lose 10-20 pounds by thanksgiving support group



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Can i join or is it too late?

    I'm 26 years old and would like to lose the last 8 pounds, my goal weight is 120

    10/22/10 : 128lbs

    still room! :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 - 124.7 (-)
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    the recipe that i posted was lemon rapberry mousse squares. they are super good!

  • start weight: 180.0
    8/18 - 179.8 (-)
    8/25 - 180.0 (+)
    9/1 - 168.8 (-)
    9/8 - 173.6 (+) Blarg!!
    9/15 - 173.6 Yeah!! No gain!!
    9/22 - missed week
    9/29 - 178.2 (+) CAN'T SEEM TO GET OUT OF THE 170s - need to try harder!!
    10/6 - 177.2
    10/13 - missed week
    10/20 - 176.2
    10/27 - 174.4
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 160
  • I finally bought my digital scale on Sunday...Yeah Me!!!
    Now I don't have to bounce between two different scale.
    I am down 3lbs from my starting weight.

    10/6 - 132
    10/13 - 130
    10/20 - 130
    10/27 - 129
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Oy, gotta get my head on straight.

    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 - 249.2 (-11.8)
    10/20 - 250.4 (+1.2)
    10/27 - 252.5 (+2)
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 - Goal is 237
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/27/2010............166.7 (+)

    Stuck in a rut and can't seem to get out. This may take drastic measures!!! Actually, I think my biggest problem is I started drinking diet cokes again. I know better but I just can't seem to stop myself. So, today I will go cold turkey on carbonated drinks. By next week I should be over the withdrawl headaches and ready to post some good numbers. Really wanted to weigh 148 by Thanksgiving but I think I've done myself in. But -- I'm not giving in or giving up. If I don't make it by Thanksgiving I'm sticking with those that want to extend to Christmas. See you all next week with a little less bubblely (no carbonation) attitude.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 - 204.0
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201

    I like the idea of pushing this to Christmas - nervous about keeping up the loss with the holidays coming up. Originally my first goal was to be under 200 by Christmas - it looks like I might make that by Thanksgiving (fingers crossed)
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    10/27- 146.2
    11/3 -
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Boo! Up 2 lbs. My weekend was bad and I feel like its mostly sodium that has not yet left. lol I've had an awful week and I cant wait for it to be over.
  • Not moving very fast....

    Starting Weight 10/19/2010: 133.00
    10/26 (goal: 131.5): 132.6
    11/2 (goal: 130.0)
    11/9 (goal: 128.5)
    11/16 (goal: 127.0)
    11/23 (goal: 125.5)
    11/30 (goal: 124.0)
    12/7 (goal: 122.5)
    12/14 (goal: 121.0)
    Christmas (goal 120.0)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137) - 143.2 (+3.2)
    10/23 - back to 141.4
    10/27 (goal: 137) - reporting zero loss/gain - relatives coming to town: Uncle Tom, Aunt Flo and Yippee Cousin Skippee.
    11/2 (goal: 135)
    11/9 (goal: 133)
    11/16 (goal: 131)
    11/23 (goal: 129) - Final Weigh In:
  • This weekend I went out to eat and went over my sodium and had water weight that I am still trying to get over... :( I am setting a new goal with my work schedule and breaks to try to eat food from home and not out because of the sodium.

    start weight: 145
    8/18 - 144
    8/25 - 143
    9/1 - 141
    9/8 - 140
    9/15 - 139
    9/22 - 137.5
    9/29 - 137
    10/6 - 135
    10/13 - 135
    10/20 - 134
    10/27 - 133
    11/3 -
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO FIND A CAUSE YOU BELIEVE IN AND DONATE $5. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun knowing that you helped make a difference! :)
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    01/01/2009 Heaviest Weight 209
    03/01/2010 Started mfp 180
    08/18/2010……… 158.0 ………2 week mini goal 156
    08/25/2010........... 157.6 (-)
    09/01/2010........... 156.2 (-).......2 week mini goal 154
    09/08/2010........... Fell Off Wagon
    09/15/2010........... Gained over 10 pounds
    09/22/2010............166.6 (+).......2 week mini goal 164
    09/29/2010............165.5 (-)
    10/06/2010............164.7 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/13/2010............166.2 (+)
    10/20/2010............166.0 (-)........2 week mini goal 161
    10/27/2010............166.7 (+)
    11/03/2010............168.0 (+).......2 week mini goal 162

