"? But you see, that's what a message like yours implies.

    C'mon, folks. Educate, don't denigrate.

    P.S.: No, you shouldn't go to that party for your friend. Trust me, you're doing them a favor.

    I see your education and raise you Satire.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?

    I think he sells Body by Vi or Herbalife or something.