So...what HAVE you stopped eating?



  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    Juice! I like it but it isn't worth spending the calories on so it has just kind of phased out. Same with cereal! Haven't banned it, just can think of things I want to eat more and need to save cals for!

    This^ When I'm really craving OJ, I juice it. But that's rare now that I've switched to just water/coffee/tea

    I used to eat cereal everyday....but once I found out how many calories it worked out to...and how it didn't keep me full long and I'd need to eat something else an hour it was pretty easy to give up homemade granola (harder to give up mini wheats...but I still eat both on occasion).
  • mcgeorge5
    mcgeorge5 Posts: 92 Member
    Mello Yello
    pop tarts
    lil Debbie cakes
    cheez its
    most chips

    Can't say that I miss them either. :)
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    Soda and fast food (by fast food I mean mcdonalds, wendys, burger king... ). I stopped consuming both about 10 years ago and once I stopped I never even thought about it. I don't think I'm denying myself as I have no desire for it at all anymore. A few times I did have soda if it was mixed with alcohol but that hurt my stomach and so I don't have that anymore either. And on the rare occasion my husband grabs fast food I may have a some fries. That's about it... just don't want it anymore.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    so really ... nothing :)

    i never drank not really into fast food (maybe once / month) im not into sugar.....i just moderated my flips and chips =)
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    bad/mediocre pizza (occasionally the pizza hut pan gets above "mediocre" but not often)

    bagels/muffins - because they have the nutritional profile of donuts/cupcakes and aren't frosted/iced/creme filled

    bad/mediocre french fries - double blanched and/or battered only

    gas station "cappuccino" drinks - used to pound a 20 oz for 400 calories every morning that i stopped for gas

    How true is this? I do find myself thinking "is the taste of this worth the calories?" I've completely given up on chain restaurants. I pay double (sometimes triple) in price for less food at nicer places....but it's not prepackaged. It's an original meal by an actual chef (not a line cook)...and that to me...well, that's worth the calories. And I always have dessert when I go out for dinner, but I share it now.

    I don't buy pastry at the grocery store anymore...if I want something sweet, I'll go to a bakery and get something really good. Same with ice cream....I don't buy it and keep it at home anymore...I go to a ice cream shoppe and get a cone.

  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    I gave up fast food.... after not having one for awhile, I had a McDonalds cheeseburger a few months ago and realized how salty it was! blech. And no potato chips or soda. Everything else in moderation.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Nothing. I just fit what I want to eat in my calries and macros.
    Took me a while to realize that it was the best way for me to not only drop the weight but keep it off.

    When I want to eat something I just eat it :drinker:
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Peanut Butter!
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 842 Member
    Fried foods
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    Definitely...Potato chips! I now eat a serving instead of the whole bag!

    Also, OJ, which I love. We have a OJ plant in our town that most of my family have worked for at some point, so we grew up with oranges & juice. I haven't totally give it up, but stick to one serving.

    I make it a rule not to cut out anything I like, I only eat less of it & measure out a serving before I eat. Looking back to the beginning, it's amazing how much I really ate, as I have dramatically cut my servings.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Really trying to stay away from Cheezits which are my downfall. I can't eat one serving-usually it's the whole box in like 6 hours. And they never taste as good as they used to, so why I still crave them I don't know. I guess because they've been my favorite junk food since high school

    That's me with Baked Cheetos (the regular ones don't have as appealing of a texture, imo, so I prefer the baked version).

    I just can't stop eating them if they are in the house. So I just don't bring them in the house. There is nothing redeeming about them, so I don't feel like I'm losing out by avoiding them or anything.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    Granola, especially the one with the freeze dried strawberries. I occaisionally have yoghurt with a couple of spoonfulls sprinkled over the top but an appropriate portion in a bowl looks so small! I know if I weigh out 50g, I'll eat it in about four spoonfulls and then I'll have to top the bowl up. No, best I avoid it for the time being.
  • I've eliminated soda, sweet tea, pork, pasta, and fast food from my diet.

    All of which I love. :(
  • I haven't given up anything, just more aware of what I am eating so I can regulate my intake. I use to crave and eat sweets daily, but now I don't crave as much and only have a few days a week where I eat sweets. And my craving for chocolate is almost non existance since I don't eat it daily. So if want something sweet I try to eat something besides chocolate, like fig bars. I only eat chocolate when the urge is strong.

    I have also limit my diet coke/pepsi. Might have two a week...instead of two a day. But I have recently found Diet Mist with good, so have a big glass a day...not sure if that is better or not.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I haven't totally stopped eating these, but for the most part I do try to avoid rice, potatoes, pasta, and regular bread. It's very hard for me to stick to the actual serving size of these items; I find that these things take up too much of my calorie allotment for not nearly enough satisfaction. I do have them on special occasions, though.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I haven't given up any particular foods, but I don't eat French fries that much any more - I usually just have a few of my daughter's when we get food that can come with fries. I also drink less juice - I used to have one or two full (8 oz or more) glasses a day, now, if I have juice, I'll have one 6 oz glass in a day. I replaced the juice with whole fruit.

    Interestingly, I've been eating more ice cream, red meat, and breakfast cereal since I lost my weight.
  • Pudders3
    Pudders3 Posts: 9 Member
    I haven't "banned" anything, psychologically it doesn't make any sense for me to do that as I just end up wanting it more. I have, however, switched from normal tea and coffee to green or herbal tea (which I've always enjoyed) most of the time. I never used to have sugar in them, apart from occasionally in tea, but in the office we have a biscuit barrel and every time I had normal tea or coffee I'd cave to the overwhelming urge to dunk about 3 or 4 biscuits. Not good! Switching has stopped me wanting the biscuits - nothing tastes good when it's been dunked in green tea! I have never had biscuits at home, so when I have a cup of tea now I enjoy it for itself instead of as a biscuit vehicle!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I stopped eating peanut M&M's when I read one bag has as much saturated fat as 18 slices of bacon! Not worth it!

    I don't have pasta as often anymore. The portion sizes are usually pretty small, and I like to feel like I'm eating more, so I'll have brown rice more often.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I find I can't eat cheap chocolate anymore... if I'm going for something sweet I go for the gourmet. >_> Same with things like cookies, cakes, and brownies... don't have the palate for the cheap, pre-made stuff anymore, I have to make it myself.
  • WestCoastWild
    WestCoastWild Posts: 147 Member
    Hamburger Buns! Unless I make them myself. At restaurants/barbeques/home meals/etc. they're just never very good, and burgers taste basically the same without them. Same with tacos and burritos...having the fillings on lettuce tastes pretty much the same to me :) Oh, and I find myself just eating the toppings off of pizzas, haha, unless they're super thin crust.