Love bigger women



  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    Most of you are really immature and giving this guy a hard time. OP, you rock your preferences! Don't let others dictate what you prefer, they're just trolls out to pick a fight (: You all know what he meant, he was stating that big is beautiful (to him) then why're you all getting so aggressive?

    I guess it just comes with the territory.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wow is all I can say. All I wanted to do was express my OPINION that I like bigger women and that in my OPINION SOME Women are confused with what sexy is. Some people not all just believe you have to be tiny to be sexy which is totally wrong. I'm not fishing for girls I haven't contacted anyone on this thread after they made a comment. In the future I'll keep my opinions to myself.

    I knew what you were saying would have been no different than if you posted love burnettes or girls in yoga pants. You never know who your words can influence, and there may have been a bigger girl who say your words and just really lifted her to know that she isnt some second class ugly creature. You might have encouraged that girl to take better care of herself.

    I saw your intention and felt it was good.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    Wow is all I can say. All I wanted to do was express my OPINION that I like bigger women and that in my OPINION SOME Women are confused with what sexy is. Some people not all just believe you have to be tiny to be sexy which is totally wrong. I'm not fishing for girls I haven't contacted anyone on this thread after they made a comment. In the future I'll keep my opinions to myself.
    But they'renot confused about what sexy is. They know what is sexy to them and the men they attract.

    It may not be sexy IN YOUR OPINION, but yours is only one opinion. It's sexy to someone.

    You know what I'll agree to that. My bad I don't mind those type of comments but some of it got ridiculus.
    Maybe think about what you're saying before posting next time. :-)

    No next time I'll just keep my opinions to myself. Thanks for the advice though.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    I see what you did there. I must admit that this isn't the worst attempt I have seen at picking up women on a fitness site who are trying to lose weight. :drinker: :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow is all I can say. All I wanted to do was express my OPINION that I like bigger women and that in my OPINION SOME Women are confused with what sexy is. Some people not all just believe you have to be tiny to be sexy which is totally wrong. I'm not fishing for girls I haven't contacted anyone on this thread after they made a comment. In the future I'll keep my opinions to myself.
    But they'renot confused about what sexy is. They know what is sexy to them and the men they attract.

    It may not be sexy IN YOUR OPINION, but yours is only one opinion. It's sexy to someone.

    You know what I'll agree to that. My bad I don't mind those type of comments but some of it got ridiculus.
    Maybe think about what you're saying before posting next time. :-)

    No next time I'll just keep my opinions to myself. Thanks for the advice though.

    If you had said something like:
    I know Hollywood an the beauty industry promote skinny women as sexy, but I think bigger women are very sexy. Just wanted you all to know there are men out there who love you just as you are.

    no one would have had a problem with your opinion.

    But when you follow it with:
    The rest of you think you're sexy, but you're not.
    people have a problem with your opinion.
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    my only problem with this is that saying "i love big women" is the same as saying "i love small women". you could just love women and not judge someone based on their size...
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member

    I see what you did there. I must admit that this isn't the worst attempt I have seen at picking up women on a fitness site who are trying to lose weight. :drinker: :laugh:

    Sorry hun I don't do the internet love thing. Not trying to pick up anyone.
  • dreamer4
    I have to put a plug in here. I have been told before I am very attractive, but I know I am obviously unhealthy over weight. I wonder if guys who like "bigger" ladies actually like them because they make them feel small? Or do they like us because we make them feel some how comforted and secure? Do guys feel that they don't have to worry about the someone snagging their lady if she is "bigger"? Is it a security issue with the guys? I work in healthcare and I have had several female patient's who end up with a divorce after loosing weight because they find out their husband has major security issues and became very possessive once they lost weight. I would love to hear what some of the guys think that like "bigger" ladies. I have to say too that I think what most guys like at any size is a lady with confidence...
  • dreamer4
    Now that is one I didn't even think about. lmao....
  • ckhardeman
    ckhardeman Posts: 195 Member
    The problem is , if the woman is not happy with what they see in the mirror its hard to accept what you are saying. I have to be happy for me & no one else. But that's awesome that you love it because there are some many that do not.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I have to put a plug in here. I have been told before I am very attractive, but I know I am obviously unhealthy over weight. I wonder if guys who like "bigger" ladies actually like them because they make them feel small? Or do they like us because we make them feel some how comforted and secure? Do guys feel that they don't have to worry about the someone snagging their lady if she is "bigger"? Is it a security issue with the guys? I work in healthcare and I have had several female patient's who end up with a divorce after loosing weight because they find out their husband has major security issues and became very possessive once they lost weight. I would love to hear what some of the guys think that like "bigger" ladies.

