Why is bacon...



  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Get out!!!!!

    I hate how the first 2 replies are so hateful and anti-fitness. Eating bacon is very unhealthy and here you are being a bully...

    Do you not care about your health? Its fine if you don't but don't drag others into the greasy mess that is bacon
  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    Recipe please. I am super intrigued.:grumble:
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    She has a good point.

    Assuming that's even her. You know how people are on the interwebz.

    Oh, I'll admit, that's not a pic of me. Just an homage to bacon. All my friends know what I really look like. I was referring to my awesome personality.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    A-Bomb dropped.

  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
    Are you calling me fat?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    She has a good point.

    Assuming that's even her. You know how people are on the interwebz.

    Oh, I'll admit, that's not a pic of me. Just an homage to bacon. All my friends know what I really look like. I was referring to my awesome personality.

    in for personality!!!
  • nemohawk
    Don't feed the trolls folks.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Sometimes I feel like I really am the only person in the world who actually, truly doesn't like bacon...
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    BLASPHEMY!! how can you say such things about bacon its:
    and aorable
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    I can take it or leave it.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
    Are you calling me fat?

    no I'm just advising you, for your own health and weight loss success, to lay off the full of fat bacon. It taste and smells horrible on top of being unhealthy for you..

    Try microwaving tofu bacon. Its healthier and tastes just the same!
  • Marionmmm1
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
    Are you calling me fat?

    no I'm just advising you, for your own health and weight loss success, to lay off the full of fat bacon. It taste and smells horrible on top of being unhealthy for you..

    Try microwaving tofu bacon. Its healthier and tastes just the same!

    Thoughts on turkey bacon?
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    More bacon for me! *applies bacon-flavored lipgloss* :smooched:

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
    Are you calling me fat?

    no I'm just advising you, for your own health and weight loss success, to lay off the full of fat bacon. It taste and smells horrible on top of being unhealthy for you..

    Try microwaving tofu bacon. Its healthier and tastes just the same!

    Tofu bacon is okay, if you don't want something that tastes like bacon.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Because I'm awesome and everyone loves me.

    hi. I understand from your profile picture that you probably want to lose some weight. Or need to at least (in my humble opinion). I would suggest you lay off bacon. That is whats stopping you from losing the weight and getting the perfect butt boys will be after.
    Are you calling me fat?

    no I'm just advising you, for your own health and weight loss success, to lay off the full of fat bacon. It taste and smells horrible on top of being unhealthy for you..

    Try microwaving tofu bacon. Its healthier and tastes just the same!

    Thoughts on turkey bacon?
    Turkey bacon doesn't even come close to qualifying as bacon.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    discussed so much on this site? I mean seriously? That thing is incredibly disgusting and so fatty and unhealthy for human body. Bacon is full of fat, pigs are filthy animals that roll around in mud all day and are incredibly unhygienic.

    Lets keep this site free of disgusting foods that are bad for us and taste and smell terrible.

    I'm curing out a bunch of bellies to make bacon tonight or tomorrow. Then I'm cutting the cheeks from a couple pig heads to make guanciale.