Bad things that have happened since I starting losing weight



  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    This is funny. Your 80 year old mother offering you her clothes.--so wrong on so many levels. (smile)
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    true story :)
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Isn't it rolling yet?!

    I have many that have already been listed. Best so far is that my 7 year old son has stopped playing with the back of my arm fat, asking "why is this so jiggly/"
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    That is an awesome bad list :)
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Great job, everyone! Love this list!

    1. I'm c-c-c-c-c-cold! I wore my thermals to sleep almost every night during the summer -- in Florida!
    2. Saddle sores from sitting at my desk chair (which I also sit in while pedaling my mini-bike). Time to see if my old padded cycling shorts will help, now that they fit me again.
    3. My partner, who for most of our almost-18 years together has been considerably smaller than I, now wears jeans that I had bought for myself; so I had to go buy another pair.
    4. I have to make more frequent trips to the market for fresh produce.
    5. Partner worries about my getting too thin, since the last time I was this small I didn't bundle up sufficiently for a walk and literally turned blue from cold.
    6. Takes longer to fall asleep because I have too much fun feeling my sternum, clavicle, and hip bones. :-)
    7. I get antsy if I have to miss too many workouts.
    8. On the rare occasion I have a treat meal at a party, potluck, or restaurant, the foods I used to love are now too rich for me.
    9. I have experienced the agony of jonesing for lettuce.
    10. My old, too-big sports bras have withdrawn their support.
    11. I have a hard time walking past a blood pressure machine, just because I get such a kick out of the numbers now.
    12. I have pants still with their tags attached, because I had gotten too small for them before I had a chance to wear them.
  • emmybubble94
    emmybubble94 Posts: 7 Member
    what used to be a walk by "love pat" by my husband, who has very large heavy hands... is now like a consentration camp beating, with the lack of padding on my butt...

    hahaha thats funny!
  • emmybubble94
    emmybubble94 Posts: 7 Member
    1) Hubby is getting mad since I have had to stop wearing my wedding ring set, they kept falling off.
    2) Hubby just loves that I park at the farthest spot away from any where we go.
    3) You ladies might appreciate this one. ~~ Had to go spend money on a new bra after my favorite soft comfy one got to big that when I reached up to get something off a high shelf, my girls fell out the bottom.

    #3 hahaha :)
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    10. I no longer wear my class ring because it fell off. It is now in my safe. My wedding and engagement rings are loose but not to the point of falling off. I foresee visiting the jeweler soon.

    I actually lost my class ring. :sad: It was a size 9 1/4, and now I'm a size 7 1/2 I think... My engagement ring is an 8 and a tad too big, and I hardly wear it because I'm scared to lose it like my class ring.
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Oh goodness, the list could be endless. :tongue:

    1) I get cold easily, I can no longer tolerate temperatures under 65 degrees without a sweatshirt or jacket or layers.
    2) I got engaged in May and my fiance had the ring resized because it was originally too small. Now it needs to be resized again because now it is too big.
    3) I've had to ask my work for new uniforms (my uniform is a swimsuit since I teach swim lessons) because I was literally falling out of my old ones.
    4) This is more a result of my new-found (as of this year, I used to hate it) love of running, but I now must buy a new pair of running shoes every three months.
    5) Like everyone else, I need to buy a new wardrobe since everything I wore in the past is now too big.
    6) My body shape has changed and I don't know how to dress myself.

    Thankfully I haven't lost my boobs (yet...)
  • Whereismycoffee
    Whereismycoffee Posts: 130 Member
    1) Hubby is getting mad since I have had to stop wearing my wedding ring set, they kept falling off.
    2) Hubby just loves that I park at the farthest spot away from any where we go.
    3) You ladies might appreciate this one. ~~ Had to go spend money on a new bra after my favorite soft comfy one got to big that when I reached up to get something off a high shelf, my girls fell out the bottom.

    Seems I have another one to add to the list.... lol

    4) Had to move my truck seat up, :love: realized I couldn't reach the clutch anymore and my stomach doesn't rub the steering wheel. Hubby went to drive and couldn't get in without moving it back.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Now that I've reached my ultimate goal weight, I have to learn how to eat more again (without going overboard)!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    This is such a great thread!

    I had to get references for a job and realized all my friends are at the gym, that is where I stay, so back to the gym I had to go.

    My shoes were too big this morning when I was going to church, expensive shoes, did not know my feet could get smaller, now have to buy shoes.

    My self esteem is so much better, now there is confrontation at every turn. I use to never confront anyone, it was peaceful, I just ate.

    I hope these bad things keep happening to me!
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member

    While getting in shape is great, it's not without it's downside. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I present my list of the top "bad" things that have happened since I began getting fit:

    1. I need to buy a new wardrobe - my clothes are too big!
    2. I'm an introvert, and am embarrassed by the compliments I receive regarding how my appearance has changed.
    3. Exercise has made my "bum knee" stronger so I can't use it to get out of heavy labor any more.
    4. My stamina has increased, so when my daughter wants to play, I can't use the "daddy's too tired" excuse any more.
    5. I am no longer too heavy for my household ladder's rating, so I have to get to all those high up chores now.
    6. I have more energy, so I don't get to sleep in as much (I wake up early and full of energy...)
    7. I'm hurting the economy because I use less soap when I shower.
    8. #7 again, but this time because I no longer need BP meds.
    9. I need to get my wedding ring re-sized so it won't fall off my finger.
    10. When I catch my reflection out of the corner of my eye, I have no idea who it is.

    What are some of the "bad" things that you've noticed?

    1, 3 and 9 are my issues also.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    1. I have to decide on a style so I can buy new clothes
    2. Sex is so much better
    3.The pharmaceutical companies don't like me because i now longer take five drugs and need antibiotics a lot less often.
    4. I can't use the excuse "I forgot" because my memory has improved from eating better and drinking more water.
    5. I move the seat in my car forward and, because my belly no longer stops me, constantly ram my knee into the dash.
    6. I can't avoid wearing ugly clothes people have given me anymore because they "don't fit".
    7. It takes a lot less time to shave because there's less of me and i can reach places I couldn't reach before.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    bumpity bumpity boo
  • Number 1: I can carry 30-40 pounds of groceries up to my third floor walkup without a pause so my mom doesn't help as much hahah
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    love, love this!
  • summerroxygoodin
    summerroxygoodin Posts: 62 Member
    My thighs started shrinking and my pants started getting so baggy that they are almost falling off.
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