stop overdoing cardio and hit the damn weights!!!



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    i understand cardio is important(depending on what kind you're doing), but where are women getting the idea that lifting weights will make them aminly and bulky from? for the ladies that do lift...can you PLEASE share with us how lifting weights have made a difference to your physique and health?
    Just because you like weights doesn't mean everyone else does. People do what they are happy with and what works for them.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    IMO cardio is a waste in a calorie deficit. Literally. Say goodbye to beautiful lean muscle! Id rather sit in a moderate cal deficit while losing fat and gaining (thank god for noob gains) muscle. Plus, I like lifting weights. I want to feel strong and look good naked, not feel weak and look good in clothes, buts thats just my goal :)
    There is nothing wrong with using cardio to create an extra deficit, especially for women. Problem is TOO much cardio is being done and very little resistance training is being performed.

    The case against cardio is far over blown.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I like both... I've only been doing weights properly for a few weeks now, but it's improved my running immensely just for a start.

    Running leaves me on a massive high, and lifting makes me feel like I could move a mountain. I LOVE the way my body is reshaping already.
  • CarynMacD
    I'm greedy... I love to do both, cardio & lifting. Just this weekend I was helping my husband carry something and he remarked on how nice my arms, back & shoulders are starting to look...... needless to say, he earned a treat. :love:
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    Cardio and weights are not mutually exclusive. Both are beneficial for different reasons. Cardio is excellent for heart health and increasing your VO2 max and weights are great for gaining muscle and, as someone else pointed out, maintaining bone density.

    For me a mix of both is ideal, but it does depend on your goals.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    IMO cardio is a waste in a calorie deficit. Literally. Say goodbye to beautiful lean muscle! Id rather sit in a moderate cal deficit while losing fat and gaining (thank god for noob gains) muscle. Plus, I like lifting weights. I want to feel strong and look good naked, not feel weak and look good in clothes, buts thats just my goal :)


    I hate cardio, so I do not do it, but unless you have a really large deficit or do excessive amounts of cardio, you will not run the risk of losing muscle by doing cardio. There are other benefits also.

    On the flip side, for all those people who are saying that they do not want to do strength training or will do it, maybe, if they hit goal, there are also other benefits. Bone density being a significant one for women, as well as it being metabolically beneficial.

    Pick something you love. Try to do some resistance training - and it does not have to be lifting heavy arsed weights - but it should involve progressive loading - your bones will thank you for it.

    If you do not have access to a gym, look into Convict Conditioning or You Are Your Own Gym.
  • tyraun_b
    One thing I do find is that people often say, "Wow, you've lost so much weight lately." And I respond that I have not lost weight in a year. I changed my body composition.

    Weight lifting is great for helping women achieve and maintain bone density, so don't knock it just because you happen to like cardio better. I happen to like both. I feel that weights have had a much greater impact on how I look though.

    and this is what i try to tell females all of the time. i think when some women hear the term.."LIFT WEIGHTS", i think the first thing they think about are the bodybuilders on magazines. i think they believe they have to lift tons of weights like a man to look good which would cause them to look bulky, blocky, mainly, non-feminine or whatever they wanna call it. most women will never lift the way a man does. that's out so lets not even think about that. most bodybuilders that we see n thses magazines and supplement ads are doped up on heavy steroids that push their genetic limitaions for muscle growth to damn near infinity. so of course they can build slabs and slabs of freakish, cartoonish muscle. and yes that goes for the women bodybuilders too. so if they could eliminate that out of their minds first then they would have a different approach from the jump. some of the most famous actresses, athletes, entertainers, etc that we see on tv and in movies with nice physiques come from putting in hardwork and serious dedication to weight training. don't get me wrong, i don't wanna be a hyprocrite or completely bias and say i'm totally against cardio (hell no!!!) because i do it too, but i do it to a minimum. i may occassionally put in 45-60 minutes but that's usually HIIT or on a high level. i make it hard as hell!!!! as far as weights go....if you're looking to tone, tighten and change your body compositioin to attain those sleek, dense curves.....weight lifting or some type of challenging resistance training, along with understanding how to incorporate your eating/macros to suit whatever goal it is you're trying to achieve is the way to go. PERIOD!!!!!!!
  • Bigjayinga
    Bigjayinga Posts: 128 Member
    Amen my brother
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    One thing I do find is that people often say, "Wow, you've lost so much weight lately." And I respond that I have not lost weight in a year. I changed my body composition.

