Movies you liked, except the end...



  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    World War Z..........I know it's difficult to fit an entire book into a 2 1/2 hour movie, but it ended so very abruptly!
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    Got to go with Last American Virgin. Dude pays for the girls abortion and she goes back with the scumbag that got her pregnant. The poor kid never got any booty.

  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member

    The movie adaption of Choke, written by Chuck Palahniuk (Author of fight club)

    The twist at the end was missing in the movie, it was as if the director had spent all the money on blow and ran out of money to finish it properly...literally the equivalent of if in Fight club we did not find out that Edward Norton's character(unnamed protagonist) and Tyler Durden were in fact dissociated personalities in the same body.

    I love all the books by Chuck Palahniuk, but choke's movie ending wtf!! seriously and it had some great actors in it-Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston and a lesser known actor Brad William Henke who played Denny was great.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    The Departed great movie till the end when everybody dies.

    Maybe that's why I wasn't fully happy with it. I was told it was such a great movie but I was meh about it. I knew it was based on Whitey Bulger and I was like, "but he didn't die like that!". I was waiting for Dignam to pop back up so that wasn't even much of a surprise. I thought it was well acted and I liked the story, just the ending wasn't there for me.

    I didn't like the ending to 50/50. It was based on a true story and it just ended, didn't even give a little update at the end like most true stories do. I felt shorted on the story/wrap up.

    My boyfriend makes fun of me because I say a bad ending can ruin a good movie. I don't mind endings that make you think/question (say Inception) but I hate movies that lead up to an ending that doesn't resolve much or just kind of ends.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Thought of another one The Mist most screwed up ending ever

    I agree
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    'Knowing' - had the potential to be some doomsday creepy **** but no, ALIENS

    I felt the same was an easy out. I was hoping for something a bit more creative.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 342 Member
    World War Z. It was a good movie until the end. Kind of lame.

    This one and even Friends with Kids. Hated the cliche ending!

    Friends with kids.. that's how you try to win the girl of your dreams over (and prove you've matured as a person)? Grosss.
  • clb105
    clb105 Posts: 112 Member
    For a person who LOVES the Indy movies... the last one the aliens totally ruined it for me, especially when the story evolves around Archeology!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    The Great Gatsby

    This. 100%
    I know it's based on a classic novel... that doesn't make the ending any more satisfying of worthwhile.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    Marley & me !!

    yeah, if that's my dog, that one ends a LOT faster...
  • bigdaddyrobb
    bigdaddyrobb Posts: 18 Member
    The Prestige - good movie until the ending pi$$ed me off
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    Jurassic Park. Talk about a Hollywood ending. Gotta be able to sequel! They made the villains into the heros. The book is so much better. To bad reading is for losers.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    Pocahontas I loved the movie and then it got to the end I was so annoyed how it ended.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Dammit...all these movies have been ruined for me *shakes fist*
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Loved the first half of "Full Metal Jacket" Having been through Marine Boot Camp during that same era, I can attest to the accuracy.

    The second half, however, was ****e.
    ^^^Yup. To this day, I'll drop everything to watch the first half JUST for R. Lee Ermey. Once he dies, I resume my regular broadcast already in progress.

    My all-time WTF movie ending was "School Daze". Spike Lee can have some weird movie endings, but this one totally screwed with me. It was years later when I finally (and randomly) figured out what he was going for.... I think.
    Hell that ending was SO bad, I'm sitting here trying to think of a more recent example but can't because that ending is replaying in my head right now. Pffft!
  • lydbug08
    lydbug08 Posts: 73 Member
    the pledge w/ jack nicholson. i was like, What the....... did that really just happen??? horrible ending!!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Titanic. I just got that sinking feeling at the end.

    Badum TSHHHH

    I cannae help it. I've got Torette's for puns. Puntorettes. Which sounds like a gambling problem, I'd wager.
  • Excepticon
    Excepticon Posts: 83 Member
    The Departed great movie till the end when everybody dies.

    ^^ this. The Depaahhtid.
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    I can't believe all of the Gravity hate in here! I saw that movie on Sunday and thought it was phenomenal!

    I was disappointed with the ending of Mad Max. I actually laughed when the credits suddenly started to roll.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    The Grey

    I liked that movie.

    I enjoyed the movie too, up until the end.