    Honestly for me I just like the curves of a bigger woman. Like I said earlier maybe it's cause all the women in my family are big. I've dated smaller and not untill I started dating bigger women did I realize my feelings. That's just me.
  • xLaPetiteFille
    Most of you are really immature and giving this guy a hard time. OP, you rock your preferences! Don't let others dictate what you prefer, they're just trolls out to pick a fight (: You all know what he meant, he was stating that big is beautiful (to him) then why're you all getting so aggressive?

    Because he said this:
    I think a lot of you are missing the boat and are misguided about what a sexy woman is.

    Well, you all keep getting so defensive, his original post was really beautiful, he was expressing his opinions, but you folks kept digging for more, just to try and get him to twist his words perhaps, give him a break, don't leech onto someone because they couldn't form an argument well, or worded something wrong, God forbid, he may have made a mistake or English wasn't his first language?

    Good God folks, grow up. Give him a break.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    my only problem with this is that saying "i love big women" is the same as saying "i love small women". you could just love women and not judge someone based on their size...

    Everybody has a type...he's not trying to make all the women of the world feel good.
  • the_oncomingstorm
    I just like women
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    my only problem with this is that saying "i love big women" is the same as saying "i love small women". you could just love women and not judge someone based on their size...

    Everybody has a type...he's not trying to make all the women of the world feel good.

    oh. i guess my type is has a penis.
    or sometimes a vagina.
    i like people. i've dated older, younger, taller, shorter, bigger, smaller. idk. i find personality attractive as hell.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Most of you are really immature and giving this guy a hard time. OP, you rock your preferences! Don't let others dictate what you prefer, they're just trolls out to pick a fight (: You all know what he meant, he was stating that big is beautiful (to him) then why're you all getting so aggressive?

    Because he said this:
    I think a lot of you are missing the boat and are misguided about what a sexy woman is.

    Well, you all keep getting so defensive, his original post was really beautiful, he was expressing his opinions, but you folks kept digging for more, just to try and get him to twist his words perhaps, give him a break, don't leech onto someone because they couldn't form an argument well, or worded something wrong, God forbid, he may have made a mistake or English wasn't his first language?

    Good God folks, grow up. Give him a break.
    What I quoted is directly from the original first post. No word twisting.

    It wasn't beautiful.

    A. It assumes anyone is losing weight for another person.
    B. It assumes we all want to please him.
    C. It was condescending and rude.

    Like I stated before. I don't care if he thinks I'm sexy when I'm thin. I care if *I* think I'm sexy when I'm thin. Why is my idea of what's sexy about myself "wrong," as his post stated?
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    my only problem with this is that saying "i love big women" is the same as saying "i love small women". you could just love women and not judge someone based on their size...

    Everybody has a type...he's not trying to make all the women of the world feel good.

    oh. i guess my type is has a penis.
    or sometimes a vagina.
    i like people. i've dated older, younger, taller, shorter, bigger, smaller. idk. i find personality attractive as hell.

    My type is: has a penis and a pulse. :drinker:
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    this type of thread makes my brain hurt. What does he want, a medal? Who cares what he likes or doesn't like. He's obviously just compiling a list of his own favourite flavour to hit up at his leisure.

    How can people be offended? Yes his phraseology wasn't great, and yes he generalised and asserted, but frankly, who cares?
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    From what little I've read there's apparently a kerfuffle about how you worded your post, OP, but I just wanted to say that it's always nice to see people appreciate plus sized ladies. [:
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Bigger than what? Isn't that relative? I like women that are bigger than Labradoodles but smaller than rhinos.