    Oh My!!!! Headed the wrong way again. The good news is I did go cold turkey on Diet Soda. (Off it for 10 days now). My next cold turkey attempt is coffee and caffeine. (Two days now - No headaches but strong cravings) Anyway, no excuses for my weight gain, I've just been bad. I will do better next week. Good luck to all of you. See you next week with a loss.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start weight: 130
    8/18 - 129.3 (-)
    8/25 - 129.2 (-)
    9/1 - 128.7 (-)
    9/8 - missed (hub's gramp's funeral)
    9/15 - 128.2 (-)
    9/22 - 126.6 (-)
    9/29 - 127.2 (+)
    10/6 - 128.0 (+)
    10/13 - 128.0 (=)
    10/20 - 125.6 (-)
    10/27 - 124.7 (-)
    11/3 - 124.0 (-)
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120

    i donated to the food bank this weekend. i am so thankful that i have the resources to help provide someone's meal. anyone else do the weekend challenge?

    hang in there stormy! you are doing great!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    8/18 - 238.4
    8/25 - 235.4
    9/1 - 234.4
    9/8 - 229.2
    9/15 - 226.6
    9/22 - 224.8
    9/29 - 218.8
    10/6 - 216.8
    10/13 - 212.8
    10/20 - 207.2
    10/27 - 204.0
    11/3 - 207.4
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 201

    TOM is on the way in - with a vengence apparently :wink: That and I think it's a little rebound gainf rom being sick for 2 weeks. I'm still determined to make my goal - 1 bad week won't get me down.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Highest weight: 145
    Starting Weight: 145 (10/1/10 for this round!)
    10/5/10 (11:15 PM) - 140.4 (Loss: 4.4)
    10/14 (goal: 139) - 141.6 (+1.2)
    10/21 (goal: 137) - 143.2 (+3.2)
    10/23 - back to 141.4
    10/27 (goal: 137) - reporting zero loss/gain - relatives coming to town: Uncle Tom, Aunt Flo and Yippee Cousin Skippee.
    11/2 (goal: 135) - 140.4
    11/9 (goal: 133)
    11/16 (goal: 131)
    11/23 (goal: 129) - Final Weigh In:
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    8/18 - 149.4
    8/25 - ?
    9/1 - ?
    9/8 - 153.6
    9/15 - 148.2 (bye bye vacation weight!)
    9/22 - 150.0 (dang it!)
    9/29 - 146.4
    10/6 - 146.8
    10/13- 145.6
    10/20- 144.2
    10/27- 146.2
    11/3 - 148
    GOAL WEIGHT (by this date): 137

    Okay I dont know whats going on here. I was doing good. Now I'm doing terrible. Sad thing is I haven't even been eating that bad. Better luck next week.
  • I'm back up one pound this week. Not sure why, but the challenge must go on.

    10/6 - 132
    10/13 - 130
    10/20 - 130
    10/27 - 129
    11/3 - 130
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 -
    goal weight: 120
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Back in the right direction!
    I want in the 240's SOOO bad this week.
    Working out at lunch AND after work.

    8/18 - 261 (start weight)
    8/25 - 256
    9/1 - 254.5
    9/8 - 255.2
    9/15 - 254.4
    9/22 - 252.2 (-8.8)
    9/29 - 253.5
    10/6 - 250.8 (-10.2)
    10/13 - 249.2 (-11.8)
    10/20 - 250.4 (+1.2)
    10/27 - 252.5 (+2)
    11/3 - 251 (-10)
    11/10 -
    11/17 -
    11/24 - Goal is 237
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