Embarrassing fat stories!



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    Wanted to go to Catalina Island for our anniversary, but decided against it because the zip line that we wanted to go on had a max weight of 230 or 250. I was 268.

    I feigned fear of ladders for years because so many of them say max 200 or 225, and I was close to 300. I even worked in a store where I told them at my job interview I couldn't get on a ladder due to "fear" when the only fear was breaking a ladder. I have a heavy plastic footstool-type thing I bought for home use and the #1 reason I bought that model was 300 lb weight limit on it.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    My five year old son said one time when we were eating at the table that he was full. He ate everything except the veggies. I told him he had to finish it before he left the table. He moved the veggies around and said quietly..."I don't want to eat it because I'll get fat like mommy."

    Broke my heart even though it was an innocent thing he said. He didn't know it will hurt me but it did. My husband told him it was wrong of him to say it but to hear it from my own son...that really made me want to change things.


    My older sister is about five years older than me but she is shorter and skinnier than me. The thing is...out of all my sisters her and I look the most alike and we often get mistaken for each other when we aren't together. My friends and students use to say hi to her thinking it was me and she would point out to them and when she met me point out to me that why would they think she is me when I am way fatter than she is...
  • akshngrl
    akshngrl Posts: 27 Member
    I have been asked if I am pregnant or "congratulated" several times. I am actually within that whole "healthy bmi" range thing, so I am very lucky to have not experience the humiliating situations many of you are describing here. I just have this body type where all the weight goes to my belly (and face).

    Very Good to all of you who have experienced these embarrassing situation and grown stronger. Here's to all of us becoming more mindful of how we judge and treat others. It's disturbing how mean we can be to people who don't look perfect.
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    I have been asked if I am pregnant or "congratulated" several times. I am actually within that whole "healthy bmi" range thing, so I am very lucky to have not experience the humiliating situations many of you are describing here. I just have this body type where all the weight goes to my belly (and face).

    Very Good to all of you who have experienced these embarrassing situation and grown stronger. Here's to all of us becoming more mindful of how we judge and treat others. It's disturbing how mean we can be to people who don't look perfect.
  • TNM2014
    TNM2014 Posts: 40 Member
    I have three embarrassing moments:

    #1. when I am out with my mother people will ask if we are sisters and tell my mom how young she looks (We are 20 years apart) and when she tells people that she had 7 children they are very surprised :grumble:

    #2. I got married in 2012 and had a 5 night/ 6 day, all expenses paid honeymoon (a family gift) at a beautiful but large resort and I could not fully enjoy it because I was totally out of breath and had to stop and sit down all of the time even when just walking form our suite to the elevator I would SIT and wait for the elevator.

    #3. I could not wear the shoes that I had purchased for my wedding day because my feet were too swollen so I had to wear low wedge slides. I was SOOOOOOOO embarrassed when it was time to do the garter toss because I did not want my husband to lift my dress and show my feet/shoes. So in the end I took that moment away from him :cry:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    My friend bent over in front of her mom and brother and they both said, "Whooooa!"
  • octogirlpretty
    These are way too funny! Bump!!
  • Morgalla
    Morgalla Posts: 25 Member
    I had bad back problems after my daughter was born, which contributed to my not losing the baby weight and then some. It hurt to stand for as long as it took to take a shower, so I took baths instead. Usually I got out of the bath first, then drained it, but this one time I pulled the plug while I was still in to let some cool water out so I could top it off with hot. The front of the bathtub drained completely away quickly, while the back of three bathtub remained full because my fat butt had created a dam that prevented the water getting past. This was an old fashioned cast iron bath tub, and very wide. It was a wake up call for sure. After I had back surgery I was eventually able to shed the weight, but I still hate to take baths because they remind me of that shame I felt, even though nobody was there to see.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I have been asked if I am pregnant or "congratulated" several times. I am actually within that whole "healthy bmi" range thing, so I am very lucky to have not experience the humiliating situations many of you are describing here. I just have this body type where all the weight goes to my belly (and face).

    Very Good to all of you who have experienced these embarrassing situation and grown stronger. Here's to all of us becoming more mindful of how we judge and treat others. It's disturbing how mean we can be to people who don't look perfect.

    It's tough being an apple-shaped belly girl, isn't it? I packed 14 inches on my waist, and EVERYONE thinks I'm expecting.....I want to get a pin that says "I'm just chubby, damnit!"
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    I had been doing the Slim Fast thing to try and get rid of the weight I had gained with my youngest son. I was embarrassed by it and would bury can of it in the middle of my cart and make sure I had an female cashier (the older the better). One day I was shopping, both boys in tow, and spotted an old friend on the aisle where the Slim Fast was. I came to a screeching halt and turned around to make a quick getaway before she could see me, but my 4 year old son jumped in front me, arms spread wide, and yelled, "STOP! You need Slim Fast!"

    I wanted to die.

    This made me laugh out loud in work, I'm sorry! The image of your kid so earnestly helping his mom is hilarious!

