"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    This is a scam, these people are being directed here to spam this thread or its just a few people starting multiple accounts. Anyone reading this, please listen to the people here who have been here a while. This makes me so mad. All these people want is your money.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    but MFP is free?
  • blibby33
    blibby33 Posts: 53
  • pbogho57
    pbogho57 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow you are doing great! What are you doing for weight loss?
  • freido90
    freido90 Posts: 4
    Great example of calorie in v calorie out mentality.

    ASAP science "What does 200 caloires look like?"

  • I have read about this Beyond Diet,and I think first step is to know your needs,which you can do it by the information from the Google.I started to do the same today.I weight myself (in the morning without cloth=190 lb)and I sign up for "MyFitnessPal".Based on this website I figure out how much calorie I need from protein,fat and carb.3days/wk ,cardio(30min/day)+ some stretch and weighting(15min/day).I am going to write down here the results for 1 month.Good luck to myself and all of you:)
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    I find that google is my own best friend. I just research on my own. Try to stick to the most simple and clean ingredients and it's not complicated.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    It certainly doesn't appear to be for everyone, but what is with the vitriol? If it works for some and they find it valuable, good for them. We aren't sheep after all and have to follow the same path.
    Personally, I think it sounds interesting. I am ALWAYS searching for recipes and would not mind having a really good source for clean recipes that include all the nutritional information. I have been doing this for all of three weeks and I am already getting tired of putting in all the info for my recipes. I am going to look into it.
  • SheyC
    SheyC Posts: 2
    I took a look at Beyond Diet as well and it sounds a lot like Food Lovers online. Food lovers is good, they give you a free 21 day metabolism make over which is supposed to kick start your metabolism for you. In one week I lost 4 pounds! The bad news was I very quickly became bored with the food options - they were good and tasty but eating only 2 breakfast options (within an hour of waking up - that's the trick for starting your metabolism everyday - I didn't know that before.) for 3 weeks was too much. Their recipes were very good however and I have joined them to see if I can make it work. If I don't have to count calories or points I'm willing to try it! After the 21 days there are a lot of other foods to eat, and you have a food journal too that you can keep track in. So far I like it and I wonder if I had stuck to the 21 days in the beginning how much weight I would have lost especially if I was excersing when I did it!
    Sorry, that was more info than I originally was going to say.
  • pjrema
    pjrema Posts: 2
    What EXACTLY are the 5 foods to avoid, which the Link to the Beyond Diet video presentation mentions? I listened to the entire video and never did hear them mention 5 specific foods to avoid. Maybe they were included within the info, but I would like to know what the 5 specific foods are. Just that alone. Thanks...
  • pjrema
    pjrema Posts: 2
    I found the 5 foods to avoid in another (earlier) post on this site. THANKS! Here is what it said:

    The list below of the 5 foods to never eat may surprise you if you’re on a fast weight loss diet.

    1. Orange juice – contains very high sugar content which will disrupt your body’s blood sugar and insulin levels.
    2.Artificial sweeteners – cause weight gain as they are perceived as a toxin to the body.
    3.Whole wheat bread – wheat products have been shown to quickly turn into sugar in the body.
    4.Fake butters – are made from unhealthy, unnatural ingredients perceived as toxins in the body.
    5.Soy products – have been shown to disrupt hormone levels and negatively affect the thyroid.
  • trishnhess
    trishnhess Posts: 1 Member
    I just started doing some research on Beyond Diet and suggest you do the same.
    For starters, what the lady you work with is not correct about eating as much as you want.
    What they say is that you can eat more healthy fats than unhealthy fats.
    They compared a 1200 calorie diet of processed foods to a diet with 1800 calories with healthy fats.
    Yes you can eat more calories the way and still loose weight but not because of the calorie count.
    It is due to the sugars and other toxic ingredients in the processed foods.
    You co-worker only heard what she wanted to hear. I am not endorsing the product because I have only begun my research.
    I just don't like to hear things that are taken out of context. I do believe that this plan sounds like something worth researching.
  • I just had a look at the web site. It makes a lot of sense. I've been surprised up until now that there hasn't been more fuss about the amount of sugar in low fat foods. I suffered from Irritable bowel syndrome when I was younger, before I discovered that it had a lot to do with yeast in the digestive track consuming sugar and producing carbon dioxide gas.
    When you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, they are just advising you to eat the types of foods that your body has evolved to break down over thousands of years.
    As for exercise, yes I believe it is important, but if someone hasn't been exercising it is a good way to cause them to loose interest in a diet if you try to force them to. Also being a single mother who works full time it can be hard to find time, but I have found that if I exercise regularly I tend to crave less fat and want to eat healthier.
    Finally cost, it's true that they give you all the information you need to do the diet yourself in the video, but if you couldn't be bothered doing all of the work yourself creating meal plans recipes etc then $50 for getting the meal plans and recipes is not excessive.
  • How does beyond diet work for family cooking?
  • Absolute waste of money - the website has some good info, but please don't sign up or pay for anything -- Isabel de Los Rios is a mother with a some healthy eating tips and a chipper attitude. Everything she spouts can be learned through some very basic internet research. Essentially; eat healthily, try not to eat too many processed foods and everything in moderation. I'm sure you are all gobsmacked at the gravity of these realisations.

