Embarrassing fat stories!



  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks to all who made me laugh tonight, i can definately relate...here's one I just remembered:

    This past summer my family went on vac and we were attempting an antique mall with 3 young kids. And I'm walking with my oldest two hand-in-hand praising them for "looking with their eyes not their hands" when we come to an area with even narrower aisles. They wanted to see the sparkling peacocks and had been doing so well so I said "ok, single file and no touching". Well, the kids did great, it was me, going through kinda sideways cause I thought I could make it.......we almost bought the $365 peacock...and my sweet girls looked embarressed for me. I was mortified and couldnt look the guy at the counter in the eye as we left, I was worried he saw my big *kitten* almost 'domino' his entire store.
  • sugaspice999
    I used to be able to fit into my moms clothes! And once my neighbor caught me wearing them and just gave me 'the look'.

    I went to Costco with my dad after a horrible horrible binge (finals were over) with no makeup on and ended up running into my professor there :( One of his sons (he was probably 6 or 7 yrs old) pointed out that I was 'fat'

    I was a model in a fashion show (the dress was a size 2) and I ended up gaining like 10 pounds the 2 weeks before the show and was desperately trying to fit into it. I had to wear the dress without my bra and almost flashing the guy walking with me because it was strapless and the zip kept popping open :(

    When skinny people tell you, 'I wish you could give me a couple pounds'! Ughh and definitely used to get the 'but you have such a pretty face, if only you...' from family and guys. It's just funny know when they see me, and are like 'looks like you lost some weight, you're so skinny now, how did you lose the weight'

    When I used to binge at fast food places, I would sometimes pretend I was ordering for more than one person. I remember standing in line and one of the cashiers with her back towards me (she didnt know I was there, I went to ask for something and had already ordered) was telling another employee that I was going to eat all of myself. I did the same thing every week though, so I guess it was pretty obvious. When she turned around and realized I was right behind her :O I never went to the McDonald's again lol, so drove an extra 3 miles to go to a different one just so I wouldn't see her.

    Oh not to mention my aunt had the talk with me because she thought I was pregnant during our thanksgiving get together.

    I have so many more but can't remember them at the moment!
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    Last month at a family picnic there was a 'train' for the kiddos. My young niece could not ride by herself so Aunt Jane to the rescue. I attepmted to lower my bum into the seat and - while I did make it - she had to sit on my lap instead of between my legs. The only thing that made this embarrassing was that I had commented that my sister could not fit. Always nice to eat your words.

    I also squated to pick something up at work and had my pants split. I had to call home and have my dad bring me a new pair.
  • crust2000
    crust2000 Posts: 10 Member
    What size boobs do you guys have with roller coaster issues? I'm nursing my 10 week old and I don't want to get stuck in anything with my new found boobs :indifferent:

    I've been a Double Diva for quite sometime now, regardless of my fluctuating weight.

    One time my friend's father commented on how much weight I gained, so I decided to be sarcastic.
    This is pretty much how the conversation went:

    Him: Wow, you've really put on some weight, huh?
    Me: Yeah, I guess so.
    Him: What have you been doing?
    Me: Eating everything in sight, that's what I've been doing.
    Him: Looks like it.

    Really??? Jerk...
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
    great stories everyone :)
  • Mistymaam
    For the past few years I've had to lie to everyone and tell them I hate the beach because I will not get into a bathing suit. I actually really love the beach. :( I missed out on my Senior party in high school because it was at the beach. Next year I plan on being at the beach all of the time.

    I LOVE to swim. As a kid ages 1-14 I was all about swimming. At 15 is when I went from "plump" at 180-ish to "fat" and over 200...I did not swim or don a swimsuit for years, from age 15-22, all the way through high school and college. I went swimming twice at motels in a t-shirt, bra, panties, and shorts. Not fun.