    Weight lifting is great for helping women achieve and maintain bone density, so don't knock it just because you happen to like cardio better. I happen to like both. I feel that weights have had a much greater impact on how I look though.

    and this is what i try to tell females all of the time. i think when some women hear the term.."LIFT WEIGHTS", i think the first thing they think about are the bodybuilders on magazines. i think they believe they have to lift tons of weights like a man to look good which would cause them to look bulky, blocky, mainly, non-feminine or whatever they wanna call it. most women will never lift the way a man does. that's out so lets not even think about that. most bodybuilders that we see n thses magazines and supplement ads are doped up on heavy steroids that push their genetic limitaions for muscle growth to damn near infinity. so of course they can build slabs and slabs of freakish, cartoonish muscle. and yes that goes for the women bodybuilders too. so if they could eliminate that out of their minds first then they would have a different approach from the jump. some of the most famous actresses, athletes, entertainers, etc that we see on tv and in movies with nice physiques come from putting in hardwork and serious dedication to weight training. don't get me wrong, i don't wanna be a hyprocrite or completely bias and say i'm totally against cardio (hell no!!!) because i do it too, but i do it to a minimum. i may occassionally put in 45-60 minutes but that's usually HIIT or on a high level. i make it hard as hell!!!! as far as weights go....if you're looking to tone, tighten and change your body compositioin to attain those sleek, dense curves.....weight lifting or some type of challenging resistance training, along with understanding how to incorporate your eating/macros to suit whatever goal it is you're trying to achieve is the way to go. PERIOD!!!!!!!
    So to sum everything up.

    Resistance training>Nutrition>Cardio

    Oh and I wouldn't reference Hollywood actors as examples. Most are on at least Anavar and use stupid crash diets in order to meet a role.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    Here we go again... :yawn:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    One thing I do find is that people often say, "Wow, you've lost so much weight lately." And I respond that I have not lost weight in a year. I changed my body composition.

    Weight lifting is great for helping women achieve and maintain bone density, so don't knock it just because you happen to like cardio better. I happen to like both. I feel that weights have had a much greater impact on how I look though.

    and this is what i try to tell females all of the time. i think when some women hear the term.."LIFT WEIGHTS", i think the first thing they think about are the bodybuilders on magazines. i think they believe they have to lift tons of weights like a man to look good which would cause them to look bulky, blocky, mainly, non-feminine or whatever they wanna call it. most women will never lift the way a man does. that's out so lets not even think about that. most bodybuilders that we see n thses magazines and supplement ads are doped up on heavy steroids that push their genetic limitaions for muscle growth to damn near infinity. so of course they can build slabs and slabs of freakish, cartoonish muscle. and yes that goes for the women bodybuilders too. so if they could eliminate that out of their minds first then they would have a different approach from the jump. some of the most famous actresses, athletes, entertainers, etc that we see on tv and in movies with nice physiques come from putting in hardwork and serious dedication to weight training. don't get me wrong, i don't wanna be a hyprocrite or completely bias and say i'm totally against cardio (hell no!!!) because i do it too, but i do it to a minimum. i may occassionally put in 45-60 minutes but that's usually HIIT or on a high level. i make it hard as hell!!!! as far as weights go....if you're looking to tone, tighten and change your body compositioin to attain those sleek, dense curves.....weight lifting or some type of challenging resistance training, along with understanding how to incorporate your eating/macros to suit whatever goal it is you're trying to achieve is the way to go. PERIOD!!!!!!!
    So to sum everything up.

    Resistance training>Nutrition>Cardio

    Oh and I wouldn't reference Hollywood actors as examples. Most are on at least Anavar and use stupid crash diets in order to meet a role.

    And women do not lift the way men do.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I do weights 4 times a week because I love it, and to change my body for the better.

    I do cardio for fitness. HIIT twice a week and a walk every weekday.

    Suits me just fine.
  • Sandigesha
    Sandigesha Posts: 226 Member
    Umm, no. I will not hit the weights. And not because I think it'll make me bulky.
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I reeeaallly enjoy walking and jogging.
    3. I have no intentions of paying for a full gym membership to have access to weights.
    4. I'm still working on losing fat, toning is for when I'm closer to my goal. I can barely do many squats or lunges right now.

    I don't get why so many people think everyone should lift. People are going to do what they enjoy.