    I (idiotically) actually paid the £40 to be privy to her daily ramblins which, while they contain basic nutritional advice, ineveitably come with a link to some diet pill / shake / booklet / snake charmer punted by a de Los Rios sponsor which, of course, you have to purchase. But wait! There's more! These additions are almost always touted as "a bargain" and, if you do a ittle digging, are inevitably homeopathic (so require no FDA approval), or are written by someone who got their nutritionist qualification off Nutritionists-R-Us online.

    Please don't waste your money. Better information and better recipes can be found through a little googling. I'm an engineer and ordinarily don't enter into anything like this without research, but I was feeling a little diet-depressed and looking for a kickstart and somehow deluded myself into thinking it lay in the Beyond Diet.
  • jassyjan1
    jassyjan1 Posts: 308 Member
  • As much as I am thankful to have sites like My Fitness Pal to come to for free resources (namely the calorie counter / tracker) which is the main reason that I joined this site to begin with sometime ago, I still have failed to launch my diet program because I was trying to piece all of the other elements that was to make my weight loss plan doable and I hoped, successful.

    I have just today discovered Beyond Diet and I took the time to listen to the video and do's and don't's food lists. I am thrilled to know that Beyond Diet doesn't support pills, fad dieting, grueling (notice that I used the word "grueling") exercise and small portioned dieting meals that count calories.

    I think that what many of you (those who support finding free information and surfing the net piece-milling clean eating diet plans, among the others who just want to have a say) fail to realize is that there are a number of us who "stress" having to find what is already confusing to us regarding finding the right food menu that's going to support our good health while working to safely allow us to lose weight and:
    1. Feel satiated, 2. feel calm about eating the right foods that will quell the glycemic index, 3. feel confident that the food we're going to be eating will in fact help us to actually lose the excess weight without stressing (stress hormones = weight gain or inability to lose), 4. And, find a program that isn't a diet but a lifestyle change that we can live the rest of our lives with ultimately to achieve optimal health and wellness.

    I personally hate the idea of being on a diet. I had always been thin (at some point, skinny) but had horrible eating habits. I have had to learn how to eat over the past several decades because my idea of staying slender was by not eating but a meal in a day, or staying away from fatty meats and instead eating potato chips or snicker's bars for energy, or some other ridiculous snacky food. I wish my Mom would have taught me how as a young girl to eat healthy, I wish my Dad, a sports enthusiast in his younger years, wouldn't have supported sugar as an energy food. Growing up we didn't eat a lot of vegetables - and guess what? That's what my body responds best to these days.

    I am an impatient person. I can't spend gobs of time surfing the net and trying to piece-mill "the right" diet. I need a program that holds my hand and walks me through losing weight but without having to spend hundreds of dollars (free is always better). If Isabel Del Rios (Beyond Diet) has that passion, time and energy to spend putting together all of this good information for me and others in one place, I am MORE THAN HAPPY, THRILLED, in fact, to pay the one-time, lifetime membership fee of $47 dollars for her well organized, well researched and well proven method (and website). At some point you pay for something in order to get on the right track to weight loss and good healthy habits, whether a gym membership, exercise tools or videos, it's all based on what it's worth to you, for your personal reasons.

