
Sorry if this has been brought up over and over - this is my first day on the forum (been with MFP for ages though.
I tend to eat two to three pieces of fruit each day. I am losing weight doing this and stay within my calorie count. It's just that it takes me over my sugar limit for the day so any sugar that happens to be in my food takes me into the red. I have read that fructose is fine when eaten as part of whole fruit because of the fibre contained in the fruit.
Does anyone else hate being in the red with sugar even when you eat healthy food!


  • megan_elizabeth8
    megan_elizabeth8 Posts: 216 Member
    I HATE being in the red for sugar, even though all my sugar is from dairy products, veggie s and a little fruit. Because I realised I can't be taking out healthy foods such as veggies to stay under in sugar, I made my sugar goal higher so that I can eat healthy foods and stay out of the red! ;)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    If you are losing & you don't have problems with ingesting sugar at that level, why not go into the goals tab and change your sugar goal? Or you could discontinue tracking sugar on a daily basis.

    Fruit is good for you. As long as you are meeting your macros and calories, I wouldn't worry too much.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am just trying to balance the major macros (Protein, fat, carb) and it is working fine for me. I love fruit a well and scof loads - but only after I get enough protein :-)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If you are losing & you don't have problems with ingesting sugar at that level, why not go into the goals tab and change your sugar goal? Or you could discontinue tracking sugar on a daily basis.

    Fruit is good for you. As long as you are meeting your macros and calories, I wouldn't worry too much.

    Look at how much she lost. Listen to her..DO IT. Always listen to the people doing well.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    PS macros.: I took this as a learning activity. My macros were crap when I started and I still lost weight. I worked out though by kind people educating me that my body does indeed work better if I eat enough of the right food. I then gradually changed my diet to hit the macros better. I did this over a month or so. If you go right ahead and balance from the start it would be good but just saying how I did it :-)
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Sugar doesn't matter. Don't worry about going over it if you are hitting your calorie goal.
  • Theres a couple of great books out on sugar which go into it in detail,( Think it sweet poison, has a donut on cover) but the upshot of it is that 2 pieces of fruit is maximum. See if you can switch your 3rd piece to a veg!

    Good Luck
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Theres a couple of great books out on sugar which go into it in detail,( Think it sweet poison, has a donut on cover) but the upshot of it is that 2 pieces of fruit is maximum. See if you can switch your 3rd piece to a veg!

    Good Luck
    just because its in a book doesnt mean its true.

    There is no practical evidence against sugar, only straw man conclusions drawn from studies
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Sugar doesn't matter. Don't worry about going over it if you are hitting your calorie goal.

    yeah, unless you're diabetic, pre-diabetic, have PCOS or are otherwise invisible (ie: don't count sugar because these conditions are very RARE :laugh: ) orrrrr you are trying to lose weight and having difficulty :blushing:

    People like to think sugar doesn't matter, but it does to an extent.

    My advice to you is to increase your physical activity to burn up whatever additional sugar you take in.
    If this doesn't produce the effect, (ie: weight loss) research further into the possibility of dysfunction.

    2 pieces of fruit in general does not sound excessive or like anything to 'do' something about, that is unless you fall into one of the 'invisible people' category listed above. :drinker:
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Sugar doesn't matter. Don't worry about going over it if you are hitting your calorie goal.

    yeah, unless you're diabetic, pre-diabetic, have PCOS or are otherwise invisible (ie: don't count sugar because these conditions are very RARE :laugh: ) orrrrr you are trying to lose weight and having difficulty :blushing:

    It seems unlikely that she has any of these conditions, and if you are having difficulty losing weight it's because of calories not sugar.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Sugar doesn't matter. Don't worry about going over it if you are hitting your calorie goal.

    yeah, unless you're diabetic, pre-diabetic, have PCOS or are otherwise invisible (ie: don't count sugar because these conditions are very RARE :laugh: ) orrrrr you are trying to lose weight and having difficulty :blushing:

    It seems unlikely that she has any of these conditions, and if you are having difficulty losing weight it's because of calories not sugar.

    riiight, 'cause sugar doesn't have calories?
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Sugar doesn't matter. Don't worry about going over it if you are hitting your calorie goal.

    yeah, unless you're diabetic, pre-diabetic, have PCOS or are otherwise invisible (ie: don't count sugar because these conditions are very RARE :laugh: ) orrrrr you are trying to lose weight and having difficulty :blushing:

    It seems unlikely that she has any of these conditions, and if you are having difficulty losing weight it's because of calories not sugar.

    riiight, 'cause sugar doesn't have calories?