    Well, if your goal is not a great looking body, but rather just not being fat, then keep doing whatcha doing...
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Umm, no. I will not hit the weights. And not because I think it'll make me bulky.
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I reeeaallly enjoy walking and jogging.
    3. I have no intentions of paying for a full gym membership to have access to weights.
    4. I'm still working on losing fat, toning is for when I'm closer to my goal. I can barely do many squats or lunges right now.

    I don't get why so many people think everyone should lift. People are going to do what they enjoy.

    Well, if your goal is not a great looking body, but rather just not being fat, then keep doing whatcha doing...
    "A great looking body" is up to the individual.

    I guess that's hard for you to understand.
  • crb0077
    I love lifting and it's done wonders for my body....I was never fat, well maybe a skinny fat!!! I love the shape that it's given me, my legs are much more shapely, my arms are toned and I can wave without wobbling.

    I've gained almost a stone since I started lifting, but I've not gained any inches, just got more solid and firm.

    I do uphill walk on the treadmill for a few minutes every now and then and occassionally will do a bit of HIIT running but not very much at all.....everything I wanted to happen has happened from lifting weights!

    My legs have seen the best transformation and I lift really heavy with my legs on the leg extension (70/80kg) and leg press (380kg) I don't think that they're bulky or big....neither is the rest of me!

    So yes it's given me a much more womanly shape, less wobble and I feel strong which is amazing!!! I've got some work to do with my eating habits although they're getting better (I still love chocolate and can't go without it!) With a holiday to Aus coming up I'm planning on trying my hardest to eat clean to reveal my hard work! :)

    Happy lifting ladies! x
  • princesstoadstool82
    Quit telling people to lift heavy. .. they will start comming into the free weight room.... and

    Im gonna have to wait longer for the squat rack ;)

    Love it.. heaviest squat ive done so far is 65 kgs... im strong and getting healthy and keeping my strong muscles as I go..
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Umm, no. I will not hit the weights. And not because I think it'll make me bulky.
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I reeeaallly enjoy walking and jogging.
    3. I have no intentions of paying for a full gym membership to have access to weights.
    4. I'm still working on losing fat, toning is for when I'm closer to my goal. I can barely do many squats or lunges right now.

    I don't get why so many people think everyone should lift. People are going to do what they enjoy.


    I'm just not interested in weight lifting at this time. Some people, girls and guys seem to talk about how "skinny fat" is just wrong, or something about how we look bad naked? Idk I get confused. Anyways, I am perfectly happy with "skinny fat" and I find cardio easier and more accessible, I can walk, jog, use elliptical, bike etc. whereas the only weights I have are 5lb hand weights. No gym membership for me. Out of our price range. Cardio is just easier, I may do some weight stuff later when I hit goal, but honestly, probably not.


    I don't seek out the exercise which is easiest.

    You might better result doing stuff that's hard.........
  • ElegantSlenderChic
    How about we accept that everyone is different and that we join MFP for a variety of reasons. I don't lift, can't run/ jog. I eat pure (most days :wink:) enjoy my early morning walk becasue it clears my head and centers me. Love my zumba class becasue it makes me feel vital and sexy. I don't have rock hard abs or steel biceps~ that's okay (with me). We can't all fit in the same mould, let's be as supportive as possible and try to stop being so judgemental :flowerforyou: :heart each his/her own...
  • DaniNicole321
    Umm, no. I will not hit the weights. And not because I think it'll make me bulky.
    1. I don't want to.
    2. I reeeaallly enjoy walking and jogging.
    3. I have no intentions of paying for a full gym membership to have access to weights.
    4. I'm still working on losing fat, toning is for when I'm closer to my goal. I can barely do many squats or lunges right now.

    I don't get why so many people think everyone should lift. People are going to do what they enjoy.


    I'm just not interested in weight lifting at this time. Some people, girls and guys seem to talk about how "skinny fat" is just wrong, or something about how we look bad naked? Idk I get confused. Anyways, I am perfectly happy with "skinny fat" and I find cardio easier and more accessible, I can walk, jog, use elliptical, bike etc. whereas the only weights I have are 5lb hand weights. No gym membership for me. Out of our price range. Cardio is just easier, I may do some weight stuff later when I hit goal, but honestly, probably not.


    I don't seek out the exercise which is easiest.

    You might better result doing stuff that's hard.........

    Fairly certain she meant convenient when she says easy.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    Im not ready to lift. I am still losing the fat and I really enjoy running. I do HIIT using body weights but Im just not ready to lift heavy just now. I would like to get to my goal (28lbs to go) before I think about toning to that extent. I dont think they will make me bulky either