I just don't care about the 'obesity epidemic'



  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I care.. cause I can look at myself and think.. I am glad that's not me. Is that wrong? :)

    It's kinda douchey, not gonna lie. I look at an obese person and think "that's a human being with feelings, and they don't need me passing judgement on them, so I'm going to do something else." Luckily, I have a short attention span, and ... what were we talking about again? :drinker:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Touche, but old age isn't a curable "disease" obesity is.

    Old age is easily cured by premature death. That's what they did in Logan's Run. :bigsmile:
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Except aging isn't preventable.. Unless you kill people off before they get old. Try again.

    So should we throw people in jail for being overweight? :huh:
  • In fact, I'm sick of reading/hearing about it everywhere. I don't care if you weigh 100 pounds or 500 pounds. I don't care what you eat. I don't care how much you eat. I don't care how often you eat.

    Seriously people, why the hell does it even matter? It's like everyone's forgotten that underneath all that subcutaneous fat is an ACTUAL person -- someone who has goals and ambitions, feelings and emotions, and families and friends JUST LIKE YOU. We aren't just sacks of ooey gooey yellow fat to pitied for or disgusted by.

    How does your curvy/chubby/fat/obese neighbor affect you?

    I hear a emotionally defeated person who has given up on being healthy ! And if you are unhealthy it cost me money in Ins premiums due to your heart surgery and your dibeties and vascualr issues and you will see fat people be penolized for unhealthy life styles under Obama Care I hate Obama care my goal is to be healthy at 54 and use WEB MD ( By the way most of your Dr. prescribe your meds and tell you what is wrong right from this program on the same Internet you have access to :) Take a few deep breaths and no like it or not fat ppl are not treated the same and they are discrminated against . . . .SOOOOO Have it your way and pay :)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Crap. I forgot how to post images. -.-'
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Crap. I forgot how to post images. -.-'

    It's okay. It's [ img ] and [ /img ]
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Except aging isn't preventable.. Unless you kill people off before they get old. Try again.

    So should we throw people in jail for being overweight? :huh:

    How did you make that leap? I never suggested such a ridiculous thing.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    In before thread lock
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Drivers who avoid accidents get better car insurance rates.

    Life insurance is absolutely cheaper for healthier people than it is for unhealthy people.

    Up to a certain age - we all eventually start falling apart - I have no problem with health insurance premiums tied to individual health metrics.
  • peachcats
    Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Except aging isn't preventable.. Unless you kill people off before they get old. Try again.

    So should we throw people in jail for being overweight? :huh:
    Well, that would be one way to make them lose weight.
    Or we could invest some tax dollars into proper nutrition classes.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It sounds like you don't see obesity as a health problem. It's not about aesthetics and I don't think anyone has forgotten that obese people are more than just their weight, although it may feel like both of those things. Honestly I care both because of the financial consequences of a society predisposed to the development of preventable health problems and also because, in certain circumstances, it's sad to see someone who is unhealthy, as some (not all) obese people are.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    It doesn't affect you or anyone.. If someone wants to sit at McDonald's or at home all day eating, that's their choice. The problem comes in when they need medical care for what they've done to their body after eating and doing nothing. There should be no epidemic with regards to adults. They should know what they're doing wrong and how to solve the problem (key word being should). Childhood obesity is a big problem on the other hand because the parent's should be providing healthy food for them.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Except aging isn't preventable.. Unless you kill people off before they get old. Try again.

    So should we throw people in jail for being overweight? :huh:

    How did you make that leap? I never suggested such a ridiculous thing.

    So what's your point then? You seem really miffed that you're "paying more than your share" because obese people are freeloading on government sponsored healthcare or whatever. ::shrug::
  • Obese people cost 40% more a year in health care related expenses than a "normal" weight person. As a rule they do not pay more for health insurance than a "normal" size person, i.e., there is a cost that is spread to people who can push away from the table. Statistically obese people call in "sick" to work more often and file more workers comp claims (not to mention health care workers who are injured taking care of obese patients-happens all the time), so again, money.

    It isn't about aesthetics, it's about money.

    Old people are a real pain the a** too then.

    Except aging isn't preventable.. Unless you kill people off before they get old. Try again.

    So should we throw people in jail for being overweight? :huh:

    OH But I beg to differ from you ! I also differ with facts not opinions the primary reason people get sick when they get old is due to lack of a healthy life style either currently or when they were younger ! We all have choices and I choose to be healthy not fat and not drunk and not smoking and not sitting around watching TV ! Yes I would say possible as few as 15% of older people are actually sick due to issues they have no control over ! So stop making non factual statements and educate yourself as to the new medicine called anti aging ! It is real and it is out there and is is more affordable that treating unhealthy older people ! I am 54 going on 38 and I will defy most 35 year old men to keep up with me in the gym or any other aspect of life because I choose to be healthy ! even with blood clots a hip implant and pins in bones and shot when in the Marines I now live a healthy life style and turn back the hands of time every day my feet hot the floor !

    So stop gripping and get off your butt and be active and eat health and drink plain old water one of the best medicians you can ingest :) !
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I gotta be honest guys, I have no idea where I'm going with this. I just read one too many articles on the 'horror' of obesity rates and snapped. My posts probably don't even make any sense because I have so many conflicting thoughts running through my head at the moment. But that's what internet forums are for sometimes. :glasses:
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
  • So go drink a protein shake and add 3 egg whites and all me in the morning everthung is gona be alright !
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    ! Yes I would say possible as few as 15% of older people are actually sick due to issues they have no control over ! So stop making non factual statements

    Right then.
  • peachcats
    In Japan they charge overweight citizens a tax for the extra burden they place on public facilities and programs.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    You don't care about the obesity epidemic, OP? Neither does Estelle Getty.