Polite response to a situation at the gym...Help



  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Usually guys just say "how many more sets do you have?"

    It's code for "hurry the f*k up" lol

    When I was actively going to the gym, this is how we let the other person realize there is someone waiting in a polite way. Good luck.
  • If she is sitting there texting and not even using the machine, you need to go tell someone. I went to a gym that was "family orientated" basically mothers brought their teenagers and dumped them on the machines while they used the treadmills. These teens would hang out on the machines talking and texting. One girl did that same thing, she would sit on the machine I needed, do a few reps and then text while she waiting for her parents. Finally I went into the office like "look you have tons of teenagers that hang out on those machines not even doing anything" I was pissed, this went on for 5 months. Finally I switched to a 24/7 gym where you dont have to wait for inconsiderate people who sit on a machine while not even using it.

    The fact that when you try to ask her when she is going to be done and she gives you dirty looks makes me think she knows exactly what she is doing.

    What does her weight and appearance have to do with it? Some of us take the gym as serious business, not that we look and judge others, but if someone is lifting 10 pound reps for 30 min thats pretty much a joke and makes me think they are wasting time at the gym. Like her husband payed for a gym membership and she texts the whole time while he thinks she is working out. If you see someone doing something wrong at the gym for MONTHS should you not correct them or at least mention it?
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Yell, "Free pizza in the lobby!"
  • Atishi87
    Atishi87 Posts: 51 Member
    Girl, take this as a blessing. You can do more sets of squats and lunges, so much better for you!!! :)
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    So interesting that you include information about the size of her thighs and your thoughts that the machine must not be working for her. Has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the issue of her hogging the machine.

    Yes, just find a polite way to ask if you can jump in...no need to try to "fat shame" her. That would be unnecessary and rude on your part.

    "Fat shaming" would NOT have been my intent. Just simply if you are doing something for so long and it isn't helping, then it is pointless. Then having little regard for those around you is just thoughtless. My thighs need work, so I would not shame someone, but if I had a disregard for people and was wasting my time with a pointless activity, then personally I would want to be told. This is also coming from that "brutally honest friend" that all girls need that will tell them if those jeans don't work. Don't ask if you don't want to know. Plus just because I could handle it and not take it as an insult, I do understand others could view it differently, hence me not wanting to be "rude". The only reason I secretly want to be rude, is because I feel she is. Also for those that said she may not realize, if she doesn't then she is oblivious to what is around her and lacking common social skills. Plus she is not large, just a little over weight and you can see that her thighs are her problem area, she obviously wants to work on them. She just is going about wrongly and it interferes with others.

    Like I posted earlier, unfortunately asking about her sets, does not register with her.

    As for the texting that is a little irritating lol
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,147 Member
    "There's a squat rack over there that you could text in. And do curls."
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I am normally a polite but out spoken person, just a little confused on how to deal with a particular situation that I keep running into at my Gym.

    When I am strength training, I use certain machines. I really like the thigh (the one you squeeze and hip-abductor machine, I understand sharing and am normally patient, BUT whenever I go lately there is this one woman who takes up the machine for at least 30 mins. She just sits there texting and moving 10lbs non-stop. She is probably a little overweight, with large (not toned) thighs. I work on the machine with 180lbs. and am over and done very quickly (high weight/low rep). How would you guys handle the situation? I do not want to be rude and say "obviously this is not helping try doing sets with a heavier weight", ok maybe part of me wants to be rude. She is aware people are waiting for the machine and just has no regard for them. I have thought about asking if I could jump on for a few minutes, but I do not think that would go over well. Any ideas? I have already had 3 times I had to skip the machine because she was on it my whole workout.
    Any ideas to get to use the machine with out being a total B****.

    Especially for a selectorized weight-machine I would just ask if I could work in with the other person. It's easy enough to jump on, move the min, do your reps and get off for the next person and just rotate through. If they don't agree then they're a douche and you should stand in front of her and stare at her until she moves.
  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    Find the creepiest guy in the gym pay him $5 to stand in front of the machine watching her
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    "There's a squat rack over there that you could text in. And do curls."

    A sure way to get the weightlifters pissed off.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Go straight for the jugular. Point out that the reason shes not making any progress is because shes not creating a big enough calorie deficit by twiddling her Vienna Sausage fingers on her smartphone and she may want to think about moving somewhere else.
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.

    It was explained that shes not working out. So if I pay for a movie ticket and decide to talk the entire time I can do so because I paid for a ticket? Um no. I need to STFU like everyone else. Theres proper gym etiquette and I am pretty sure sitting there texting on your phone while others are waiting to use it is not appropriate behavior whether you paid or not.
  • Go straight for the jugular. Point out that the reason shes not making any progress is because shes not creating a big enough calorie deficit by twiddling her Vienna Sausage fingers on her smartphone and she may want to think about moving somewhere else.

    If she asks the chick politely how many more reps she has left and the chick just gives her a dirty look she needs to jump her ****.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.

    Well, to take that to its logical conclusion...