    I am thankful for those of you who post useful advice and information hear (and elsewhere) that actually helps the others of us who are on a seek and find journey to be healthy and trim once and for all. I admire those who do enjoy the grueling work of extreme exercise and dieting, but that's just not me (and I suspect a lot of others out there feel the same way too.) I just want to look good in clothes again (in other words enjoy shopping for fun again, unlike now). I wouldn't mind being slightly more toned from walking, or some "fun" aerobic workouts, or bicycling out in the open air, or a little tennis anyone? I am so uncoordinated now I'm embarrassed to say and feeling a bit old and used up. I'm just 48 years old and ashamed I have failed to do better for my health at this point.

    I am at a point now where I have somehow gone into a deep zone where I am very over-weight (240 lbs at 5'7") and enduring menopause which started early due to stress. (Long story) So the easier I can make it on myself to stick to a lifestyle diet that will actually work at allowing me to lose the weight for good, (without stressing) and know exactly how and what to eat for my body type for the rest of my life sounds like something I would be interested in doing for a mere $47 dollars. I believe that what Isabel Del Rios has put together sits well with my gut instincts, and if I could be as blessed as those of you who can easily spend the time searching and finding your answers to sustained health and weight loss in such a well organized platform as Isabel has created, more power to you and God bless. I will cheat and let Isabel's work work for me! Wish US luck and try not to judge to harshly. Everyone has their method and and there are more than one paths to success. Thank you again to those of you posting useful advice and much needed support! If anyone has specific information on where to find the same information that Isabel Del Rios is laying out in her videos and website and support platform, diet recipes and planning here on this site or elsewhere, do us the favor of providing that info, those links, or hyperlinks specifically. Please be sure that you have also researched, personally seen Isabel's videos, understand her methodology and support her personal reasoning and weight problems since I can personally relate to those points of interest. Thanks & wishing all the best in their weight loss, and healthy body journeys! XO

    PS: This is my first post since joining MyFitnessPal some months back. But I am not a paid poster, just a member who was moved by these posts in my research on google for the Beyond Diet program who felt compelled to comment on my experience and desire to find the right program for me. And was hoping that others would find room for other theories on why a program like Beyond Diet makes sense even if you do pay a small fee. :)
  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    If you've got $50 burning a hole in your pocket give it to charity or send it to me.
    That site isn't going to tell you anything you don't already know or can't find for free. There is no secret to nutrition or losing weight. Just stick to your mfp calorie allowance and eat varied range of foods up to that limit. No foods are banned. Ask questions on the mpf forums or search the interweb. Don't waste your money.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I for one would like to say good on you DiannaKTX and want to wish you the best of success in your decision.
    I too came here because I liked what I saw at Beyond Dieting and decided to do a little checking on Google to see if what she was saying was based on truth and not a scam. That search led me here to this thread. Basically I can see from the comments that most people are saying why pay for something you can get for free. This (as well as information gleaned from other google searches) has convinced me that what Beyond Dieting says is indeed good information so I will be signing up as well.

    For those of you who I know are going to roll your eyes at me for "wasting" my money I have one thing to say.

    Time is money.

    I have too many other things I want to spend my time on besides loosing weight

    So in the same way as paying a tax consultant to do my tax relieves me of the burden and the time required to research current tax laws so I can do it myself, in the same way, paying a measly 50 bucks to have a reputable nutritionist plan it all out for me is money well spent in my book.

    From the comments here I can tell Isabels claims of being a nutritionist are valid and the things she says is correct.
    Isabel plainly admits that in the first few moments of the introductory video "Your not going to learn anything here that you cant get for free on the internet with a lot of time and effort".
    I have tried and I agree with her, its all too confusing and contradictory and more importantly, its all too much effort for me.

    Anyway I came here to see if what Isabel had to say was accurate and it seems that it is.
    That was all I wanted to know
    Don't get me wrong I think this site is great for those of you who have the time and the desire to research all of this and I wish you the best of luck in your efforts.
  • I felt compelled to reply so my first post goes to Delerna and DianaKTX:

    I too, was interested when I came across this program and will be seriously considering it. Thank you so much for taking the words right out of my mouth-this is EXACTLY how I felt reading through this thread. We all take a different path to get to the same goal. Ya'll might not agree with the path I take, but it has to work for ME. Good Luck!! I am interested in hearing about your experience/progress. Please keep me updated.