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Is your weight loss journey being kept under wraps?



  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I have been rather quiet about it yes. Mostly because, yeah people don't really need to know. Also because I don't like making a big deal over myself.

    Now that I've been at it for a little while and the weightless is actually noticeable I have to acknowledge it a little bit more often. When a rare picture of me gets posted onto facebook (I'm usually the one taking pictures) or when I see someone I haven't seen in a while. People notice and say something.

    Also, as I'm looking better, getting stronger and pretty proud of the changes I've made to my body this far, I'm starting to be a little bit more open about it. My go to response to "are you losing weight!?" or "You look great!" has gone from "Uh yeah thanks" to more along the lines of "Thank you SO MUCH for noticing! I've been working really hard!" -
  • I am keeping it from most people that are around me only because in the past they have had negative things to say, last year I wanted to lose all the weight I gained after having my daughter when I saw myself in al of her first birthday pics and I hated what I saw

    . I started out strong but then work and kids and other stressful things got in the way and I only managed to keep off about 20 lbs. People were always pointing out how I wasn't losing as much etc. so it really got me down too. Last month I just decided to start again and I have been doing really well. I decided to become a vegetarian for personal beliefs and so that is about as much as I have shared with anyone, my husband knows I am focused on losing weight because I need his support. He used to bring home lots more junk food before then so im glad I did share with him what im doing.

    Its much better when you have someone in your corner that knows to not bring the tempting foods around or help you plan better choices of the foods you love.

    Im always looking to friends on MFP and always try to help motivate them as well, I love that I have so many people to share with.
  • I told my family only. Husband wants to help me diet, which sucks. He believes starving is the way to go :-(
    I lost 23 pounds and no one at work has noticed or said anything. I have 6 pounds to go to goal, and then I will reevaluate and see if I want to lose a little more. I probably wouldn't admit to changing my lifestyle to coworkers, since they don't know what it was before.
    Good luck to all!
  • MrsMetzler2013
    MrsMetzler2013 Posts: 22 Member
    I have told my husband, my sisters (my best friends), and my friend at work. Other than that, I am doing this for me and for me only. I joined Weight Watchers last year when a group started at work, and it quickly turned into a competition and I got sick of people asking me about my weight, food choices and monitoring me. So I quit and sadly, gained my weight back! So now I am doing it my own way and want to prove that I can do it on my own. I don't need anyone's approval, it just sucks when you know people notice and talk about when you do tend to gain a little. My husband is my biggest fan though and he is very encouraging. Both my sisters are on MFP too so we all help each other out.
  • I only really discuss weight loss with my close family as in Mom and Step Mom and one friend who is also trying to lose weight. None of my other friends really have weight issues, Lucky them !! So I don't really talk about it with them, I'm a little bit embarrassed I guess cause they are all slim and I don't want to seem like it bothers me ! Which is silly. Still it's nice to have MFP to talk as much as I want about weight loss and nutrition and stuff cause it's a topic here almost everyone is interested in !

    Keep going !! My heighest weight was 19st and I hit 11st 13 today.

    It feels AMAZING when people start commenting that you look great and you've lost so much weight :) !!! It's so worth it.

    When I'm in the dieting zone I tend to focus on that a lot and not go out on nights out because it seriously derails me.

    So when I bump into friend's I haven't seen in months its so nice when they comment.

    I never know what to say.. sort of just.. "Oh cheers... thanks"

    What's really amazing is I have seen people on the street who I haven't seen in years, and it actually takes them a few moments to recognize me !!

    Well done on your progress and keep going !!! You will feel amazing.

    Make sure you're losing weight for yourself and not just for people's reactions though, it has to be for YOU !

    X x

    Good Luck !
  • in the beginning i barely even told myself - lol - i was tired of "talking about it" to ME , wishing and wanting ....i decided one day that i was going to the gym 5 days a week for 12 wekks - develop the habit - it worked ! then i became one of those people that would "check-in" on facebook when i went to the gym (eyeroll lol) because i wanted EVERYBODY to know ....that got old but i'm still at it and 40lbs later people notice and ask me questions and i don't mind sharing my struggle - i find people to be pretty encouraging ESPECIALLY when i start to complain about how much weight i need to lose and how long its taking LOL
  • MrsMetzler2013
    MrsMetzler2013 Posts: 22 Member
    I told my family only. Husband wants to help me diet, which sucks. He believes starving is the way to go :-(
    I lost 23 pounds and no one at work has noticed or said anything. I have 6 pounds to go to goal, and then I will reevaluate and see if I want to lose a little more. I probably wouldn't admit to changing my lifestyle to coworkers, since they don't know what it was before.
    Good luck to all!

    23 pounds and no one noticed?! Congratulations, that is a great weight loss!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I don't talk about my weight loss to others unless asked.

    I found that by doing this it is my journey to better health not one that is monitored by others. Now that it is noticeable I get people commenting about my food choices like they have a say so in it, be it for good or bad. I also get that I must have had weight loss surgery a lot from people who haven't seen me in six or more months.