    However, at 23 even though I weighed 299 lb I said "eff it"! I'd gone through a brown recluse spider bite ordeal that had me hospitalized and almost losing my leg...no way was I gonna let life pass by without swimming just because I was embarrassed about my body. That year, I bought a size 24 swimsuit and rocked my housing complex pool. I got a nice tan and made some new friends. Yes even fat :-)

    You ROCK! I LOVE your view of life! !
  • merrileeirene
    merrileeirene Posts: 9 Member
    I was at a work pool party (embarrassing enough in a swimming suit!). Getting out of the pool, by the ladder, I broke the rung and fell back into the pool, splashing my boss:(
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Almost all the time when ever i meet new people they think i am elder than my sister who is actually 8 years older than me :( and i am teased by many people for my weight ifeel so bad :(

    People sometimes think my younger sister is older than me because, while I'm 5 years older, she's almost 6 feet tall (I'm only 5'7") and she has huge boobs. We have a similar body shape, but she's just a bigger version of me all around. Why does bigger = older? Maybe it's because when we were kids, we got bigger as we grew up and some people still unconsciously associate being bigger with being older. I wonder if they also think you're smarter and more knowledgeable? That would be a bonus at least...:flowerforyou:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ... I love every one of you for being able to move outside of your comfort zone to share your story...

    ditto. :heart:
  • chel325
    chel325 Posts: 199 Member
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    First time I'm seeing this thread; thanks for sharing your stories! :drinker:
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    A chair breakin on me at school

    The maths teacher casually refering to me as 'the heaviest boy in the class' (something doing about averages that day :/)

    Everything to do with PE class ever.

    As for adulthood-
    Someone shouting 'fatty' at me in the street when I was on a first date.
    My friend booking tickets for a show and having to tell her I needed 2 seats.
    Someone at social occasion making a general fat joke, then glancing at me and blushing, muttering 'sorry'.
    looooadsa stuff, i'll think of more. Being fat is beset with embarrassments!
  • buttshrink
    buttshrink Posts: 32 Member
    MIL had not seen me in 2 years and I had put on 30-40lbs. In a giant restaurant w/huge party of friends and family and she walks straight to me, holds my face in her hands and says "you've gained weight, but you're still pretty." WTF - i must mention that she NEVER had any filters in the 30 yrs. I've been married to her son.

    Ugh mils are the worst..
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Oh my, there has been some awful misfortunes :(. The rollercoaster ones are painfull, I LOVE going to theme parks and there was a teen trying to get on Air (Alton tower's) and there was two assistants putting there full weight on the harness to squeeze her in it. The guy managed to get this feet on the bar and clicked it shut. I was at the front of the que trying not to look but others are not as discreet. The girl just laughed it off (beet red) but you could see her discomfort. Poor gal.

  • hollyanne572
    hollyanne572 Posts: 55 Member
    Whilst I was in my home town for a holiday I went out partying, there was lots of alcohol involved and lots of Dancing. I have always considered myself a pretty good dancer and this night was no exception, I thought I was dropping it like it was hot...The next week on Facebook the club had tagged me in a few photo's - I was a big fat mess!! Ultimate cringe factor when you realize they probably weren't laughing with you, but at you.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I broke a ladder at work. They have the maxium weight reccommended for using it on the label. I was over that weight and bent one of the supports. Pretty embarassing.
  • californiabella
    I was fat.

    No, I'm still fat, just less fat.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    I don't have terribly embarrassing ones.....just eye-opening moments like seeing my wedding pictures as of 3 weeks ago..... I had 11 months to prepare and if anything I gained weight instead of lost it. My dress was stunning but my chubby cheeks and fat arms made it terrible to see. (Of course I had to go with strapless, too.) In the pictures where I am dancing with my dad I look 3x bigger than him. (Granted, he's a smaller man, but a daughter should never look that much bigger than her father!!)

    This also happened with me. Not the father thing as my father has passed, but the pictures! Amazing how much pictures reveal! My eye opener was my honeymoon pictures. I wasn't even at my heaviest then.
    At my heaviest, I had had minor surgery and needed loose pants to avoid incisions. The largest I had ever worn was a 7/9. When I tried on pants and had to buy 11/13 all I could do was cry! My then boyfriend (now husband) just hugged me and told me how much he loved me no matter what I weighed. BTW I am very petite frame so weight shows up quickly.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I just read the entire thread and my, it was hilarious! I burst out laughing more than I should! I have never been heavy enough to share a story like this, but I want to hug you all and thumbs up for being able to share it here :flowerforyou: bless you all!
  • LizHR
    LizHR Posts: 16 Member
    The day before my wedding my brother arrived - it was a surprise, I didn't know he was coming (from abroad). It was the first time we'd seen each other in nearly 5 years.

    I walked in to the room crowded with family and friends and he says hello then "Jeez, Sis, you've put on the beef".

    I was getting MARRIED the next day so it was hardly a great confidence boost.

    Luckily I had the presence of mind to reply "and you've got old" (he's 10 years older than me).