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Last 10 lb Challenge!



  • Good for you cutmd! And feeling skinny in ones skinny jeans is always a good experience fitbot!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    haha yes! i cant wait to actually step on a proper scale (my ikea one still gives me mild heart attacks everytime)
    but.. i am definitely seeing definition in my body and pants are fitting better.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Finally got back to the YMCA--(didn't get there at all last week)...and it felt good....got an 800+ cal burn in and really enjoyed it....you don't realize how much your body "appreciates" a good workout.....Hope all is well with everyone else....Good evening all!!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    i have to say... this is really helping me to stay motivated....
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    can't even talk about what i ate last night. but today is a new day girls! my scale is yelling at me this am, fri will not be a good weigh in, possible gain which has not happened in a long time now, but i guess thats par for the course!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,532 Member
    can't even talk about what i ate last night. but today is a new day girls! my scale is yelling at me this am, fri will not be a good weigh in, possible gain which has not happened in a long time now, but i guess thats par for the course!

    I'm with you-2 days of celebrations will not make a happy moment on the scale! So far, doing better today (but I bought the Halloween candy today so....)
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Ok, ladies...TGIF, ..I got a nice walk/run in yesturday....I am scared about he upcoming trick or treat feast, I mean day.....I LOOVVEEE CANDY!!!!!! That is one of my biggest weaknesses....but I am going to try sucking on suckers or something like a jollyrancher to help me defer from eating the entire loot...wish me LUCK!!!!!!:tongue:
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    id say prep for h-ween by being extra healthy. then you either will not want to blow it, or if you do, it wont impact as much.
  • rymattsmom
    rymattsmom Posts: 369 Member
    down .4 which i am ok with considering how this past week went. bought candies i am not crazy about for halloween so i am not as tempted, but the hubby was not happy with me about that......................
    will try hard this weekend, but hard with all the candy and my mil's bday so it will be a challenge!

    hope you all have a great weekend!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    The last time I ate processed sugar I really didn't like the way it made me feel. I have sworn off high fructose corn syrup which most candies have. Will probably buy lollipops in case i get trick or treated, otherwise I'm sticking to frozen grapes and maybe a skor bar at some point. Thank God I won't be working that day :tongue:
  • Sweets have never been my weak point, so Halloween has never been a problem. Even when I was a kid...I was the one in the house who would hoard all my trick or treat candy...parceling it out one piece at a time for months.

    Its when you add fat and flour to the sugar that I get all crazy...Mmmm...donuts....

    Hope you all have a good weekend. Even if you have a few more pieces of candy than you would like...remember...a few candy bars isn't what made you gain weight in the first place. So, just shake it off and start anew! Don't use it as an excuse to keep eating!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :tongue: Staying away from the Halloween treats are a challenge indeed. I bought candy that I don't like...bubble gum, powder straws, and kid stuff. If I bought snickers, I would not have the self-control to stay out of them. In fact, I passed my mom's candy dish today and allowed myself ONE funsize Snickers. I decided then, buying a bag would be a BAD idea for Sharon! :tongue:

    I hope everyone has had a nice week and have plans for a fun weekend! We are going to a cookout tomorrow afternoon. I plan on exercising in the AM and hitting the water hard tomorrow. I purchased the Slim In 6 Series from beachbody.com. I love them but boy or boy...they are intense! There are 6 DVDs and each is 60-70 minutes long. I am just doing my best to do 4 or more a week. It is definitely a step up for this old gal! What doesn't kill me will make me stronger!

    Really focus on that water this weekend and keep those treats in check. Remember, portion control and log every calories. We can sooooooooooooo do this! Rock on!:smooched:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Was BBAADD yesturday;...2 Halloween parties...and had to make rice crispy treats before bedtime...GRR!!! anyway, logged every bite I took in (even though I thought about skipping the food diary)) but I didn't....really wasn't as bad as I invisioned......still not great but could've been ALOT worse.....First night of trick or treating here today,....wish me LUCK and STRENGTH!!
  • I'm posting my check-in. I'm not weighing in this weekend due to TOM, but based on an "illegal" weigh-in I did mid-week, I'm down another pound. That means I'm 8 lbs from goal.

    My motivation has waned some at the moment. So my goal for the week is to maintain. To maintain my weight for the week and to maintain my exercise and food consumption level. Since I live alone, when I lose motivation, I stop cooking and, paradoxically, stop eating from sheer laziness. And I'm not the sort who loses weight from not eating...I'm the sort who gains...

    So, here's to a week of good maintenance habits for me, and to a week of losing for the rest of you!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Checking in....
    CW: 159.5
    LW: 161
    GW: 150

    I worked out 4 times this past week using Slim in 6 Series DVDs. I just love them. I think they are really helping me. I have started to be more focused on getting that water in as well. Have an awesome week all! How are the rest of you doing??
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Lost 3 lbs for the month of Oct., so I will take that (including a 1lb loss from this week--great considering all the "snacking" lately...Halloween is almost over and I am sick of candy already, so Monday I will be back to the healthy grind......Happy Halloween everyone!!!
  • antonia98765
    antonia98765 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys!

    Do you mind if I join you? I found reading this thread really motivational- really good to see people trying to achieve similar things and having similar successes and set backs.

    I put on 10 lbs during my finals of university, and then gave up smoking. I've found it really hard to shift - I don't think the smoking thing has helped (but still haven't touched a cig!!)

    I weighed myself today, and for the first time in 3 months it had moved - I've lost a pound after a week of hardcore diet. Hopefully, with support like this, I can keep shedding the weight I gained from now on.

    I've been really bad with exercise over the last month - I kinda gave up cos the weight just wasnt shifting - but I'm gonna try and hit my treadmill tomorrow morning,

    Happy Halloween,

    Antonia x
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,532 Member
    Checking in
    I lost 1.5 lbs. this week!!! I"m down to 8.2 to get to my goal weight! gonna try to work out a little today and maybe play 9 holes of golf (walking) to balance out the candy I know I will eat tonight. Husband didn't help by bringing donuts this morning-but I didn't eat any!

    Happy Halloween everybody-and good luck!
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    Just found this thread today and would love to join you all in this last 10 lb challenge! After eating really badly over Halloween weekend, feeling sluggish from all the sugar and seeing the 2 1/2 lb weight gain from the weekend, I need some motivation! I have 10-15 to go and the scale will not budge. I had lost about 27 lbs and have not been as good about logging in my food and I know that is part of my problem. Need to go back to eating clean and doubling up my workouts a few days/week...any other suggestions will be welcome! Need to go get in my workout, but will go back and read every one of your posts later today to give me inspiration! X-mas is approaching fast and it is the most challenging time of year when it comes to living healthy (I hate the word diet)..
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,532 Member
    O.K., so I didn't work out at all yesterday, was on the "see food" diet and ran out of calories by 4:00 p.m.! So, this morning I did a double spin class, lifted weights and did abs and burned over 1100 calories! That should balance out a little of the candy I ate last night and a little of the birthday cake I have to make (son turns 14 today) and the cake and baked ziti I will eat. I'll jump firmly back on the train tomorrow. Plan to drink 2 gallons of water today too. Must go shop now.