    Oh of course lol cos NOBODY could POSSIBLY lose weight by eating right and exercising lol ;)
    CONGRATS on your 89lb weight loss... thats amazing!

  • MrsH1987
    MrsH1987 Posts: 53 Member
    I have a photo album on facebook and I am updating that at important milestones :-) My friends like seeing my achievements and it has spurred a few people on to eat healthier
  • I didn't tell anyone other than my kids and sister. It's been the last two weeks that people have really started noticing. I saw a former client I haven't seen in about a year. She didnt recognize me.
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    Yep! If I had it my way I wouldn't have told my partner either, but living together makes that impossible. I did manage to do 6 weeks of Weight Watchers without him knowing before we moved in though!

    Similar to many, I only mention it if people notice or they ask why I don't want the free muffin basket. It's why I need MFP. I'm not tracking since I'm doing another program, but I need to talk about my efforts! I took a progress photo this morning and it's hard to not run around saying "Look! SEE? I'm thinner!"

    I just don't want to nag on about my weight if no one can relate.

    Feel free to add me to the covert slim club.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I only talk about it when asked. The crazy thing I have experienced is I now get asked what I did. I show them this app and how it works and they lose interest. It is like they just want a magic pill that allows them to continue eating like they do and lose weight.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I told my husband but otherwise I haven't told anyone. I don't feel the need to announce things I'm doing and I really hate people in my business. They'll be grilling me and asking for updates and offering "support" and I'll just get turned off.

    This is me. Obviously people have noticed by now but I didn't do it for them so I didn't feel the need to share it with people. I might have mentioned that I am 'trying to eat better' to my family but they are all very obese so I don't like to make a big deal about it especially since none of them are ready. One of my friends has recently started asking questions - or at least voiced an interest in losing weight so I told her a few of the things I have done and about this website and that's about all the sharing I have done ;)
  • briana12077
    briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
    I have told my mom and my friend (who doesn't take me seriously) and my sister. Other than that I just want to take this journey with people not in my real life (like friends on here), and get support from myself. I can't stand when my mom gets happy when I work out or don't eat something, just like I can't stand when my mom gets upset when I do the opposite. I can't stand the pressure of disappointing people.
  • ddebruhl
    ddebruhl Posts: 49 Member
    The only person that knows that I am trying to lose weight is my boyfriend. I haven't told others because it's really not for them-it's for me. :smile:
  • I've tried to lose weight many times in the past. I NEVER told anyone I was trying. I succeeded a bunch of times and failed even more. This time I've told everyone. :-o I think I've got a better chance at making it stick because I'm finally not on a 'diet' but have made long-lasting changes in my life.

    Oh yeah, plus EVERYONE know. ;0)
  • I didn't tell a soul about trying to lose weight because I didn't want it all to blow up in my face. I had tried losing weight so many times before to no avail, so I knew that if I told people and I failed again, they would somehow feel disappointed or judge me. It wasn't until I lost nearly 40 pounds that people began noticing on their own. Because I had already lost the weight, they had only kind words to say and I didn't feel any pressure to please others. It made the whole eating healthier and exercising thing a whole lot easier. I'd proved to them that I wasn't just saying I would lose weight, I was actually doing it. :smile:
  • Ally9842754889
    Ally9842754889 Posts: 5 Member
    I am slowly telling all my close friends and family. One of the first people I told decided to give it a go too! It is a nice surprise to have a great friend to do this with and that wouldn't have happened if I had kept it quiet. That being said - I am only telling people who I know would be supportive.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I went into everything intending to keep it a secret essentially from everyone except a couple family members that I interact with a lot. The problem with keeping it secret for me came when people started incessantly offering me food. I have one friend (who is a tiny stick of a girl, BTW.) who I go to dinner with. Eating out isn't the problem, but afterwards she offers me cake, doughnuts, chips, etc. I finally had to explain to her that I was trying to lose weight and that I'd appreciate it if she would stop. I've had to explain it to her a couple more times, but I think she's beginning to understand.

    The same thing happened with a woman at work who brought in a whole bag of candy that only I and one other person liked. It was really nice of her, but she was insisting that I eat it so it wasn't at her desk. To her I just said that I was on a diet so I would take months to finish the whole (super large) bag. I didn't go into details and that was enough to satisfy her. She's constantly on a crash diet (mostly intermittent fasting) and then groans about how she always gains the weight back.

    I'm trying to keep quiet about it with the rest of the office just because they don't necessarily need to know, and I've told a few more of my friends as time has gone on. Hopefully soon I'll be able to tell people because they actually notice :laugh:
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I had tried losing weight so many times before to no avail, so I knew that if I told people and I failed again, they would somehow feel disappointed or judge me.

    Even though I haven't made any active attempts before to lose weight, I've had enough friends say they were going to lose weight and then get nowhere that I was concerned about this. I also didn't trust my own will power or that I would stick with it. I had to wait until I was confident in what I was doing before I could tell anyone, because I didn't want them to think "Oh, she's trying to lose weight. That'll last a whole two minutes." I wanted to go in saying "I'm trying to lose weight. I've lost 20 pounds so far."