What's your favorite healthy breakfast choice?



  • puffdaddy
    puffdaddy Posts: 3 Member
    8 oz. of water with 1/2 lemon, two slices of bacon, two organic eggs boiled, hand full of blueberries,and muscadine grapes.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    Forgot one: oat & fruit pancakes. Soak 2 c oats in 3 c milk overnight, add 2 eggs, flour, salt & sugar to taste (I usually add 1 c flour and 1/4 c brown sugar), 1/4 c oil, and 1 tsp each baking soda & powder, and fruit to taste (I usually use apples, blueberries, bananas or a combination thereof). Depending on what fruit I add, I use different spices, but usually cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, cardamom or some combination.

    They freeze really well, and you can just pop them in the toaster to reheat. They crisp up when you toast them, and are delicious with honey or jam or peanut butter or whatever. They usually work out to about 275 calories and 10g of protein for two medium-sized pancakes.

    ETA: forgot to mention salt and spices.
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    I always have a huge breakfast at the dining hall (I'm in college) because it needs to give me energy to last until my classes are done for the day.

    My usual:
    1. bowl of oatmeal
    2. fruit (usually either cantaloupe or green grapes depending on what the dining hall has)
    3. Whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter
    4. 3 egg whites
    5. cup of coffee AND glass of water

    I love this breakfast because I find it's a good balance of carbs, protein, and fat and it usually gives me enough energy to last until I can eat again!
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    2 whole eggs and 4 whites with whatever veggies left over from dinner - spinach, broccoli, cauliflower...scramble it up with low fat cheese melted on top and YUM!

    I have a hard time eating oatmeal or cereal for breakfast...I get the shakes and I am starving an hour later - I have a very strange body!
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    Spray the inside of a coffee cup with cooking spray/olive oil/coconut oil/whatever...pour in a serving of egg whites/egg beaters and up to 1/2c chopped omelette fixins, and season. Pop an english muffin/bread/roll/whatever in the toaster. Nuke eggs for 2 minutes. Run a knife around the edges of the cooked egg, slide onto bread of choice, top with the other half and walk out the door. ( you can skip the bread and place a tortilla on the coffee cup during the last 15 seconds of cooking to warm it up and wrap the egg in the tortilla wrap-style, if you like, too.)

    Prepping ingredients the night before can make this literally a 2 minute breakfast.

    Genius and right up my alley!!!

    You are welcome...enjoy!

    If you use whole eggs, be sure to break up the yolks before you nuke them, the yolks have a tendency to pop and make a mess.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I have egg whites scrambled, chicken sausage with sage and my P28 protein bread with pumpkin spice cream cheese. It's my favorite meal of the day...and a vat of coffee of course. :laugh:
  • manders376
    manders376 Posts: 53 Member
    I have a hard time with breakfast as well (bec of time, not because I don't like to eat it)

    My go to meals recently:

    1. Cliff bar and milk

    2. Dried apricots and low fat string cheese

    3. Greek yogurt and berries
  • angelpearls
    angelpearls Posts: 17 Member
    My favorite breakfast is a Kashi honey almond flax bar and low fat string cheese stick. It keeps me going for a few hours then I have a low fat yogurt as a mid-morning snack. However, I eat this all the time and need variety too.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Green smoothies

    or whole wheat toast with scrambled eggs and peanut butter
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    My two favorites are:

    Poached egg on light toasted English muffin


    Greek yogurt with sliced almonds, chia seeds and natural unsweetened coconut
  • kikisalander
    kikisalander Posts: 23 Member
    One egg, one egg white scrambled with sriracha, a little bit of chopped spinach, a turkey sausage link and a sprinkle of jack cheese.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    A 5 egg omelet with cheese and mushrooms alongside two pancakes with maple syrup.
  • Jenifer_Duron
    I go for healthy oatmeal breakfast!
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    I usually eat 2 eggs over medium/hard with a slice of sourdough toast, totaling 250 calories and 16g protein. Sometimes I'll add sausage or bacon for more protein.

    I really love biscuits and gravy too. Mmmm.
  • RunningD0ll
    Coffee with soy
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    Porridge with almond butter and strawberries, or almond butter on a wholemeal bagel.
  • ward_lori
    I love fresh pineapple, warmed up a bit with cool cottage cheese. Sometimes a sprinkle of cinnamon too.
  • bangles501
    bangles501 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't enjoy savoury breakfasts but needed more protein than I was getting from oatmeal so I've started making sweet scrambled eggs or omlettes in the morning. You can make it quite light and low calorie by only using egg whites, I usually use one whole egg and the rest just the whites. The scrambled eggs are easy to do, just beat the eggs, add honey if you like (I don't always) and then add fruit. Sometimes I mash up a banana and blend it together with the eggs. You can add peanut butter for extra protein, sometimes I add cinnamon or cocoa powder. If you want to make an omlette just make it as usual but instead of adding cheese and veg, add fruit :) I usually add some sugar or honey to the omlette mixture before hand.
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
    I am a commuter (1 hour) so I don't like eating breakfast at home (too early). I am really predictable and have the same thing at my desk every morning. Thomas bagel thin with 1 T Natural Skippy PB and green tea. Every now and then I will have a special K flatbread egg/veggie sandwich.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Rolled oats with cinnamon and a bit of brown sugar :) OR an oatmeal risotto. Rolled oats + water (depending on the consistency you want) + 1tsp parmesan then to top it 1 strip turkey bacon fried with no oil and soft boiled egg (since I suck at poaching)