    It does, the same as all food...
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :huh: :laugh:
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    :huh: :laugh:

    I don't really get your point. OP said that she is losing weight and inside her calorie count, but she is going over the "sugar limit" that MFP has. I was saying there is no need for a sugar limit as if you are inside your calories it doesn't make a difference. There is nothing special about sugar when it comes to losing weight. You can eat only sugar and lose weight, or you can eat no sugar and gain weight.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :huh: :laugh:

    I don't really get your point. OP said that she is losing weight and inside her calorie count, but she is going over the "sugar limit" that MFP has. I was saying there is no need for a sugar limit as if you are inside your calories it doesn't make a difference. There is nothing special about sugar when it comes to losing weight. You can eat only sugar and lose weight, or you can eat no sugar and gain weight.

    As you were stating your point of view, I am stating mine.
    I disagreed. Politely I might add. It's a public forum & I can contribute in any manner I choose to while keeping within the rules.
    Not sure why you have a problem with someone who disagrees with you, but, carry on if you must I guess. Shrug.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    :huh: :laugh:

    I don't really get your point. OP said that she is losing weight and inside her calorie count, but she is going over the "sugar limit" that MFP has. I was saying there is no need for a sugar limit as if you are inside your calories it doesn't make a difference. There is nothing special about sugar when it comes to losing weight. You can eat only sugar and lose weight, or you can eat no sugar and gain weight.

    As you were stating your point of view, I am stating mine.
    I disagreed. Politely I might add. It's a public forum & I can contribute in any manner I choose to while keeping within the rules.
    Not sure why you have a problem with someone who disagrees with you, but, carry on if you must I guess. Shrug.

    Well I'm afraid that the effect of sugar on the body doesn't come down to 'point of view'...
    I'm not sure if you disagreed politely, but you disagreed sarcastically. I never said you can't contribute, I just don't understand what the point you are making is. I have no problem at all, and I'm sorry if my explanations have upset you somehow. You started by saying what I said was wrong, and I continued to reply.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Well I'm afraid that the effect of sugar on the body doesn't come down to 'point of view'...

    I expect diabetics would disagree with you strongly.

    As far as your point of view, well...that's what the ignore button is for.

    I've said my piece and you've said yours.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Well I'm afraid that the effect of sugar on the body doesn't come down to 'point of view'...

    I expect diabetics would disagree with you strongly.

    As far as your point of view, well...that's what the ignore button is for.

    I've said my piece and you've said yours.

    No, I'm pretty sure diabetics would also agree with me that the effect of sugar on the body doesn't come down to 'point of view'.
    I wasn't sharing my point of view, I was explaining that it's calories that will make you gain weight, not merely sugar. And as far as I'm aware there isn't an ignore button.
  • Th e sugar goal is ridiculously low, IMHO. If you don't have a medical reason to track it, I'd remove it and just track as part of overall carbs.

    This is assuming, of course, that you feel well and you aren't overly hungry with a reasonable deficit.

    Some people have had to manage their hunger by reducing sugar and/or carbs, at least for a while. I'm not one of those, but my mother is. She is a type two diabetic and sugar really stokes her appetite. She can only stick to a deficit if she cuts sugars. I'm sure she'll be re-adding them slowly once she wishes to maintain, assuming her blood work remains good.
  • i choose to not view my sugar because i don't care!! i care more for protein, fibre, calcium and i can't remember what else..

    my sugar is already red with just 1 giant apple and its not nice to have to see red so early in the day hehe
    (you can choose what nutrients you see on your food diary in settings)