    If a member tried to use a piece of the equipment for a couple of hours, to the exclusion of all other paying members (and I'm assuming her membership isn't any more privileged than theirs), I'm certain the proprietors of the gym would definitely not agree with you.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Most gyms have rules about not using your cell phone in the gym. If she doesn't respond to polite requests to share the machine, then you'll have to go to the staff at the gym. What she's doing is not fair, and probably against the gym rules, so if she doesn't listen to you, maybe she'll listen to gym staff.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.

    Well, to take that to its logical conclusion...

    If a member tried to use a piece of the equipment for a couple of hours, to the exclusion of all other paying members (and I'm assuming her membership isn't any more privileged than theirs), I'm certain the proprietors of the gym would definitely not agree with you.

    Then you would take your concerns to the proprietors.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Find the creepiest guy in the gym pay him $5 to stand in front of the machine watching her

    That's the best!
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.

    Sorry but that is just rude. I pay also and I am courteous to others and expect the same in return. I do believe taking up a machine for an extended period of time would be against the rules. I just wanted to figure out a way without having to go to management. If I have to then I will have to.

    Remember the golden rule" do on to others, what you would have done to you"
  • dgraboski
    dgraboski Posts: 125 Member
    Find the creepiest guy in the gym pay him $5 to stand in front of the machine watching her

    LMAO :laugh:
  • Most gyms have rules about not using your cell phone in the gym. If she doesn't respond to polite requests to share the machine, then you'll have to go to the staff at the gym. What she's doing is not fair, and probably against the gym rules, so if she doesn't listen to you, maybe she'll listen to gym staff.

    ^^ This
    What she is doing by sitting on a machine, using it the bare minimum and texting for 30 min has got to be against some sort of rules.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    She's on it for 30 minutes?
    Just ask if you can work in with her. If she's too dense to get the hint, you might need to sit down in front of her, and stare, until she finishes.

    Yep, this. It may be a bit uncomfortable for you to sit directly in front of her and stare, but it will definitely be uncomfortable for her! But of course, try it the nice way first - ask (politely with a smile) if you can jump on for a couple of minutes and then she can get straight back on.

    Be interested in hearing the follow up. Shoot me a FR and keep me updated on my newsfeed?

  • I would ask politely if she minds if you get a couple sets in. If she said no, I would take it up with staff. I do not think one person wanting to use the same machine for 30 minutes outweighs the needs of everyone else to use it for a few, since there is only one.
    ETA: maybe she needs to get one of those little resistance thigh buster things.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    If she paid her dues it's first come 1st serve even if she has 5lbs on the machine.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    If she paid her dues it's first come 1st serve even if she has 5lbs on the machine.

    I pay my taxes, does that give me the right to swerve all over the expressway and cut people off? Nope. She can share, it's something that we SHOULD have been taught as kid but I do realize that parents actually "parenting" has somewhat diminished in our society over the years.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    If she paid her dues it's first come 1st serve even if she has 5lbs on the machine.

    I am sorry, I can not accept that. I pay my dues and know others pay theirs. There is an acceptable way to behave, then there is blatant disregard for others. The guys taking the long rests will always let you jump on if its crowded while they rest and then take turns. It called being polite and I do not understand people that care little for others. This would be the same as me sitting on the treadmill on a crowded night just because I got there earlier. People have schedules and lifes.
    I will even change up my routine if I see a guy doing a circuit, just so I don't disrupt him, its called manners.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    walk away, & go do squats,deadlifts, & lunges:D


    Ditto x 2
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    walk away, & go do squats,deadlifts, & lunges:D


    Ditto x 2

    Met a great lady at the gym that is going to be helping me in the free weight section. She is great and has the results I am looking for. So soon!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'd ask her next time about the sets, and she'd probably blow it off again. So I'd tell her directly but nicely that it is very unusual for someone to take up a weight machine for a half hour and that she really should allow people to work in for a few minutes. Hopefully that would be enough to get her to do it. If not, management is the next step, I think.

    You could go to management first, of course. Many folks would consider that less confrontational, so it might not be rude at all to do that. The gym staff probably would rather you have them sort it, in fact :)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    wait. is the 30 minute rule there for the squat rack as well? because I do warm up sets, work sets, and assistance sets in one go and it can take 30 mins.

    for the record, if someone asks me how my sets i have left, and it's a lot, I usually ask them if they want to work in with me. Usually it's fun sharing the rack with some buff dude :)
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    My opinion? If she's paying for her membership, she has a right to work out as she pleases -- as long as she's not breaking any gym rules.

    Well, to take that to its logical conclusion...

    If a member tried to use a piece of the equipment for a couple of hours, to the exclusion of all other paying members (and I'm assuming her membership isn't any more privileged than theirs), I'm certain the proprietors of the gym would definitely not agree with you.

    Then you would take your concerns to the proprietors.

    Of course. It just makes me wonder what your opinion had to do with anything, then.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 586 Member
    Most gyms have a hip abductor machine that isn't one you sit on. It has a knee pad and you do one leg at a time. Try that. I use to do these machines when I was horseback riding in college - maxed out the machines that you sit as so I had to try a different tactic, but have found that squatting, dead lifting and other compound exercises help with that problem area a heck of a lot faster.