190s to 160s Anyone???



  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I started right at 200lbs in January and am currently at 159 (5'6). I'm trying to ultimately get down to 135 but my mini goal for now is 150. So far it's just been exercise (cardio and a couple of strength classes mixed in each week) and staying close to my calorie goal. Some of the challenges I participate in on here help me tremendously in staying accountable.

    My goal is to start weight training soon so I can tone up and reduce some of the jiggly. :-)

    Best wishes to you and don't give up!

    Wow You're at my Goal weight!! I dont know why but that makes me so excited.lol Thanx for your input, its so motivating :happy:
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    I am 5'6" also. On Jan. 4, 2012 I weighed 216 lbs. I joined MFP Jan 18; and today I am at 156 lbs! I don't have a goal. I did a "lifestyle change". Healthy eating and regular exercise. I lowered my cholesterol from 240 to 198. I started in size 18's and XL's. I am now in loose fitting 12's and some Mediums! I have not been in these sizes in all of my adult life--I am 51 years old!

    Here's my story:

    I eat breakfast--usually Cheerios and skim milk
    Snack (under 100 cal)
    Snack (again under 100 cal)

    1200 calorie limit!
    I quit drinking soda pop last October--not even diet pop--only water, tea, coffee.
    I get atleast 30 minutes of exercise every day--usually walking. I joined a 10 week aerobics class last winter that met 3 days a week, and did Wii dance the other 4 days. DON'T GIVE UP! I never thought I would ever exercise this much, and now I can't stop!

    It amazes me that this has been so simple--I tried so many times before, but never made it this far!

    60lbs in 8 months!!? Amazing!! Thank for all your tips too. They are greatly appreciated
  • miriamu26
    miriamu26 Posts: 19 Member
    Any updates from anyone on this thread? I'm curious to see how far you are in your journey. : )
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    My final goal is to be at 150. I started out at 204 back in March of 2013 and I am now at 179.8! I just dropped below the 180 pound mark this week! My hope is that I will for sure be at my goal weight before my wedding next July!

    I won't say good luck to the rest of you...it doesn't take luck! It takes hard work and determination! We can do it!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    My first goal is 160 and then maybe 150 or 140.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I currently sway between 155-160 and my ultimate goal weight is 125-130.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I'm 180 going for 155 if that helps. I'm really trying not to lose the gains I've made in lean muscle mass so I'm trying to lose slowly (about a pound a week) by just being more strategic and watching for calorie creep and getting back on the water wagon. At this point, it's fine tuning.

    I started at 235, lost 35 just eating clean w/o calorie counting, 20 with calorie counting, and have been maintaining at this weight for about 8 months. Now I am doing a lot of athletic endeavors with body weight exercises that would work better if I had less to pull up/lift up.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
  • vitabread
    Hi there, my stats are rather similar, 2012 started at 220lbs, got down to 170lbs, now I've gained some back and this week weighed in at 194lbs. I'd be happy to get to around 140/150lbs though my goal weight would be 130/125lbs. I'm 5'6"
    I'm posting daily and would love some new friends!