    I have broken a few chairs in my time - 3 that I remember. All three times my (thin) friends were like "Oh, that chair was so cheap and rubbishy" or "I've broken one of those before". I believed them at the time, but it's obvious to me now that they were trying to spare my feelings.
    And whoever said holding a car seat belt under your arm and pretending it's grand rather than admit that it didn't fit - yes, this happened to me. The burning shame!
  • funfitfemail
    funfitfemail Posts: 9 Member
    Met someone for first time (blind date). We had been texting...he mentioned we would get dinner so didn't eat beforehand. Less than five minutes after meeting, he told me he forgot he had to leave for a "family dinner." As he was leaving a few minutes later, he wouldn't even look at me when I attempted to thank him. Finished my drink alone....never to hear from him again. I wish he would try to talk to me now :laugh:

    I have tried out online dating before and had men (we met in person once) who rejected me in the past try to talk with me after I lost alot of weight. They didn't recognize me as being the same girl!! I just ignore. :noway:
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    OK, this my fear. I'm terrified I'll die and have to be seen in the casket this heavy. I know "I'm vain", but hell I want and open casket and look good. Now everyone will say "she used to be so thin and pretty, what happened?"
  • Blessed9jaBeauty
    Blessed9jaBeauty Posts: 504 Member
    I have always loved to dance, and not just a cute little two-step, or a gentle sway and rock, but DANCE-DANCE... One beloved night, I went to a house party and the music began to intoxicate me (not the alcohol, I promise, I only drank like two bottled waters that night:wink: ) and I was really "working it." A few songs later, a lovely, slim girl decided that she wanted to " dance battle." In good fun, I took the challenge and we went at it...Dipping, jiggling and gyrating, I was giving it my all (I am pretty competitive and WAS NOT, going to let this girl win without breaking a sweat, because LORD knows I was drenched :tongue: ), at the climax of the song I got a huge adrenaline rush and went down for a hard split...needless to say my legs weren't the only things to split :embarassed: *Deep Sigh* Split pants and all, I made some new friends and had a great time :blushing: :flowerforyou: Thank you all for your stories
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Top weight was 386. Restaurant, inside was all booths and I couldn't fit, weather was nice so we went outside. Metal tables and those flimsy plastic chairs. Yeah I know, you see this coming right? I broke the chair, paniced as I was falling, yelled for the husband to help, people turned and stared, several guys got up to help. I was beyond embarrassed. Needless to say, we had to leave even though they offered to bring me a wooden chair from the lobby. Maybe I should go back there now that I can fit in booths again. Hmmmmmmmm. :smile:
  • hopefaithlove24
    hopefaithlove24 Posts: 454 Member
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    After reading the first few pages, I can't help but think "where in the world do some of you work?" I have never, in all my various jobs, had anyone be rude to me about weight or make comments or noises or take verbal jabs at me. That is so unreal!

    On a completely different note, thanks everyone for baring your souls and sharing your stories. They made my Friday with more than one laugh tear down my face. :laugh: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • upsidedownjelly
    My boyfriend in high school told me his mom had asked if I was pregnant since I'd gained a little weight after basketball season ended. To this day I'm not sure if she actually asked that or if he was just being a wiener.

    I also routinely have to climb on not-very-sturdy things and squeeze into small spaces at work, and its not always pretty. Especially with my boobs and if I forget to take my walkie talkie off. One day I was in my wetsuit with the top part down and just my swimsuit underneath. I had to reach a part of a fish tank that was underneath a set of wooden stairs, and the only way to access it was to literally shove my body between the steps. Wellll.... my swimsuit got pulled down and everything was out there for all the world to see. Fortunately no one was around! I would have died otherwise.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Trying on last years pants. They button.....barely.

    Hubby said, "you look great! Thats how skinny jeans are SUPPOSED to fit!"

    Except these are relaxed fit flare....
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    So i was talking with someone I've known my whole life....just nice random conversation and she feels the need to tell me of a conversation she had with her daughter about me....Apparently her daughter thinks I would be really pretty if I wasn't so heavy. OK, why did I have to hear that? Like I wasnt aware that my clothes were getting uncomfortably tight, I hadn't noticed my face is ROUND!, and I couldnt hear myself panting as I walk upstairs? If you think I'm fat keep it to yourself, I noticed awhile ago and I don't think its pretty either. Did she think it was a compliment? 'You could be pretty but.....nope, too tubby' and now I can't get it out of my head. Embarrassing and hurtful compliment i guess......
  • branfran2011
    ^^^ This! I don't know why people think we need the fact that we've gained weight pointed out to us!

    I had a complete hysterectomy in April, and not being able to exercise for 8 weeks kind of started a lazy streak in me. Not that I was a supermodel or anything to begin with, I've always been kind of a sturdy girl, lol. I had lost about 10 pounds before I found out I needed surgery, but I gained it all back and several extra to go with it...most of it seems to be around my waist. I am definitely an apple shape! When I went back to work, most of my coworkers knew what I had just been through and we had always complained about our weight and dieted around the same time, etc, but there is one woman who asked me if I was putting on weight. I told her yes, and that I'm working on getting healthy again. She couldn't leave it alone, and said she thought my butt was getting bigger, but I still looked good. I kind of laughed it off because she's one of those women with no filter and she really didn't mean any harm, but it hurt my feelings because I already knew I had gotten bigger. She's also my motivation, because it was the reality check I needed!